WordPress Download Manager は、WordPress サイトからのファイルのダウンロードを管理、追跡、制御するために設計されたファイル / ドキュメント管理プラグインです。パスワードとユーザー権限グループを使用して、ファイルへのアクセスを制御し、ダウンロード速度を管理し、ユーザーごとのダウンロード数を制限できます。また、ボット、不要なユーザー、スパマーをブロックするための Captcha ロックや IP ブロックなどの機能も提供します。ダウンロードする前に、ユーザーに利用規約への同意を求めることもできます。
デジタル製品を販売する必要がありますか ? デジタル製品を販売するための完全な e コマースソリューションとして、WordPress Download Manager を使用できます。デジタルアイテムを販売する必要がある場合は、価格を設定するだけです。また、ライセンス (例: シンプル、拡張、無制限) ベースの価格を製品に使用することもできます。ユーザーは無料のアイテムを直接ダウンロードできます。アイテムに価格がある場合は、お買い物カゴと購入手続きを経由する必要があります。WordPress Download Manager には、アイテムの購入時にユーザーエクスペリエンスを向上させる最も簡単な購入手続きのオプションがあり、常に注文が正常に完了する可能性が高くなります。
- カスタム投稿タイプとタクソノミーを使えば、ダウンロードの追加は投稿の作成と同じです
- Drag and Drop File Upload
- Chunk upload support to override http max upload limit
- Attach file directly from your server using server file browser
- メディアライブラリファイルの保護
- Integrated document viewer ( DOC, PDF and POWERPOINT )
- Quick add panel with tinymce editor button to create and insert a download easily when you are editing a post or page
- Google Drive support to store your files in Google drive ( 15 GB of space for free)
- DropBox support to store your files in DropBox ( 2 GB of space for free )
- Box.com support to store your files in Box.com ( 10 GB of space for free )
- OneDrive support to store your files in onedrive.live.com ( 15 GB of space for free )
- Option to “Open in Browser” or “Download” files ( PDFs or images )
- Control who can access to download
- Category level access control
- Download speed control
- Password protection
- CAPTCHA protection
- IP block option to prevent bot downloads or downloads from unwanted IP addresses
- Download logs to check who is downloading which file from where and when
- Terms protection – Agree with Terms & Conditions before download
- Download counter to see total download count for each file
- Custom download link icon
- File type icon support
- Full Featured User Dashboard ( use short-code [wpdm_user_dashboard] )
- Custom front-end login / signup form short-code
- Custom oEmbed t emplate
- Responsive DataTable support ( use short-code [wpdm_all_packages jstable=1 items_per_page=20] )
- Searching and Sorting Option
- Custom link label
- Short-code for download link
- Short-code for direct link to downloadable file [wpdm_direct_link id=file_id_required link_label=any_text_optional]
- Widget for new files
- Widget for top downloads
- Widget for searching downloads
- Multi-level Categories
- Custom TinyMce Button
- Category embed short-code
- Advanced server file browser
- Complete category and file tree using a simple short-code [wpdm_tree]
- MP4 video upload and play support
- Video file download protection, allow visitors to play but block download
- Translation Ready
Digital Asset Manager
- Server file manager
- Create new file and folder easily
- Move, copy, edit files
- Integrated file editor with syntax highlights
- Asset shortcode to embed a file/asset easily in a page or post
- Upload, Download and Delete operations
- Video and audio preview/play
Digital Asset Manager ( Pro Features )
- File tagging
- Sharable link generator
- Bookmarking, Comments and discussions
- Front-end asset management
- Custom asset metadata
- Asset archive and version management
Complete Digital Store Solution:
デジタルアイテムを販売する必要がある場合は、プレミアムパッケージ – 完全なデジタルストアソリューション アドオン (無料) を使用してください。このアドオンには、デジタルダウンロード用の完璧なオンラインショップを構築するために必要なすべての機能が備わっています:
- Single Click Activation ( Auto-install & Activate )
- Sell Digital Products Securely
- Easy Administration
- PayPal Integrated
- User-role Based Discount Management
- Coupon Management
- Sales Tax
- Save Cart and Checkout Later
- Email Saved Cart
- Product & Price Variations ( License Based Pricing / Sell Extra Gigs with Product )
- Promotional Pricing for Your Digital Products
- “Pay As You Want” pricing
