Edit Flow はコンテンツ編集者チームと WordPress 管理画面内でうまくコラボレーションできるような機能を提供します。モジュール方式になっているので、必要に応じてカスタマイズできます。
- カレンダー – 便利なコンテンツの月ごとの表示。
- カスタムステータス – ワークフローの段階を定義。
- 編集用コメント – 書き手と編集者間のプライベートな議論のための管理画面のコメントスレッド。
- 編集用メタデータ – 重要な情報を常にトラック。
- 通知 – フォローしたコンテンツの更新をタイムリーに受け取る。
- ストーリー割り当て – 自分の招待担当するコンテンツを表示。
- ユーザーグループ – 部門や機能ごとにユーザーを管理。
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- Zip ファイルの内容を
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All development happens on GitHub.
For support questions, feedback and ideas, please use the WordPress.org forums, which we look at often. For everything else, say hello@editflow.org.
Edit Flow はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。
0.9.9 (May 24, 2024)
- Enhancements: bump lowest supported PHP version to 8.0 and lowest WordPress version to 6.0 (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/727)
- Test fix: Update ESLint configuration and format JS files (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/723)
- Enhancements: Move JS environment to node 20, upgrade packages (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/725)
0.9.8 (April 10, 2024)
- Fix WP 5.9 deprecation notice with
(https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/701) - Add PHP 8.2 fixes (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/700)
- Bump @babel/traverse from 7.1.6 to 7.23.2 (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/714)
0.9.7 (Aug 26, 2022)
- Bug fix: Allow scheduled posts to be shifted around on calendar (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/614)
- Bug fix: Add back unpublish status, small css tweak for statuses (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/613)
- Enhancements: Renaming some frontend calendar configuration variable (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/615)
- Bug fix: Swap join() with implode() for PHP 8 compatibility (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/627)
- Enhancements: Give each attribute in Edit Flow settings page a different id (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/650)
- Bug fix: Fix test_story_budget_set_number_days_filter_invalid in PHP 8.0 (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/644)
- Bug fix: Allow updating post slugs in Quick Edit and Classic Editor with a different status from published (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/648)
- Bug fix: Fix jQuery warnings as WordPress upgraded it from 1.12.4-wp to 3.5.1 (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/649)
- Enhancements: Remove redundant jQuery selector #the-list a.editinline (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/668)
- Enhancements: Remove redundant jQuery selector #toggle_details (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/669)
- Bug fix: Fixes non-variable being passed by reference (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/667)
0.9.6 (April 26, 2020)
- Bug fix: Fix bug causing error on save button click for post after hovering over button (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/604)
- Enhancements: Bring Gutenebrg to Calendar filters (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/603)
- Enhancmenets: Tweak styling on Calendar (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/605)
0.9.5 (April 8, 2020)
- Bug fix: Fix bug preventing previewing posts authored by other users (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/597 — props mallorydxw)
- Imrpovement: Status dropdowns are now be Edit Flow specific but filterable (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/595)
- Improvement: Support i18n in Story Budget date picker (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/569)
- Bug fix: Prevent multiple custom fields from being created (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/591)
- Bug fix: Fix slug behavior (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/575)
0.9.4 (February 4, 2020)
- Bug fix: Move ‘Customize’ link in metadata metabox to inside metabox (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/590 — props jsit)
- Bug fix: Fix ef_custom_status_list filter on get_custom_statuses (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/587 — props jsit)
- Bug fix: Keep save button text updated, without errors (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/585 — props WPprodigy)
- Bug fix: Add ef_week_first_day as script data to prevent echoing script tags (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/582 — props ryelle)
- Improvement: Deprecate ef_get_comments_plus (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/581 — props WPprodigy)
- Improvement: Cleanup block editor compatibility logic (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/580 — props WPprodigy)
- Improvement: Display custom statuses in post states (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/579 — props WPprodigy)
- Improvement: Clean up dashboard-note logic (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/578 — props WPprodigy)
0.9.3 (December 18, 2019)
- Bug fix: parse date time from numeric string instead of textual date (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/546 — props batmoo, cojennin)
- Bug fix: ensure status friendly names are used in notifications (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/560 — props batmoo, cojennin)
- Bug fix: fix WP Menu post title notice (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/552 – props batmoo, cojennin)
- Updates to tests, build pipeline (props batmoo, dchymko, cojennin)
0.9.1 (November 24, 2019)
- Bug fix: Prevent issues with scheduling and trashing posts when using the block editor (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/556 — props cojennin, davisshaver, batmoo)
0.9.1 (November 4, 2019)
- Bug fix: Prevent custom status from being reverted when using Gutenberg (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/521 — props mikeyarce, batmoo)
- Bug fix: Don’t break post previews when using custom statuses (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/515 — props
rebeccahum) - Bug fix: Don’t auto-subscribe the current user when notification settings are changed (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/540 — props dchymko, jerclarke, mikeyarce)
- Bug fix: prevent fatals when editing posts on the frontend via certain plugins (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/538 — props kjohnson, dchymko)
- Bug fix: Don’t break classic editor when custom statuses are disabled (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/537 — props batmoo, thesquaremedia)
- Bug fix: Prevent
warning on PHP 7.2 (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/534 — props batmoo, NeilWJames) - Bug fix: Prevent multiple plugin entries on the plugins page (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/530 — props batmoo, mboynes, joshbetz)
- Bug fix: jQuery compatibility issues (https://github.com/Automattic/Edit-Flow/pull/499 — props jameslesliemiller)
- Dev: Fix Travis CI Tests (props dchymko)
- Bonus props to jerclarke, mikeyarce, rebeccahum, rinatkhaziev, dchymko, and batmoo for helping with issues/PRs/testing.
