Relic Fashion Store
このテーマは2年以上更新されていません。すでにメンテナンスされていないか、サポートされていないため、最新のバージョンの WordPress と互換性の問題があるかもしれません。
Relic Fashion Store is a modern free WooCommerce WordPress theme especially designed for shops and eCommerce sites. It could be used for all types of ecommerce online stores, including: Fashion, Shoes, Jewelry, Watch, Sport, Technology, Mobile… Relic Fashion Store is easy to use and fully responsive.Theme is translation and multilinual ready. Relic Fashion Store is SEO friendly helping you to achieve the highest positions on Google and optimized codebase to maximize your site’s performance and loading speed. Main theme features: 2 menu positions, advance search bar,top Header, shop by category, full width owl carousel with custom products, left or right sidebars,both sidebar, footer widget area, custom logo, custom background, breadcrumbs, related posts, one homepage styles, fast loading, cross-browser compatibility, font awesome, documentation , support, bootstrap grid layout. Theme including support for grid/list toggle shop page,wishlist, quick view and compare plugins . SEO Friendly.
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有効インストール: 40+
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