- Invoice Generation
- Easiest Checkout System
- Guest Checkout and Guest Download
- Order expiration option ( Like 1 year support & update access, then expire )
- Auto-renew order option ( Accept Recurring Payment for Orders )
- 簡単な注文管理
- メールによる販売通知
- プッシュメッセージでモバイルに直接販売通知を送信
- 非常に詳細な販売レポート
- 注文メモ & メッセージシステム
- 拡張製品ライセンスシステム
- ライセンスレベル価格
- ライセンスシステム統合のためのライセンスAPIの実装が容易
- Full-featured Digital Products Marketplace with Front-end product submission & payout management ( This Feature Requires WPDM v4+ )
- Sell individual files ( like single song from an album ) ( This Feature Requires WPDM v4+ )
- そしてもっとたくさん…。
Gutenberg Blocks
- Gutenberg エディター用の Gutenberg Blocks
- Gutenberg ブロックとページレイアウト – Attire Blocks
Elementor Addons
- Download Manager Addons for Elementor – Use the plugin if you are using Elementor Website Builder. The plugin provides elementor addons for all wordpress download manager shortcodes you were writing manually.
Google Drive
Google Drive Explorer アドオン (無料) を使用して、ファイルを Google ドライブに保存し、Download Manager にリンクすると、15GB の無料ストレージスペースが確保され、サーバーの帯域幅を節約できます
DropBox Explorer アドオン (無料) を使用して、ファイルを Dropbox に保存し、Download Manager とリンクすると、2GB の無料ストレージスペースが確保され、サーバーの帯域幅を節約できます
Box.com Explorer アドオン (無料) を使用して Box.com にファイルを保存し、Download Manager とリンクすると、10GB の無料ストレージスペースが確保され、サーバー帯域幅を節約できます
OneDrive Explorer アドオン (無料) を使用して、Microsoft OneDrive にファイルを保存し、Download Manager とリンクすると、15GB の無料ストレージ スペースが確保され、サーバー帯域幅を節約できます
pCloud Connector アドオン (プレミアム) を使用して、ファイルを pCloud に保存し、Download Manager とリンクすると、10GB の無料ストレージスペースが確保され、サーバーの帯域幅を節約できます
- Advanced Tiny-Mce Button for editor button to generate short-codes
- Extended Short-codes for tree view ( [wpdm_tree] ), slider ( [wpdm_slider] ) & carousel ( [wpdm_carousel] )
- WPDM画像ボタンで、ダウンロードリンクラベルをカスタムデザインの画像に置き換えることができます
- WPDM Button Templates は、あらかじめデザインされたカラフルなボタンスタイルを提供します
Mobile Apps
- WPDM API – このアドオンをサイトにインストールし、API キーを設定します
- WPDM for Abdroid – Androidスマートフォンにアプリをインストールします
- WPDM for iOS – iPhone や iPad から直接ダウンロードと販売の統計を確認できます
Free Themes
- Attire – ブログ、ポートフォリオ、写真、ストックイメージ、音楽、ビデオアーカイブ、ソフトウェアダウンロードディレクトリ、eコマースなどのサイトに最適なテーマで、無料です。
More Themes & Add-ons
このプラグインは、スパムや不正アクセスから保護することでセキュリティを強化するために、Google reCAPTCHA を利用する場合があります。Google reCAPTCHA は、Google のプライバシー ポリシーと利用規約の対象であり、それぞれ https://policies.google.com/privacy と https://policies.google.com/terms で確認できます。
私たちのプラグインは、ユーザーの利便性のために Microsoft Office ドキュメントをプレビューする機能を提供します。この機能は Microsoft サービスに依存する場合があります。このプラグインを介して Office ドキュメントにアクセスしてプレビューする場合、ユーザーは Microsoft のプライバシー ポリシーと利用規約の対象となる場合があります。詳細については、Microsoft のプライバシーステートメントおよび 利用規約を参照してください。
このプラグインは、特定のファイル形式に対して Google ドキュメントのプレビュー機能を提供する場合があります。プレビュープロセス中に、ユーザーは Google のサービスとやり取りする場合があります。この機能を使用する場合は、Google のプライバシー ポリシーと利用規約が適用されます。これらのポリシーは、https://policies.google.com/privacy と https://policies.google.com/terms で確認できます。
ディレクトリにアップロードします- WordPress の「プラグイン」メニューからプラグインを有効化してください
Download Manager はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。
3.3.04 – 2024.12.05
- Fixed an issue with the media access control function ( reported by Rafie Muhammad from Patchstack )
- Fixed an issue with the shortcode-iframe page ( reported by mikemyers to Wordfence )
- Fixed an issue with the password lock ( reported by mikemyers to Wordfence )
3.3.03 – 2024.11.27
- Fixed an issue with the input sanitization in ui settings
3.3.02 – 2024.10.29
- Fixed an issue with the database update option
3.3.01 – 2024.10.29
- Fixed an issue with user interface ui settings
- Added custom cron job manager to handle various wpdm cron job efficiently
3.3.00 – 2024.10.09
- Fixed a parameter sanitization issue with short-code
3.2.99 – 2024.09.13
- Improved settings options
- Fixed an input sanitization issue ( Reported by Animesh from WPScan )
3.2.98 – 2024.07.28