0.9 (January 10, 2018)
- Feature: Block Editor compatibility for Custom Status module. Props rinatkhaziev. See BLOCKS.md for details.
- Feature: new filter
for Calendar module that allows to print custom markup for each day. - UI Improvement: start removing arbitrary colors and conform to WP Color guide. A collective effort.
- UI Improvement: Add [NO ACCESS] and [NO EMAIL] to the list of notified users to indicate that a user doesn’t have the access to the post and that a user doesn’t have an email set, respectively. Props WPprodigy jerclarke.
0.8.3 (June 14, 2018)
- UI Improvement: Made primary buttons on Settings screen consistent with WordPress UI. Props cojennin.
- UI Improvement: Display who particularly was notified about an editorial comment. Props goodguyry, WPprodigy
- Improvement: Updated Russian translation and documentation. Props achumakov.
- Improvement: Eliminate a few cases of raw SQL queries in favor of
. Props justnorris. - Improvement: Cache calendar items for each user individually to prevent potential cache pollution. Props justnorris.
- Improvement: various i18n updates.
- Improvement: Move ef_story_budget_posts_query_args filter down to allow overriding the date query in Story Budget module.
- Improvement: Limit results in Calendar to 200 per page, potentially saving from trouble on websites with large amount of content.
- Improvement: Don’t generate rewrite rules for notepad as they’re unused.
Improvement: Support modifying HTML output of a Calendar day via ef_pre_calendar_single_date_item_html filter. Props cklosowski.
Improvement: show custom post statuses in Calendar and Story Budget. Props mikeyarce
- WordPress Coding Standards improvements and code cleanup by many unsung heroes (primarily justnorris).
- Bug fix: Prevent user from removing “Draft” post status, breaking the auto-draft functionality.
- Bug fix: Fix ef_pre_insert_editorial_comment filter so that it actually has meaning. Props sudar.
- Bug fix: Fix PHP Warning: array_map(): Argument #2 should be an array. Props Michael Auteri.
- Bug fix: Always offset post times to UTC+0 for Calendars to prevent incorrect times when adding to iCalendar/Google Calendar. Props justnorris.
- Bug fix: Use taxonomy when checking for term existence when trying to prevent term collision. Props shadyvb.
- Bug fix: Correctly handle screen options update for Story Budget columns. Props raduconst
- Bug fix: EF_Calendar::get_beginning_of_week and EF_Calendar::get_ending_of_week should respect DST now. Props FewKinG
- Bug fix: Build home_url() previews with trailing slash. Props jeremyfelt
0.8.2 (Sept 16, 2016)
- Improvement: Updated Spanish localization thanks to moucho
- Improvement: New Swedish localization thanks to Warpsmith
- Improvement: Japanese localization 100% on translate.wordpress.org
- Improvement: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation. Props arthurdapaz
- Improvement: Internationalization improvements in settings and calendar. Props robertsky
- Improvement: Corrections made to Brazilian Portuguese translation. Props angelosds
- Improvement: Updates Travis CI to support containerization, PHP 7 and HHVM
- Bug fix: Fix PHP warning in class-module.php. Props jerclarke
- Bug fix: Add label to Dashboard Notes so it displays as “Dashboard Notes” when exporting
- Bug fix: Clean up PHP code to comply with PHP Strict Standards
- Bug fix: Removed deprecated get_currentuserinfo. Props kraftbj
- Bug fix: Adding $post param to preview_post_link filter to fix PHP warning. Props micahwave
- Bug fix: Calendar current_user_can capability check corrected. Props keg
- Bug fix: Clean up custom status timestamp fix and add unit tests to test different cases of the hack
- Bug fix: Fix error messaging for module settings pages. Props natebot
- Bug fix: Add check on user-settings.php to prevent error. Props paulabbott
- Bug fix: Add check for empty author when sending notification. Props petenelson
- Bug fix: Remove PHP4 constructor from screen options. Props mjangda
0.8 (Dec 19, 2013)
- New feature: Dashboard Notepad. Editors and admins can use a notepad widget on the dashboard to leave instructions, important announcements, etc. for every WordPress user.
