🌟 One Tool. Many Content Sources
Advanced Views プラグインは 複数のソース からデータを取り出せます。
- WordPress, WooCommerce, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin, MetaBox and Pods
🎨 すべての人のためのツール
- Made for Web Developers.
- Website Owner Friendly.
- Easy for Web Designers.
🕵️♂️ アクションでプラグインを見る
Visit the live playground we’ve prepared for you.
🛸 煩わしくなく開発
- Provides a Robust foundation
- Reduces the time required for project implementation
- Smart tool without the typical pitfalls of page builders
- Reusable Components
- Built-in Data Binding
- Just-in-Timeアセット
- Twig & Blade templates
- Automatic escaping
- WebComponents
- WP Interactivity API
- Live Reload feature
- IDE/Git対応
- TS/Sass対応
- Tailwind対応
- Multilingual
💡 テンプレート生成と組み込みのデータバインディング
Focus on critical aspects of your project rather than grappling with data conversions and extensive documentation.
- On-the-fly data format conversions
- Automated template generation
📢 最新のスマートテンプレート
Assists with maintaining the connection between fields in the database and their usage within the template.
- Built-in template validation with a bulk option
- Code editor for quick template changes
- File system storage option when using IDE, Version control or Sass/Typescript assets
⚙️ 簡略化されたDBクエリ
Wrapper for the built-in WordPress functions to simplify querying.
- Master WP_Query easily
- 結果をフィルタリングしてソート
- Twig templates for layout customization
🧩 Pre-built Components Library
Includes a set of commonly used elements.
- すぐに始める
- カスタマイズが簡単
- Meta fields and responsive CSS rules are included
📚 豊富なドキュメントとフレンドリーなサポート
Official documentation that covers all the main aspects and features, with helpful guides on how to use and extend functionality.
- 助けを求めてコミュニティフォーラムにアクセスしてください
- Personal support for the Pro version
🔗 Much More Available in Pro!
Installation for Advanced Views Framework
WordPress ダッシュボードから:
- プラグインリストを訪問し、「新規追加」をクリックしてください
- Search for “Advanced Views”
- Click “Install Now” and “Activate” for the Advanced Views plugin
- Visit the new menu item “Advanced Views Framework” and click “Add New” to create your first View
See our official plugin documentation for more.
Installation for Advanced Views: Pro edition
To purchase a Pro license key click here.
After payment you’ll receive an email with your license key which includes the Pro plugin archive.
- プラグインリストを訪問し、「新規追加」をクリック、その後「プラグインをアップロード」をクリックしてください
- Click on “Choose File” and locate the downloaded Pro archive, then click “Open”
- Click on “Install Now” and wait for the package to upload and install, then click “Activate Plugin”
Note: Lite plugin will automatically be deactivated. You can safely delete it from the Plugins list. (Don’t worry, deleting it won’t delete your data.) - In the Plugins list for Advanced Views: Pro edition click “Activate your Pro license” or use the left admin menu and click on “License”.
- プロライセンスキーをコピーして貼り付け、「有効化」をクリックしてください
Enjoy all the features and settings the Advanced Views Framework has to offer with automatic updates.
Customers with an active Pro license have personal support via our support form.
Advanced Viewsは、選択したメタベンダーが提供するすべてのフィールドソースをサポートしています。
例えば、 ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) を使用している場合、オプションページ、ユーザープロファイル、用語、コメント、メニューからフィールドにアクセスできます。
Gutenberg クエリループ内でフィールドを表示できますか?
Gutenberg クエリループ要素内で View ショートコードを使用できます。
コードやカスタム HTML など、他のブロックタイプでは正しく動作しないため、標準のショートコードブロックを利用して追加されていることを確認してください。
Advanced Views Framework – Display Posts, WooCommerce, ACF, MetaBox and Pods fields はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。
3.7.8 (2024-12-07)
- WP 6.7: fixed PHP notice – _load_textdomain_just_in_time was called incorrectly
- WP 6.7: added support for the new Interactivity API path
- Improved compatibility with the SiteGround Optimizer plugin
3.7.7 (2024-11-12)
- View & Card: made the ajax ‘View’ selector compatible with latest ACF.