- Fixed a shortcode parameter sanitization issue with the all downloads shortcode ( reported by Jack Taylor from Wordfence )
3.2.97 – 2024.07.08
- Compatibility update for WorPress 6.6
3.2.96 – 2024.06.10
- Fixed an issue with email template editor
- Updated email templates
3.2.95 – 2024.06.04
- Fixed an issue with the
3.2.94 – 2024.06.03
- Fixed a parameter sanitization issue with the
3.2.93 – 2024.06.03
- Fixed an input sanitization issue with
shortcode ( Reported by WordFence ) - Fixed an issue with the master key validation
- Added option to enable/disable email
3.2.92 – 2024.05.03
- Improved media library file protection option
3.2.91 – 2024.05.03
- Fixed an issue with allowed path check function in file system class
- Fixed an issue with the media library protection function
- Fixed an input sanitization issue with all packages/downloads shortcode
3.2.90 – 2024.04.18
- Fixed a security issue with protected media file download
3.2.89 – 2024.03.27
- Fixed a javascript issue with the login form
- Fixed a UI issue with the media access control
3.2.88 – 2024.03.19
- Fixed a plugin conflict issue with the login form short-code
3.2.87 – 2024.03.18
- Fixed an issue with the category link shortcode
- Fixed an issue with the private package download link
- Fixed an issue with the file size calculation
- Improve input sanitization function
- Fixed an issue with file browser base dir path in Windows server
- Fixed an XSS issue with the front-end edit profile page
3.2.86 – 2024.02.24
- Fixed short-code parameter sanitization issue with category and direct download shortcodes
3.2.85 – 2024.02.20
- Added new option to search package icons online
- Fixed input sanitization issues with short-code parameters
- Improved WPDM Query class
3.2.84 – 2024.01.16
- Added new option to enable/disable password strength validation during signup
3.2.83 – 2023.12.01
- Fixed an issue with the password validation for password-protected files
3.2.82 – 2023.11.15
- Introduced a new constant
to change wpdm tag taxonomy name - Fixed the issue with the sorting with file size in all downloads table
3.2.81 – 2023.11.01
- Added password strength indicator with password field in signup form
- Added option to disable master download link
3.2.80 – 2023.09.22
- Fixed an issue with missing text in translation file
- Optimized codebase
3.2.79 – 2023.09.19
- Updated email templates
- Compatibility update for new WordPress plugin guidelines
3.2.78 – 2023.09.13
- Fixed an issue with the file attachment check function
3.2.77 – 2023.09.13
- Fixed an issue with the modal login form
- Improved file attachment option
- Updated font awesome
- Fixed an issue with the user agent handling class
3.2.76 – 2023.07.31
- Fixed an issue with the wpdm session conflict with client and server side
3.2.75 – 2023.07.31
- Compatibility update for WordPres 6.3
- Fixed an issue with the password protected media files
- Improved asset manager
3.2.74 – 2023.07.11
- Added a new hook to control frontend styles
- Added a shortcode parameter to add custom message to show when no package found
3.2.73 – 2023.06.14
- Improved admin options for link/page templates
- Improved page settings options
3.2.72 – 2023.05.19
- Improved download stats
- Fixed a shortcode parameter sanitization issue with the all downloads table and modal login form
3.2.71 – 2023.05.01
- Fixed an issue with password lock option and expirable download links
- Fixed a parameter sanitization issue with the members short-code
- Fixed a parameter sanitization issue with the login form short-code
- Fixed a parameter sanitization issue with the signup form short-code
- Fixed a char encoding issue with file passwords
- Introduced 3 constants
, in case you want to disable any of the file attachment option
3.2.70 – 2023.03.30
- Optimized link/page template