- New feature: Double-click to create a new post on the calendar, or edit the details associated with an existing post. Thanks bbrooks and cojennin
- Post subscriptions are now saved via AJAX, which means you can add or remove subscribers without hitting “Save Post”. This is especially useful for editorial comments. Thanks cojennin
- Subscribe to a post’s updates using a quick “Follow” link on Manage Posts, the Calendar, or Story Budget.
- Assign a date and time to editorial metadata’s date field. Thanks cojennin
- Modify which filters are used on the calendar and story budget, or add your own. Thanks cojennin
- Scheduled publication time is now included in relevant email notifications. Props mattoperry
- Calendar and story budget module descriptions link to their respective pages in the admin for usability. Props rgalindo05
- New Russian localization thanks to te-st.ru
- Updated Japanese localization thanks to naokomc
- Updated Dutch localization thanks to kardotim
- Bug fix: User group selection no longer appears in network admin.
- Improved slug generation when changing title of Drafts thanks to natebot
- Bug fix: Permalink slugs are now editable after initial save. Props nickdaugherty
- Bug fix: Permit calendar filters to be properly reset.
- Bug fix: Posts, pages, custom post types, etc. can now be previewed correctly.
- Bug fix: Fix Strict Standards PHP notice with add_caps_to_role(). Props azizur
- Bug fix: PHP compatability issue. Props ziz.
- Bug fix: Correct calendar encoding. Props willvanwazer
- Bug fix: Check for $screen in filter_manage_posts_column. Props styledev.
- Bug fix: Correct Edit Flow icon size. Props Fstop.
- Improvement: Add editorial metadata to the Posts screen. Props drrobotnik
- Improvement: Visual support for MP6. Props keoshi.
- Bug fix: Catch WP_Error returning with get_terms(). Props paulgibbs
- Improvement: Better unit testing with PHPUnit thanks to willvanwazer and mbijon
- Bug fix: Correctly close out list item in editorial comments. Props jkovis
The following folks did some tremendous work helping with the release of Edit Flow v0.8: azizur, bbrooks, danielbachhuber, drrobotnik, Fstop, jkovis, kardotim, keoshi mattoperry, [mbijon] (https://github.com/mbijon), [naokomc](https://github.com/naokom, natebot, nickdaugherty, paulgibbs, rgalindo05, te-st.ru, willvanwazer, ziz.
0.7.6 (Jan. 30, 2013)
- Bug fix for 3.4.2 compatibility.
0.7.5 (Jan. 29, 2013)
- New Japanese localization thanks to naokomc
- New French localization thanks to boris-hocde
- Allow custom post statuses to be completely disabled for a post type, preventing situations where ‘draft’ posts could disappear when the draft status was deleted.
- Better implementation of the hack we have to employ for editable slugs in the post edit screen. Thanks cojennin for the assist.
- Editorial metadata names can now be up to 200 characters (instead of 20 previously). Props cojennin
- Bug fix: Load modules on ‘init’ so the strings associated with each class can be properly translated
- Bug fix: Pagination functional again when filtering to a post type
- Bug fix: Pre-PHP 5.2.9 array_unique() compatibility
- Bug fix: Respect the timezone when indicating which day is Today
- Bug fix: Calendar should work for all post types, regardless of which are supposed to be added to it
0.7.4 (Nov. 21, 2012)
- Added ‘Scheduled’ as one of the statuses you see in the ‘Posts At A Glance’ widget. ‘Private’ and other core statuses can be added with a filter
- Sort posts on the Manage Posts view by visible editorial metadata date fields
- Modify email notifications with two filters
- Bug fix: Proper support for unicode characters in custom status and editorial metadata descriptions
- Bug fix: Show the proper last modified value on the story budget when the server’s timezone is not set to GMT. Props danls
- Bug fix: Make the jQuery UI theme for Edit Flow more specific so it doesn’t conflict with core modals
- Bug fix: Use the proper singlular label for a post type when generating notification text
- Bug fix: Post slug now updates when the post has a custom status.
