This plugin offers limited support. Please do not expect new features or too many bugfixes. Features may be removed at any time.
Add From Server is designed to help ease the pain of bad web hosts, allowing you to upload files via FTP or SSH and later import them into WordPress.
This plugin is NOT designed to..
* Be used as a replacement for the file uploader
* Be used for migration of websites
* Re-import your files after moving webhosting
* Batch import media
This plugins IS designed to..
* Import files which are larger than your hosting allows to be uploaded.
* Import files which are too large for your internet connections upload speed.
WordPress does a better job of file uploads than this plugin, so please consider your needs before you use it.
You may also want to look at using WP-CLI for media import purposes:
How can I import files from other folders?
In 3.4, the plugin changed to limit the directories you can import files from.
If you wish to import files from other folders, you need to add the ADD_FROM_SERVER constant to your wp-config.php file.
For example:
define( ‘ADD_FROM_SERVER’, ‘/www/’ ); -
Why does the file I want to import have a red background?
Q: インポートしようとするファイルに赤い背景色が付くのはなぜでしょうか?
WordPressは、セキュリティを向上させるために特定のファイルタイプのインポート/アップロードを許可制にしています。ファイルタイプを追加したい場合は、https://ja.wordpress.org/plugins/pjw-mime-config/ の様なプラグインでできます。セキュリティ機能をオーバーライドしたい場合にも、WordPressで「フィルタなしのアップロード」を有効にすることができます。詳細については、WordPressのサポートフォーラムを参照してください。 -
Where are the files saved?
Q: ファイルはどこに保存されますか?
標準のアップロードディレクトリ(wp-content/uploads/)の外にあるファイルをインポートする場合、通常どおり現在のアップロードディレクトリにコピーされます。しかし、アップロードディレクトリ(例:wp-contents/uploads/2011/02/superplugin.zip)内にファイルがある場合には、コピーせずにファイルをインポートし、そのまま使用されます。 -
I have a a bug report
You can report bugs on GitHub and get support in the WordPress.org Support Forums.
- Fix a fatal error when WordPress or PHP requirements are not met.
- Simplify the date handling
- Better handling for
as the root path - Better compatibility with certain WordPress docker images
- Better handling for some empty folders
- Restore case insensitive alphabetical sorting
- Plugin now requires WordPress 5.4+
- The plugin now requires WordPress 5.1+ and PHP 7.0+. No reason other than why not.
- Bumps the version to stop the invalid vulnerability warnings.
- Cleans up code.
- Removes the User Access Control. Any user with File Upload ability can now use the plugin.
- Removes the Root Directory Control. The root directory is now assumed. You can use the ADD_FROM_SERVER constant to change it.
- Removes the Quick Jump functionality.
- Removes the ability to be able to select the date for imported media. It’s always today. Or, the 1st of the month if it’s stored in a dated folder.
- Removed Media Manager integration, as it’s no longer shown with the WordPress Block Editor. Classic Editor is not supported by this plugin.