- Compatibility update for WordPress 6.2
3.2.69 – 2023.03.15
- Redesigned admin settings ui
- Fixed an issue with the password lock option
3.2.68 – 2023.03.09
- Improved asset manager
- Fixed an issue with the media access control
3.2.67 – 2023.02.12
- Fixed a pagination issue with the asset manager
3.2.66 – 2023.01.23
- Fixed an issue with the user signup function
- Added pagination support with the asset manager
- Added file search option with the asset manager
- Improved file upload function
3.2.65 – 2023.01.04
- Improved email templates
- Improved internal codebase
3.2.64 – 2022.12.27
- Fixed an issue on the settings page generated from the previous version
3.2.63 – 2022.12.27
- Fixed input sanitization issue with image selector option field function
- Fixed an issue with the text domain
3.2.62 – 2022.12.19
- Fixed an input sanitization issue with modal login form shortcode
- Added new link template
3.2.61 – 2022.12.11
- Improved session management
- Introduced custom cron url ( Settings >> Privacy >> Cache & Stats ) to clear cache, you can use the URL
3.2.60 – 2022.11.29
- Fixed an input validation issue with the search bar in wpdm shortcodes
- Added a new page template
3.2.59 – 2022.11.02
- Improved admin options
- Fixed a notice with all files table shortcode
3.2.58 – 2022.10.17
- Fixed an issue with sorting by download count for packages shortcode
- Fixed an issue with absolute path recovery for Windows server
3.2.57 – 2022.09.22
- Fixed an issue with the view count function
3.2.56 – 2022.09.08
- Fixed case sensitive file extension issue
3.2.55 – 2022.08.31
- Fixed an issue with file browser root dir selection
- Fixed an issue with URL encoding
3.2.54 – 2022.08.22
- Improved asset manager
- Updated font awesome
- Fixed a few input sanitization and escape output issues
3.2.53 – 2022.08.03
- Fixed an issue with the
sanitization in modal login form
3.2.52 – 2022.07.28
- Fixed an issue with the insert url option
3.2.51 – 2022.07.27
- Revalidated attached file to avoid any blocked file type attachment
3.2.50 – 2022.07.26
- Added option to allow/disallow proxy IP, disallowed by default
3.2.49 – 2022.07.06
- Fixed several Authenticated Persistent XSS Issues, special thanks to
3.2.48 – 2022.07.03
- Improved admin UI
- Rechecked code and fixed 2 issues with esc attr
3.2.47 – 2022.06.30
- Fixed input filtering issue with the Insert URL option
3.2.46 – 2022.06.29
- Fixed input filtering issue with the Insert URL option
3.2.45 – 2022.06.23
- Internal codebase update
3.2.44 – 2022.06.23
- Improved email template options
- Internal codebase improvements
- Fixed 2 input sanitization issues with download history and login form template
3.2.43 – 2022.06.02
- Fixed an input sanitization issue with shortcode iframe
3.2.42 – 2022.05.31
- Compatibility update for WordPress 6.0
- Improved asset manager
- Improved default email template
- Improved stats and history
3.2.41 – 2022.05.04
- Improved select2 ui
- Fixed an issue with template path detection
- Fixed the password validation issue with the password lock
- Fixed ssl error issue with the QR code template tag
- Fixed the file download issue for the files when file name starts with space
3.2.40 – 2022.04.12
- Fixed an issue with the password reset form
3.2.39 – 2022.03.14
- Improved master key option
- Fixed an issue with the css variable for Google web font
3.2.38 – 2022.03.08
- Improved all downloads table, added support for wpdm acf add-on
3.2.37 – 2022.02.17
- Compatibility update for wp 5.9
- Improved admin options
- Fixed an issue with the category shortcode
3.2.36 – 2022.02.02
- Adjusted a backward compatibility issue for older php version
- Fixed several variable escaping issues
3.2.35 – 2022.01.25
- Fixed an issue with the password validation
3.2.34 – 2022.01.11