- Bug fix: When determining whether a user can change a post’s status, check the ‘edit_posts’ cap for the post type.
0.7.3 (Jul. 3, 2012)
- Bug fix: Support PHP 5.2.x by removing the anonymous functions we mistakenly added
- Bug fix: Only update user’s Story Budget saved filters when the Story Budget is being viewed, to avoid other views setting the filter values
0.7.2 (Jul. 3, 2012)
- Users without the ‘publish_posts’ capability can now use and change custom statuses. Props Daniel Chesterton
- Support for trashing posts from the calendar. Thanks Dan York for the idea and a bit of code
- Updated codebase to use PHP5-style OOP references
- Fixed some script and stylesheet references that had a double ‘//’ in the URI path
- New
filter allows you to enable custom statuses and other modules for private post types
0.7.1 (Apr. 11, 2012)
- Show the year on the calendar and story budget if it’s not the current year
- Allow users to save post subscriptions the first time they save the post. This also fixes the bug where a user wouldn’t be subscribed until they saved the post twice
- Changed the behavior of notifications for the user changing a status or leaving a comment. Previously, they’d receive an email with the action they just performed; now they do not. This can be changed with a filter
- New Italian localization thanks to Luca Patané
- Bug fix: Auto-subscribe the post author to their posts by default but make it filterable
- Bug fix: Only show authors in the user dropdown for the calendar and the story budget. This new behavior can be filtered out however
- Bug fix: Metaboxes are registered with proper priority. Props benbalter
- Bug fix: If a user hasn’t ever opened the calendar before, the date should default to today, not the Unix Epoch
- Bug fix: Prevent editorial metadata filters from stomping on others’ uses by actually returning the original value when we don’t want to manipulate it
- Bug fix: Specify a max-width on
dropdowns in the calendar and story budget so long values don’t break formatting
0.7 (Jan. 9, 2012)
- Entire plugin was rewritten into a modular architecture (e.g. each feature is broken into a module you can enable or disable). One point of the modular architecture is to make it much easier for others to contribute new features. For the end user, there’s a brand new settings page where you can manage your modules. Each module then registers a configuration view for module settings. Most have options to choose which post types you’d like it activated for, along with other configuration options.
- Calendar is far more functional. Content is viewed in a six week view by default, and number of weeks is configurable in screen options. Posts can be dragged and dropped between dates. Click on a post title to get the details about the post, including editorial metadata.
- Custom statuses can be drag and drop ordered with AJAX. All statuses (including core ‘draft’ and ‘pending’) can be edited or deleted.
- Editorial Metadata terms can be ordered with AJAX. Terms can be made “viewable” and then will be displayed on the manage posts view and calendar if enabled.
- Story Budget shows “viewable” editorial metadata and fixes a few bugs, including not showing posts in a subcategory of a parent category.
- Notifications/subscriptions are filtered so you can disable the auto-subscribing of authors or editorial commenters.
- Important note: If upgrading from pre-v0.6, please upgrade to v0.6.5 first to ensure all of your data remains intact.
- Read the full release post
0.6.5 (Sept. 19, 2011)
- Bug fix: Workaround for a bug in core where the timestamp is set when a post is saved with a custom status. Instead, we update the timestamp on publish to current time if a custom post date hasn’t been set. Thanks saomay for help tracking the bug down.
0.6.4 (Jul. 22, 2011)
- Display unpublished custom statuses inline with the post title, per WordPress standard UI
- New number type for editorial metadata, so you can have fields like “Word Count”
- Dropped the admin option for disabling custom statuses on posts. It didn’t work, and this is handled by post_type_supports()
- Add a ‘Clear’ link to editorial metadata date fields to allow user to easily clear the input
- Bug fix: Proper support for bulk editing custom statuses
- Bug fix: Contributor saving a new post respects the default custom status, instead of reverting to ‘draft’ as the post status
- Bug fix: Better respect for user roles and capabilities in Story Budget
- Bug fix: Custom statuses in Quick Edit now work as you’d expect them
- Bug fix: Show all taxonomy terms (most likely categories) on the Story Budget, regardless of whether they include published content
- Bug fix: If there are no editorial metadata fields available, a message will display instead of leaving an empty post meta box
0.6.3 (Mar. 21, 2011)
- Restored email notifications to old delivery method instead of queueing with WP cron because of reliability issues.
- Better approach to including files so Edit Flow works properly on Windows systems.
