Easy Footnotes


Easy Footnotes は、ショートコード [efn_note]脚注の文章。[/efn_note] を使って WordPress の投稿に脚注を追加します。ショートコードの記載場所に脚注番号を自動で追加し、対応する番号の一覧を通して、完全な脚注文章を記事の末端に追加します。

脚注の目印にカーソルを乗せると、jQuery Qtip2 プラグインを通して脚注の全文が表示されます。脚注の目印をクリックすると、WordPress の投稿の末端にある対応する脚注へとページ内を移動します。投稿の末端のそれぞれの脚注には、クリックしてぞれぞれの元の文章に戻ることができるアイコンがあります。

WordPress のブログに脚注を追加するにはこれですべてです !


  • マウスを乗せると脚注を表示。
  • 記事の末端にいくつかの脚注。


  1. Upload the ‘easy-footnotes’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
  2. WordPress の「プラグイン」メニューからプラグインを有効化してください
  3. あとは記事内でショートコードを使うだけです。 [efn_note]脚注の内容をここに。[/efn_note]



単にショートコードを使うだけです。 [efn_note]脚注の内容をここに[/efn_note] すると Easy Footnotes は番号付きの脚注を投稿内に挿入し、カーソルを乗せると脚注が開き、クリックするとページの下部の脚注に移動します。

これはいいです !


こんなにいいのはなぜ ?

簡単だからです。qTip2 jQuery プラグインが統合されており、カーソルを乗せると素敵なツールチップを表示します。自動で番号もつきます。

How can I change the markup for the footnote label?

Just use the efn_footnote_label filter in your functions.php to edit the output.

    function efn_change_label_markup( $output, $label ) {
        return '' . $label . '';
    add_filter( 'efn_footnote_label', 'efn_change_label_markup', 10, 2 );

qTip の機能を無効にするには ?

ファイル functions.php に以下のコードを挿入し、qTip の機能を無効にできます。

    function efn_deregister_scripts() {
        wp_deregister_style( 'qtipstyles' );
        wp_deregister_script( 'imagesloaded' );
        wp_deregister_script( 'qtip' );
        wp_deregister_script( 'qtipcall' );
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'efn_deregister_scripts' );

How can I reset the footnote count?

Use on the beginning of your page with the short code: [efn_reset][/efn_reset]

This is a hard reset to fix a bug with themes/plugins using do_shortcode( get_the_content() ) outside the main loop and causing duplicate footnotes. 1.1.9 should have updates to not require this.


As simple as good plugin. Nothing wore required. Thank you to the developers.
This plugin came in extremely handy when I was recently marking up a long post with art, text and footnotes for my site on Chris Marker. I can verify as well that it even works within the now quite popular Elementor visual builder. I cannot say for sure yet but the paragraphs that contain EFN shortcodes seem to load more slowly than regular paragraphs; perhaps there is some code optimization in order, but I will leave that to your developers. I would also like to recommend some additional CSS for those who would like a numerical marker, already small due to the sup tag, to stand out more, by adding, for example: sup { top: -.5em; background: linen; padding: 6px; border-radius: 4px; border: 1px #ccc solid; } This will give the touch/click target a bit more room due to the padding (and therefore better UX), and visually make the footnote stand out in a pretty professional manner. Choose your own colors. Once again, excellent plugin, many thanks for saving the day!
The [efn_note] tags should be in colour and bold to make them easier to find in the text. Thank you very much for this nice work.
Install and wrap footnote content in shortcode. This plugin does everything else. E.g. Automated numbering, hover box, footnotes at end of post etc. Works well with Gutenberg. My favorite feature is being able to disable the footnote section at the bottom of the post/page and instead rely entirely on the hover box.
I had been using a similar plugin that hasn’t been updated in over 6 years. Easy Footnotes was a drop-in replacement and actually works better than the old plugin. Nice simple settings and easy to customize. 👍
I looked around until I found a decent plugin for footnotes, and this is it. Relatively easy to use and works very well. Easy to edit footnotes. Looks very professional on the page.