- Fixed data sanitization issue on stats page
- Optimized json api calls
3.2.33 – 2022.01.11
- Codebase optimization
- Changed name from
WordPress Download Manager
toDownload Manager
3.2.32 – 2021.12.21
- Fixed a wpdm add-on compatibility issue
3.2.31 – 2021.12.21
- Improved input sanitization options
3.2.30 – 2021.12.27
- Improved input sanitization options
3.2.29 – 2021.12.24
- Fixed an undefined index notice on download page
3.2.28 – 2021.12.24
- Fixed several input sanitization issues
3.2.27 – 2021.12.20
- Improved add-ons page
3.2.26 – 2021.12.09
- Adjusted some data sanitization issues
3.2.25 – 2021.12.06
- Improved admin ui
3.2.24 – 2021.11.26
- Fixed file path issue for
3.2.23 – 2021.11.25
- Fixed some sanitization issues
- Removed chosen js library, using select2 now
3.2.22 – 2021.11.24
- Fixed a security issue with the email template editor
3.2.21 – 2021.11.23
- Added option to delete file from server
- Improved admin UI
- Fixed an issue with temp storage option
3.2.20 – 2021.10.24
- Added function to clear temp storage and clear session data with
Clear All Cache
Button - Improved ui options
3.2.19 – 2021.10.21
- Fixed an issue with cache storage setting
3.2.18 – 2021.10.06
- Remove
3.2.17 – 2021.10.06
- Fixed a sanitization issue with the wpdm client cookie
- Fixed js undefined variable issue with the modal login form
3.2.16 – 2021.09.27
- Fixed an issue with the pagination function
- Improved UI class
- Improved category and packages shortcode
- Fixed package sorting issue with the category and package shortcode
- Fixed RTL layout issue with wpdm admin settings page
3.2.15 – 2021.08.18
- Improved session manager class
- Fixed an issue with with asset access checking function
- Fixed an issue with the WidgetController class
3.2.14 – 2021.08.16
- Fixed an issue with template file detection in child theme
- Fixed file delete option with the asset manager
3.2.13 – 2021.08.04
- Fixed a security issue around email template function
- Fixed an issue with the wpdm tag query
- Fixed site url tag issue with the email message
3.2.12 – 2021.07.26
- Fixed an issue with recaptcha lock
- Fixed an issue with the text domain
3.2.11 – 2021.07.15
- Fixed an naming conflict with an widget
- Added 2 new filter hooks
to resolve file page rendering issue outside of main loop/query
3.2.10 – 2021.07.14
- Fixed an issue with plugin update notice
3.2.09 – 2021.07.14
- Improved query class
- Fixed issue with text domain in login form template & edit profile template
3.2.08 – 2021.07.12
- Fixed an issue with the file type icon
- Added a new filter hook
- Fixed issue with widget namespace
- Fixed an issue with tag query
3.2.07 – 2021.07.09
- Restored default link template to
- Restored wpdm file url slug to
3.2.06 – 2021.07.08
- Fixed an issue with the doc viewer
3.2.05 – 2021.07.07
- Fixed the issue with the reCaptcha lock
- Fixed icon issue with the all files table
3.2.04 – 2021.07.06
- Fixed thumbnail issue with
- Added option to hide admin notice for add-on update
- Fixed an issue with the Top Downloads widget
3.2.03 – 2021.07.05
- Fixed the issue with the file duplicate option
3.2.02 – 2021.07.05
- Re-added missing link and page templates
3.2.01 – 2021.07.05
- Fixed an issue with file listing
3.2.00 – 2021.07.04
- Rebuilt codebase from the ground
- Refreshed UI
- Improved asset manager
- Custom taxonomy ( wpdmtag ) as download/file tag
3.1.28 – 2021.06.07
- Fixed file upload issue with the asset manager
- Fixed an issue with the password lock option
3.1.27 – 2021.05.07
- Fixed an issue with file type validation in file download function
3.1.26 – 2021.05.07
- Improved file type validation function
3.1.25 – 2021.05.05
- Fixed an security issue with link/page template file path, thanks for Wordfence for pointing the issue.