- Option to see all unpublished content on story budget and editorial calendar with a filter to include scheduled posts as unpublished content.
0.6.2 (Jan. 26, 2011)
- Bug fix: Post Titles were broken in email notifications. (Thanks kfawcett and madguy000!)
- Bug fix: Bulk editing any post types would cause editorial metadata to occasionally be deleted. (Thanks meganknight!)
0.6.1 (Jan. 9, 2011)
- Custom Post Type support for custom post statuses, editorial metadata, editorial comments, notifications, (Thanks to all who requested this!)
- Added search and filtering tools for user and usergroup lists
- Email notifications are now queued to improve performance and avoid issues with spam
- Posts in calendar now have a unique classname based on the status (Thanks erikajurney)
- The “Posts I’m Following” widget has a cleaner look
- Bug fix: Users without JavaScript no longer see the status dropdown
- Bug fix: Users with JavaScript no longer see the respond button for editorial comments
- Bug fix: Contributors should not have the ability to publish through Quick Edit
- Bug fix: Proper i18n support (Thanks Beto Frega and others)
- Bug fix: Editorial Comments issue in IE (Thanks asecondwill and James Skaggs)
- Bug fix: Always email admin feature was not working (Thanks nicomollet)
- Bug fix: Notifications for scheduled posts did not include links (Thanks erikajurney)
0.6 (Nov. 9, 2010)
- New feature: Editorial Metadata. Previously, Edit Flow had ‘due date’, ‘location’ and ‘description’, as available editorial metadata. We’ve expanded this functionality to be completely customizable; admins can add any number of editorial metadata with the following types: checkbox, date, location, paragraph, text, or user dropdown.
- New feature: Story Budget. View all of your upcoming posts in a more traditional story budget view. Posts are grouped by category, and view can be filtered by post status, category, user, or limited to a date range. Hit the print button to take it on the go.
- Completely rewritten calendar view now saves filter state on a user by user basis. Also, highlights current day, and displays status and time for each post.
- Temporarily disabled QuickPitch widget until we rewrite it to support editorial metadata.
- Bug fix: Editorial comments should no longer show up in the stock Recent Comments widget or in the comments view in the WordPress Admin. The comment count number should also be correct.
- Bug fix: Duplicate custom post statuses and usergroups are handled in more sane ways (aka creating, editing, and deleting should work as expected)
0.5.3 (Oct. 6, 2010)
- Fixes issue where default Custom Statuses and User Groups were returning even after being deleted
0.5.1 (Jul. 29, 2010)
- Editorial calendar improvements: filter by category or author
- QuickPitch stories get default status instead of pitch status
- No email notifications for “Auto Draft” post status
- Backwards compatibility with WordPress 2.9.x
0.5 (Jul. 3, 2010)
- Calendar view for visualizing and spec assignments at a glance
- Improvements for WordPress 3.0 compatibility
- Users that edit a post automatically get subscribed to that post (only if they have the manage subscriptions capability)
- Edit Flow automatically hides editorial comments if the plugin is disabled
- Moved default custom status additions to upgrade function so they don’t get added every time you activate
- Bug fix: remove editorial comments from comments feed
0.3.3 (Feb. 4, 2010)
- Added tooltips with descriptions to the Status dropdown and Status Filter links. Thanks to Gil Namur for the great idea!
- Fixed the issue where subscribed users/usergroups were not receiving notifications
0.3.2 (Jan. 28, 2010)
- Fixed fatal error if notifications were disabled
- Small bug fixes
- Note: Edit Flow now requires 2.9+
- Notification emails on status change now have specific subject lines messages based on action taken
- Action links in comment notifications now take the user to the comment form; i.e. clicking reply link in the email will focus on the comment text box and reply to the message
- Usergroups!
- Assign users and usergroups that should be notified of post updates
- Removed notify by role option since it’s redundant because of usergroups
- Added “Always notify admin option”
- Added option to hide the status dropdown on Post and Page edit pages (default set to show)
- Added option to globally disable QuickPitch widget
- Bug fix: Custom Status names cannot be longer than 20 chars
- Bug fix: Deleted users are removed as subscribers from posts
- Bug fix: Blank menu items should now be sorta hidden
- Custom Statuses are now supported for pages
- Editorial Comments (with threading)
- Email Notifications (on post status change and editorial comment)
- Additional Post metadata
- Quick Pitch Dashboard widget
- Bug fix: sorting issue on Manage Posts page (Mad props to David Smith from Columbia U.)
- Other bug fixes
- Better localization support
- Ability to assign custom statuses to posts