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Cloudflare Page Cache


Integrates with the “Edge Cache HTML” Cloudflare Worker to edge-cache the generated HTML for anonymous users (not logged-in) resulting in huge performance gains, particularly on slower hosting.



  1. Visit “Plugins” Add New
  2. Search for “Cloudflare Page Cache”
  3. Activate Cloudflare Page Cache from your Plugins page.


  1. Download Cloudflare Page Cache
  2. Upload the “cloudflare-page-cache” directory to your “/wp-content/plugins/” directory, using ftp, sftp, scp etc.
  3. Activate Cloudflare Page Cache from your Plugins page.


One of the plugins I install on a fresh website. Works as is. Thanks a lot to the developer!
My thoughts are this is a great plugin and the easiest option to implement Workers. There are three main ways to get your TTFB to < 200ms with Cloudflare. 1. Fully optimize the traditional way totally free, but time consuming. 2. Use WP2Static and Workers – not very convenient, but easyish and $5 per month. 3. This plugin – easiest to set up and flexibility of the traditional way. What I do like about this plugin is you can still run it from regular WordPress so it’s super convenient, as you don’t have to rebuild your site like WP2Static. Also you can get a standard Cloudflare TTFB to under 200ms, yet people are so used to the cliche that WordPress is slow the myth lives on! Workers aren’t magic. They still use the same CDN as the free tier, but for devs especially it gives you more options. Definitely give this plugin a try. Don’t be put off by the lack of updates, it’s only a simple script. Much respect to Patrick for giving the community this little gem. 🙂
Pretty amazing on how good it works. It turned down my FTTP to 800ms to 300ms


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