3.1.24 – 2021.05.01
- Fixed an issue with user downoad count table creation
- Fixed and issue with stats filtering options
3.1.23 – 2021.04.27
- Improved asset manager
3.1.22 – 2021.04.22
- Fixed settings save issue with plugin update settings
3.1.21 – 2021.04.21
- Fixed an issue with server file picker
3.1.20 – 2021.04.20
- Fixed an issue with asset manager dir explorer
3.1.19 – 2021.04.20
- Fixed 3 security issues and improved security with file upload, asset manager access, settings options. Special thanks to WPScan and Darius Sveikauskas for pointing those issues.
3.1.18 – 2021.04.16
- Fixed an issue with the file copy/duplicate option
3.1.17 – 2021.04.08
- Adjusted shortcode column, removed the popup trigger button and reinstated the preview text field showing the shortcode
3.1.16 – 2021.03.23
- Fixed the issue with the password reset form
- Fixed 2
undefined variable
notice in class.Package.php - Fixed 1
undefined variable
notice in class.Email.php
3.1.15 – 2021.02.24
- Fixed an issue user agent detection
- Added new option to duplicate downloads
- Improved shortcode column
- Improved Query class
3.1.14 – 2021.02.09
- Fixed an issue with the file size function
- Fixed an issue with UI selection option
3.1.13 – 2021.01.28
- Fixed an issue with the terms lock
- Fixed an UI issue with the asset manager file editor
- Improved terms lock option
- Added zip and unzip option with the asset manager
- Extended download history feature
- Improved asset manager
- Fixed the issue with displaying download count
- Fixed the date format issue with download history
- Improved email class, added support for custom tags in email to add user meta and REQUEST data
- Improved Crypt class
- Fixed an issue with the category shortcode
- Fixed an issue with the login form parameter handling
- Fixed a security issue ( Thanks to Austin Turecek, security research from Flashpoint )
- Compatibility update for WordPress 5.5
- Fixed an issue with the view counter
- Fixed an issue with modal popup
- Fixed an issue with the media library file protection
- Optimized frontend UI
- Fixed an issue with the login form captcha validation
- Added options to enable/disable login/register form captcha from basic settings
- Improved search widget
- Added new option to mask/unmask download link
- Fixed issue with the class.ShortCode.php, added a missing method
- Fixed an issue with class.UI.php
- Fixed the issue with PHP 5.6 compatibility
- Fixed the issue with terms lock
- Fixed the issue with reCaptcha overlap between modal login form and signup form
- Fixed the style issue with the all downloads table
- New options to customize category page styles
- Improved register and login form shortcodes
- Improved data table view
- Improved asset manager
- Fixed an issue with category handler
- Fixed an issue with Package Info widget
- Fixed an issue with file extension check
- Improved admin UI
- Fixed an issue with the PDF viewer
- Fixed a notice due to undefined constant
- Introduced a new constant to disable asset manager, need to add
define('WPDM_ASSET_MANAGER', false);
in wp-config.php - Fixed a warning with category access check method
- Fixed an issue with the font awesome enqueue
- Fixed special char issue with the password lock
- File attachment from file picker changed to relative path from absolute path to avoid file path issue after moving to another server
- Improved package info widget
- Added new mail template for new use signup admin notification
- Compatibility update for PHP 7.4
- Added modal login form
- Fixed attached file path issue with the server file picker
- Added server file picker feature
- Added media library file protection feature
- Added custom icon support for data table
- Added new option to attach file from media library
- Added audio player option
- Added new link template with audio play button
- Added new page template with audio player
- Improved asset manager
- Improved frontend UI
- Compatibility update for WordPress 5.3
- Fixed a CSS issue wit the UI settings
- Fixed a translation issue with the template files
- Fixed am issue with oEmbed function
- Fixed an issue with direct link shortcode parameter
- Fixed an issue with email template save function
- Improved asset manager root directory option
- Improved stats export options
- Fixed file sorting issue with all downloads table
- Fixed an issue with file browser root dir in windows server
- Adjusted asset manager access to site admins
- Asset awesome new option for asset management
- Fixed an issue with the terms lock
- Fixed an char encoding issue with server file browser path