- Editor: made the toggle bar icon visible
3.7.6 (2024-11-01)
- Compatibility with WordPress 6.7
- Improved compatibility with themes that use laravel packages
3.7.5 (2024-10-18)
- Views: fixed bug for items inside Gutenberg loop on the taxonomy archive pages
- UX improvements
3.7.4 (2024-09-13)
- Improved Twig validation
- Fixed editor layout issue related to WP 6.6.2
3.7.3 (2024-08-21)
- Improved Blade support
- Improved Rest Api support
3.7.2 (2024-08-01)
- Shortcodes: improved naming
- View shortcode: added the ‘post-slug’ argument
- Internal improvements
3.7.1 (2024-07-22)
- View: Post – added attachment link and attachment video fields
- WebComponent: Improved the shadow DOM type option
- Introduced the Live Reload feature
- Libraries CSS improvement: turned to inline styles
- Minor enhancements
3.7.0 (2024-07-09)
- Added Blade template engine support (as a Twig alternative)
- WP Taxonomy Terms field: fixed a visible label on the empty value
3.6.2 (2024-07-04)
- Card: Fixed View ajax select-related issue
- WP 6.6 compatibility mark
3.6.1 (2024-06-21):
- Card: fixed ‘pages_amount’ is missing for the ‘Source: Page context’
- Translations: updated and added the Performant feature support
3.6.0 (2024-06-19):
- Card: added a new option to load posts from the page context (e.g. archive/author/category)
- ACF vendor: added the Icon field type support
- Markup generator: enhancement to use semantic div alternatives (section/p tags where it’s relevant)
- Tailwind: improved support
- UX improvements
3.5.3 (2024-05-31):
- Minor improvements
3.5.1 (2024-05-23):
- Added ‘Enhanced compatible mode’ setting to the Settings->Debugging tab
- Updated translations
3.5.0 (2024-05-21):
- Added WP Interactivity support
- Added Tailwind support
- Added support for Taxonomies without string titles
- Added Defaults tab in the settings
- Added a setting to control the class generation in the default template
- Fixed a custom-arguments shortcode-related bug when passed array via Bridge/View_Shortcode
3.4.9 (2024-04-11):
- Enhanced automatic field id generation: now a) uses field name instead of label b) converts non-English locales (on hosting with php-intl extension)
- Enhanced MetaBox OSM and Map field types support
3.4.8 (2024-04-02):
- Fixed JS error on the plugins page
3.4.7 (2024-04-02):
- UX improvements
- Introduced a new ‘raw_value’ property for oEmbed and other HTML-related fields
3.4.6 (2024-03-22):
- Improved Twig scoping to avoid potential conflicts
3.4.5 (2024-03-21):
- Performance improvements
- Improved compatibility with the ‘wp_insert_post’ wrong calls
- Minor improvements
3.4.1 (2024-03-07):
- Added more pre-built components
- Meta fields import: fixed ACF group duplication instead of overriding
- Meta groups: improved ‘add new’ button behavior (now uses the general ‘group’ field)
- Minor improvements
3.4.0 (2024-03-04):
- Added the pre-build components
- Internal improvements
- Improved WP playground compatibility
- Readme update
- Image fields: added ‘id’ property
3.3.4 (2024-02-26):
- 翻訳互換性の向上 (第2ラウンド)
3.3.3 (2024-02-26):
- 翻訳互換性の向上
3.3.2 (2024-02-25):
- ‘基本’ パーマリンク構造との互換性を追加
- 6つの翻訳を追加 (ES、DE、IT、FR、RU、JA)
3.3.0 (2024-02-22):
- Updated codebase to the WordPress coding standards
- Introduced logging (the Debugging tab in the Settings)
- View & Card: added the ‘shadow-dom’ option to the web component setting
3.2.3 (2024-02-10):
- Internal improvements
- Fixed the pre-publish popup styles bug
3.2.0 (2024-02-08):
- Improved compatibility with the WordFence plugin
- Removed auto-converting new-lines to br for the wysiwyg field
- Added workaround for the ‘uncode’ theme post_content corrupting bug
- Improved View/Card edit screen loading speed
3.1.2 (2024-01-31):
- Shortcode: fixed object-id argument bug for websites with ‘index.php’ in permalinks
- Internal improvements
- List table: added the ‘FS only’ tab (for items present in the FS storage only)
- List table: added the ‘Bulk validation’ tab
3.1.1 (2024-01-29):
- Select field: added ‘choices’ property
- Comment content field: auto converting ‘\n’ to ‘br’
- Plugin nav: fixed Docs link on localhost
- Date field: added ‘timestamp’ property
- FS storage: added permission issue warning
3.1.0 (2024-01-25):
- Added Pods fields support
3.0.3 (2024-01-22):
- WP Taxonomy term field: fixed field-related bug
3.0.2 (2024-01-19):
- ACF: Textarea field improvement
3.0.1 (2024-01-18):
- Fixed a shortcode bug in the Gutenberg query loop in the block template
3.0.0 (2024-01-17):
- Removed ‘ACF’ dependency
- Added file system option for template storage
- Added MetaBox fields support
- Added a native way to render Views and Cards in PHP