Custom Post Type Widgets plugin adds default custom post type widgets.
You can filter by registered Custom Post Type or Taxonomy on widgets.
Descriptions of Widgets
display a list of the most recent custom posts.
- Title – description that appears over the list of recent custom posts.
- Post Type – if selected, filter by a custom post type. (e.g. post).
- Number of posts to show (at most 15) – enter the number of posts to display.
- Display post date? – if checked, display post date.
アーカイブ (カスタム投稿タイプ)
display a list of archive links for each month that has custom posts.
- Title – description that appears over the list of archive links.
- Post Type – if selected, filter by a custom post type. (e.g. post).
- Archive Type
- Display as dropdown – if checked, this box causes the archives to be displayed in a drop-down box.
- Show post counts – if checked, this box causes a count of the number of posts for each archive period.
- Order
カテゴリー (カスタム投稿タイプ)
display a list of categories that has custom posts.
- Title – description that appears over the list of categories.
- Taxonomy – if selected, filter a custom taxonomy (e.g. category).
- Display as dropdown – if checked, this box causes the categories to be displayed in a dropdown box.
- Show post counts – if checked, this box causes the count of the number of posts to display with each category.
- Show hierarchy – if checked, shows parent/child relationships in an indented manner.
カレンダー (カスタム投稿タイプ)
display a calendar of the current month.
- Title – description that appears over the calendar.
- Post Type – if selected, filter by a custom post type. (e.g. post).
最近のコメント (カスタム投稿タイプ)
display a list of the most recent comments.
- Title – description that appears over the list of recent comments.
- Post Type – if selected, filter by a custom post type. (e.g. post).
- Number of comments to show (at most 15) – enter the number of comments to be displayed.
タグクラウド (カスタム投稿タイプ)
display a list of the top 45 that has used in a tag cloud.
- Title – description that appears over the tag cloud.
- Taxonomy – if selected, filter a custom taxonomy (e.g. post_tag).
- Show tag counts – if checked, this box causes the count of the number of tags to display with each tag.
Search (Custom Post Type)
A search form for your site.
- Title – description that appears over the search.
- Post Type – if selected, filter by a custom post type. (e.g. post).
Custom Post Type Widgets has its own hooks. See the reference for details.
Reference: https://github.com/thingsym/custom-post-type-widgets#hooks
If you have any trouble, you can use the forums or report bugs.
- Forum: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/custom-post-type-widgets/
- Issues: https://github.com/thingsym/custom-post-type-widgets/issues
Small patches and bug reports can be submitted a issue tracker in Github. Forking on Github is another good way. You can send a pull request.
Translating a plugin takes a lot of time, effort, and patience. I really appreciate the hard work from these contributors.
If you have created or updated your own language pack, you can send gettext PO and MO files to author. I can bundle it into plugin.
You can also contribute by answering issues on the forums.
- Forum: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/custom-post-type-widgets/
- Issues: https://github.com/thingsym/custom-post-type-widgets/issues
Patches and Bug Fixes
Forking on Github is another good way. You can send a pull request.
- Fork Custom Post Type Widgets from GitHub repository
- Create a feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes: git commit -am ‘Add some feature’
- Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
- Create new Pull Request
Contribute guidlines
If you would like to contribute, here are some notes and guidlines.
- All development happens on the develop branch, so it is always the most up-to-date
- The master branch only contains tagged releases
- If you are going to be submitting a pull request, please submit your pull request to the develop branch
- See about forking and pull requests
Test Matrix
For operation compatibility between PHP version and WordPress version, see below Github Actions.
- Download and unzip files. Or install Custom Post Type Widgets plugin using the WordPress plugin installer. In that case, skip 2.
- Upload “custom-post-type-widgets” to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory.
- 「プラグイン」メニューからプラグインを有効化します。
- Adds widgets to a widget area and configure settings through the ‘Widgets’ menu in WordPress.
- ではお楽しみください !
IMPORTANT: By default, WordPress will not work Date-based permalinks of custom post type. Recommend that you install the plugin in order to edit the permalink, if you are using a Date-based permalinks.
And try the following: Custom Post Type Rewrite
404 error when clicking month link.
You may need to edit the permalink of custom post type.
By default, WordPress will not work Date-based permalinks of custom post type.
For example, a month link generates a link in a format like
/<custom post type name>/date/YYYY/MM/
, if you setNumeric
in Common Settings in Permalink Settings.日付の月のパーマリンクは共通設定により以下の2パターンがあります。
ただし、以下のようなリンクは動きません。/<custom post type name>/YYYY/MM/
(Day and name, Month and name, Post name)/<custom post type name>/date/YYYY/MM/
Custom Post Type Rewrite
In that case, you can disable the generation of permalinks by setting the following two constants in wp-config.php or the theme’s function.php.
Check the setting of the hierarchical argument of the register_taxonomy function.
(boolean) (optional) Is this taxonomy hierarchical (have descendants) like categories or not hierarchical like tags.
Default: falseReference: https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/register_taxonomy
By hierarchical option,
If false, use “Tag Cloud (Custom Post Type)” as tags.
If true, use “Categories (Custom Post Type)” as categories. -
Search filter dose not work.
Check the setting of the exclude_from_search argument of the register_post_type function.
(bool) Whether to exclude posts with this post type from front end search results. Default is the opposite value of $public. -
Show featured image as a thumbnail.
function cptw_hooks_setup() { add_action( 'custom_post_type_widgets/recent_posts/widget/prepend', 'cptw_recent_posts_prepend', 10, 4 ); } add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'cptw_hooks_setup' ); function cptw_recent_posts_prepend( $widget_id, $posttype, $instance, $recent_post ) { if ( has_post_thumbnail( $recent_post ) ) { echo get_the_post_thumbnail( $recent_post ); } }
Insert the above code into functions.php in your theme.
