プラグインタグ: quality
WP Resized Image Quality
(7個の評価)Get better uploaded quality or save bandwidth: Change the JPEG compression-level of uploaded images and thumbnails.
Switch Video Quality
(11個の評価)Adds quality switch functionality and automatic embed code generation to the wordpress video player.
Force jpeg quality
(2個の評価)WordPress は、スペースと帯域幅を節約するために、ウェブサイト上で提供される画像に90%の品質をデフォルトで使用します。このプラグインは強制的に100%になります。
Atomic Reach
(1個の評価)Atomic Reach was built to deliver a deep understanding of what makes your content perform and how to perfect it. This plugin establishes connection be …
Theme Mentor
(2個の評価)Theme Mentor is a cousin of the Theme-Check plugin getting deeper into the code analysis.
Webmaster.Net SEO Post Quality Analyzer – Quickly Find Low Quality Posts
(2個の評価)Webmaster.Net Post Quality Analyzer is a simple lite-weight plugin to analyze the quality of your posts.
(0個の評価)Automatic quality-assurance checks, ensuring your articles meet editorial guidelines.
Disable Images Compress
(0個の評価)Плагин Disable Images Compress позволяет отключить сжатие изображений при загрузке на сайт.