プラグインタグ: preview
MW WP Form
(22個の評価)MW WP Form はショートコードベースのフォームプラグインです。このプラグインには沢山の機能がついています。例えば、様々なバリデーションルールを使ったり、問い合わせデータを保存することができます。
Live Summary for Gravity Forms
(14個の評価)This simple and handy plugin will add a live summary next to any gravity form. No coding required. Simply check the fields you want to see and save yo …
Public Post Preview Configurator
(3個の評価)Enables you to configure the 'public post preview' plugin with a user interface.
(6個の評価)Now you don't need to add friends as users to the blog in order to let them preview your drafts
(5個の評価)Evermore automatically abbreviates all posts when they appear on a multiple-post page such as the main blog page.
(15個の評価)This is a plugin directed primarily at type designers, lettering artists, foundries or resellers to showcase webfonts by embedding interactive type te …
Eazy Under Construction
(2個の評価)Creates a 'Coming Soon' page that will show for all users who are not logged in
Shortcode Preview Block
(2個の評価)Shows preview of any shortcode on editor side. It renders shortcode in the editor side so editor does not need to visit front side.
Beautiful Link Preview
(4個の評価)Creates previews of links with title, description and preview images similar to sharing links on social networks.
Inline Preview
(8個の評価)Inline Preview adds a preview of the post you're writing next to the editor when you click Preview (instead of opening it in a new tab).
(6個の評価)This plugin adds link preview box to your post. You just copied & pasted an URL into your posting. 🙂
Theme Switcher Reloaded
(3個の評価)Theme Switcher Reloaded is an updated and much improved version of the original Theme Switcher. Comes with a widget and can also switch themes via URL …