- Fixed an issue with google drive file download
- Fixed an issue with login required message
- Fixed input sanitization issue with email template and package settings
- Compatibility update for WordPress 5.2
- Improved user dashboard area
- Fixed an issue with the captcha lock
- Sanitized user inputs with category shortcode
- Improved session management
- Fixed issued with the password reset form
- Fixed the conflict with health check plugin
- Fixed an issue with email template edit
- Improved UI settings
- Fixed invalid input issue with package settings
- Fixed an issue with settings page tab load
- Fixed the issue with saving settings
- Compatibility update for WordPress 5.1
- Fixed an issue with wpdm_direct_link shortcode
- Fixed an issue with session class namespace
- Fixed an issue with signup form
- Fixed the issue with cache dir creation
- Fixed the conflict with the wordpress plugin/theme editor
- Moved cache directory outside of plugins dir
- Added new option to customize download button styles easily
- Updated sign up and login form
- Updated email templates
- Added email template editor ( option to customize all email messages and templates send from wpdm )
- Improved search shortcode
- Fixed text domain issue with registration form
- Fixed a redirection issue with the login form
- Option to enable/disable Google Fonts
- Changed Font Awesome enqueue ID
- Added some missing file type icons
- Fixed an issue with the font awesome enqueue
- Compatibility update for gutenberg
- Updated font awesome
- Fixed an issue with category access
- Fixed SQL issue in download history page
- Fixed the icon size issue with link template
- Updated crypt class
- Updated category access settings
- Fixed the issue with pagination class name
- Improved video file protection, now you can allow user to play/view video but block download
- Improved UI
- Moved privacy settings to a separate settings tab
- Added option to delete download history when users close accounts
- Added option to empty cache dir
- Added new option to skip from download stats for GDPR compliance
- Fixed an issue with file name sanitization
- Fixed an issue with video play
- Updated font awesome
- Added new option to use category icon/image
- Improved fields ( title, page_link ) with all downloads table
- Fixed compatibility issue with Form Lock Add-on
- Updated add-on manager
- Added new fields ( author_name, author_pic ) for all downloads table
- Fixed issue with master key reset
- Fixed the issue with reCaptcha lock
- Fixed the issue with autoloader
- Fixed the warning “Illegal string offset…” with class.DownloadStats.php
- Improved the default page template
- Fixed the issue with stats class
- Added new file type icons
- Fixed the issue with download popup
- Fixed the issue with autoload class
- Fixed deprecated function issue in widget.php
- Added missing media streaming class on last update
- Fixed download popup display issue in mobile devices
- Fixed an issue with video streaming
- Added missing translations in login form template
- Fixed missing columns data issue with all downloads table
- Auto-clear file size field after uploading new file or deleting current file
- Added new parameter with all downloads shortcode to customize columns
- Improved lock option display
- Fixed issue with multiple reCaptcha on same page
- Fixed a minor security issue with add-on installation
- Fixed date sorting issue with all downloads shortcode
- Compatibility update for WordPress 4.9
- Improved page templates
- Added support for chunk upload
- Fixed template file path issue
- Improved UI
- Added multiple password support
- Added new option to attach external URL as download link
- Added translation support for page templates
- Added mp4 video upload and play support
- Added new page template for video file
- Hide empty fields from page template automatically
- Added new page template for the files with price
- Fixed issue with stat export
- Added various filter option on download stats
- Added stats export option
- Removed enqueued scripts and styles from admin pages where it is not necessary
- Improved add-on page
- Fixed issue with captcha verify
- Fixed issue with private file download
- Fixed issue with tag archive page
- Improved admin UI
- Fixed the issue with download history clear button
- Fixed the issue with datatable sorting
- Fixed issue with search widget
- Recoded search result shortcode ( [wpdm_search_result] )
- Fixed the issue with signup email
- Compatibility release for WordPress 4.8
- Fixed issue with input data formatting