Easy Footnotes はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。


“Easy Footnotes” は4ロケールに翻訳されています。 翻訳者のみなさん、翻訳へのご協力ありがとうございます。

“Easy Footnotes” をあなたの言語に翻訳しましょう。

開発に興味がありますか ?

コードを閲覧するか、SVN リポジトリをチェックするか、開発ログRSS で購読してみてください。



  • Bugfix for instances where the_content is called multiple times in a page.


  • Made combined footnote functionality from 1.1.9 enabled by a setting to avoid breaking sites that rely on the old behavior.
  • Now can be turned on with “Combine duplicate footnotes” setting in Easy Footnotes settings.


  • Fixes a bug with sites that called the_content() multiple times not displaying footnotes due to easy_footnote_reset running.
  • easy_footnote_reset now only runs when an option is activated. This had previously been implemented as a workaround for a bug that was addressed in 1.1.9.


  • Adds support for duplicate footnotes using the same number
  • Fixes a bug with multiple footnotes showing at the bottom when do_shortcode() is run on the_content outside the main loop.
  • Add better i18n support for the plugin
  • Adds [efn_reset] shortcode to reset the footnote count


  • WordPress 6.6 support


  • Removing themes.pizza references
  • WordPress 6.0.2 support
  • PHP 8.0 support


  • WordPress 5.5 compatability


  • Fixing typo on FAQ page


  • Adding div.easy-footnote-title into $footnote_label for filtering with efn_footnote_label


  • Fixed issue with default settings not being set on new installations
  • Added conditional logic check if settings exist to avoid PHP Warnings
  • Fixed undefined index of $efn_output when not using Easy Footnotes label


  • Added efn_footnote_list_output filter for editing entire Easy Footnote output after content
  • Updating SVN to include missing JS file


  • Improved accessibility for keyboard navigation of footnotes
  • Started improving code to follow WordPress Coding Standards guidelines
  • Added second option for footnotes using [efn_note] to phase out non-prefixed [note]
  • Added easy_footnote_label hook to filter footnote labels
  • Added before_footnote and after_footnote filters to add content before or after footnote lists after content.


  • Fixing footnote counts for the last time! (Hopefully)
  • Added post ID to footnote IDs to make them more unique
  • New setting to hide the footnotes after content in Settings > Easy Footnotes
  • Prep for a bigger update and beginning Gutenberg support


  • Being a noob and not testing a link added in on settings page. It works now.


  • CSS tweak in admin screen


  • Fixing PHP notice on shortcode when content not found


  • Changing how footnotes are numbered to avoid duplicates caused by the_content filtering being applied earlier in themes.


  • Fixed bug to prevent tooltips from opening off the screen


  • Added in extra sanitization for user inputs within admin


  • Fixed issue causing notice of undefined index on admin screen. Adjustment to how footnote’s handle html special chars.


  • Added the Qtip2 unfocus event for hiding footnotes on iPad and other touch devices.


  • Fixed issue where Footnote title was showing on pages without any footnotes once activated through the settings. Also changed the priority of the add_filter(‘the_content’) call to be 20 in order to show above Jetpack Related Posts


  • Added the ability to insert a title above the footnote section at the bottom of the post content. This is controlled in the Easy Footnotes Settings page that can be found under Settings in the WordPress Dashboard.


  • Updating logic for appending footnotes to the bottom of posts. Now only appends to single posts, custom post types and pages that are using the main post query. Also fixed footnote count when multiple posts are shown in the content on one page, such as the home page. Footnotes outside of the single post also now link to the footnote within the single post.


  • Fixed bug where footnotes were being appended to the end of the content on home pages and ignoring the more tag


  • Added a delay of 400ms to the footnote closing so it stays open better when hovered


  • I messed up the version tag on 1.0.1. Just upping ti 1.0.2 for precautions.


  • Footnotes now stay open when moused over for interacting with links


  • プラグインをリリース