Rock N Rolla
このテーマは2年以上更新されていません。すでにメンテナンスされていないか、サポートされていないため、最新のバージョンの WordPress と互換性の問題があるかもしれません。
Rock N Rolla is a theme designed specifically with bands in mind. It functions as a great looking blog theme, but also has some excellent (and optional) home page features to help promote your latest material, tours or any other content you want to. Display a Soundcloud, ReverbNation, Mixcloud or Spotify track or playlist. Display a large format image slider which also supports YouTube video. Or add a post carousel to promote tour dates or other content you want to highlite. Of course yo ucan also upload your own logo and control the theme colors as well.
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有効インストール: 800+
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