- Added IP block option to prevent bot downloads or downloads from unwanted IP addresses
- Fixed issue with redirection after login
- Fixed issued with master key reset on product update
- Added new page template to show terms and conditions in a modal popup
- Added new link template to show terms and conditions in a modal popup
- Fixed issue with signup page
- Fixed issue with page template dropdown
- Fixed a compatibility issue with PHP7
- Fixed issue with direct download link
- Added new toolbar style for category short-code ( toolbar=”skinny” )
- Added target=_blank option with direct link short-code
- Added users’ name with download hostory
- Fixed CSS conflict ( at front.css )
- Added nonce check with settings form
- Blocked unwanted file type upload
- Added new action
- Added new filter
- Fixed issue with textdoamin
- Fixed issue with category access settings
- Fixed the issue with add-on update notice
- Fixed issued with add-on update
- Fixed issue with add-on page
- Added missing email templates
- Add new short-code template ( link-template-bsthumnail )
- Improved category short-code
- Fixed issue with password lock option
- Added page template selection option
- Added Terms and Conditions option
- Improved admin UI
- Fixed issue with empty download
- Added option to clear all download history
- Compatibility release for WordPress 4.7
- Fixed sort by date issue with all downloads table
- Fixed several issues with translation strings
- Improved admin UI
- Added new field in package setting to add file size manually for remote files
- Fixed 3 warnings at class.Apply.php
- Added Download History Page
- Improved Admin UI
- Compatibility release for WordPress 4.6
- Fixed a notice in reg form template
- Added CAPTCHA with signup form
- Fixed issue with redirection after user registration
- Added option to enable/disable auto login after user registration
- Show/Hide Password field in user registration form
- Fixed issues with icon path
- Updated short-code [wpdm_login_form], use [wpdm_ligin_form signup=1] to show login + signup form
- Fixed issue with attached file delete
- Fixed issue with reg form
- Fixed issue with login form
- Added new option for login form
- Improved signup form
- Improved dashboard short-code, added parameter to control login/signup form and recommended downloads
- Added option to control dashboard url structure
- Removed function
- Compatibility release for WordPress v4.5
- Fixed issue with unexpected char before filename ( “File Missing Error!” )
- Fixed issue file deletion.
- Fixed a notice with password lock option
- Adjusted add to cart link in all downloads page
- Fixed issue file browser (was showing “Not Allowed!” message)
- Added support for OneDrive
- Improved Download Info widget
- Improved all downloads short-code for premium files
- Fixed issue with user signup in class.Apply.php
- Fixed issue with widgets
- Removed jquery.cookie.js file
- Fixed issue with add-on update from Settings >> Updates tab
- Fixed SECURITY issue with update profile function ( Special Thanks to James Golovich )
- Fixed “array-intersect” warning with server file browser option
- Fixed SECURITY issue with update file function
- Fixed notice in class.Package.php
- Fixed notices in Settings >> Updates tab
- Fixed notices with dashboard widget
- Fixed issue with invalid functions ( license check )
- Fixed the “missing function” warning on plugin activation
- Added CAPTCHA lock
- Improved UI
- Added new link template
- Improved Codebase
- Fixed issue with tree view, added missing functions
- Compatibility released for WordPress v4.4
- Enabled category page
- Activated all features for Premium Package ( Guest Order, Guest Download, Order Notes, Save & Email Cart )
- Added category widget
- Updated link template “Default Template (Extended)” to show file description
- Updated recommended download section in user dashboard
- Fixed critical issue with URL rewrite for user dashboard
- Fixed issue with icons
- Fixed alt tag issue with icons and thumbnail
- Added new option to enable/disable font awesome
- Optimized user dashboard
- Added missing file type icons
- Fixed issue with file attachment
- Added New Short-code User Dashboard
- Added Download History Page
- WordPress v4.3 compatibility release
- Added missing hook in basic settings section
- Added new option for sanitizing file names to avoid illegal chars
- Fixed issue with open with browser option
- Fixed issue with file type icons selection for all files short-code
- Fixed issue with order expiration check
- Fixed issue …