Does Custom Post Type Widgets have hooks ?
Custom Post Type Widgets has its own hooks.
Filter hooks
- custom_post_type_widgets/archive/widget_archives_dropdown_args
- custom_post_type_widgets/archive/widget_archives_args
- custom_post_type_widgets/categories/widget_categories_dropdown_args
- custom_post_type_widgets/categories/widget_categories_args
- custom_post_type_widgets/recent_comments/widget_comments_args
- custom_post_type_widgets/recent_posts/widget_posts_args
- custom_post_type_widgets/search/filter_post_type
- custom_post_type_widgets/tag_cloud/widget_tag_cloud_args
- custom_post_type_widgets/calendar/get_custom_post_type_calendar
- custom_post_type_widgets/archive/get_year_link_custom_post_type
- custom_post_type_widgets/archive/get_day_link_custom_post_type
- custom_post_type_widgets/archive/get_month_link_custom_post_type
- custom_post_type_widgets/archive/trim_post_type
- custom_post_type_widgets/calendar/get_day_link_custom_post_type
- custom_post_type_widgets/calendar/get_month_link_custom_post_type
Action hooks
- custom_post_type_widgets/recent_posts/widget/before
- custom_post_type_widgets/recent_posts/widget/prepend
- custom_post_type_widgets/recent_posts/widget/append
- custom_post_type_widgets/recent_posts/widget/after
Reference: https://github.com/thingsym/custom-post-type-widgets#hooks
- update japanese translation
- tested up to 6.2.0
- fix composer scripts
- update github actions
- fix load_textdomain method for testability
- add msgmerge to composer scripts
- add support section and enhance contribution section to README
- fix license
- update screenshots
- edit README
- fix the priority of the rewrite rule of register_post_type()
- tested up to 6.0.0
- fix wp-plugin-unit-test.yml
- update japanese translation
- update pot
- fix test case
- add format argument
- supports translation
- add ASC/DESC order option for archive widget
- fix rewrite slug for has_archive setting
- rename variable name
- add composer script
- remove makepot:php composer script
- change action hook
- rename method name
- fix hook to load_textdomain for translate on Widgets Screen
- replace assert from assertEquals to assertSame
- add test case
- fix README
- update wp-plugin-unit-test.yml
- bump up yoast/phpunit-polyfills version
- change os to ubuntu-20.04 for ci
- add Upgrade Notice
- change requires at least to wordpress 4.9
- change requires to PHP 5.6
- fix: fix pot and translation
- fix label
- fix test unit configuration and lint ruleset
- update composer.json
- add timeout-minutes to workflows
- add phpunit-polyfills
- update install-wp-tests.sh
- fix .editorconfig
- tested up to 5.8.0
- fix github workflows
- update screenshot
- tested up to 5.6.2
- update japanese translation
- update pot
- add init method, change method name
- separate class into separate a file
- add sponsor link
- add dropdown label option with categories widget
- add archive type option with archive widget
- add donate link
- add filter hooks, custom_post_type_widgets/archive/get_month_link_custom_post_type, custom_post_type_widgets/archive/trim_post_type, custom_post_type_widgets/calendar/get_day_link_custom_post_type, custom_post_type_widgets/calendar/get_month_link_custom_post_type
- add FUNDING.yml
- add GitHub actions for CI/CD, remove .travis.yml
- imporve code with phpcs, phpmd and phpstan
- edit README
- update japanese translation
- update pot
- fix test case
- imporve code with phpcs, phpmd and phpstan
- update testunit configuration
- restructure code to perform a single task
- add denying direct file access
- divide as load_textdomain function
- fix composer.json
- change calendar widget markup
- add hook custom_post_type_widgets/calendar/get_custom_post_type_calendar
- fix get_custom_post_type_calendar method
- change to call method directly instead of via hook in the calendar widget
- replace from id attribute to calss attribute in the calendar
- add any matching value as all types
- change Requires at least version 4.0
- [Calendar widget] cache the calendar
- improve filter hooks and action hooks
- fix test case
- refactoring
- add customize_selective_refresh
- fix phpcs.ruleset.xml
- replace from strip_tags to wp_strip_all_tags
- replace from _e to esc_html_e
- add PHPDoc
- fix header
- add reset-wp-tests.sh, uninstall-wp-tests.sh
- fix indent and reformat with phpcs and phpcbf
- add composer.json for test
- add static code analysis config
- change Requires at least version 3.7
- fix add_action
- add sanitize
- add tests
- [Categories widget] change value_field of the cat_args from name to slug
- limit the scope of the filter hook
- [Search widget] rename the name of the filter hook
- fix the initial value of the posttype, the archive_name and the taxonomy
- [Search widget] add apply_filters ‘WP_Custom_Post_Type_Widgets_Search_filter_post_type’
- improve function ‘query_search_filter_only_post_type’ [Search widget]
- [Search widget] change to add_action ‘pre_get_posts’ run only on the front-end page
- [Comments widgets, Search widgets] add ‘All’ to posttype option
- refactoring
- add Custom Post Type Search widget
- fix cache key of Custom Post Type Calendar widget
- support for custom post type slugs
- add german translation
- add italian translation
- fix $cat_args[‘show_option_none’]
- fix the ‘name’ param of get_terms()
- プラグインをリリース