Embed PDF for WPForms provides a PDF Viewer field type. Include PDF files in forms without requiring users to download the PDF. Supports multi-page documents for PDF flipbooks in WPForms. Provides zoom controls.
- Drag a PDF Viewer field onto any WPForm
- Choose PDF from Media Library or provide local URL
- Set default zoom level
- Supports multi-page PDFs
- Supports Dynamic Population
Have an idea for a new feature? Please create an Issue on Github or Support Topic on wordpress.org.
- Search for Embed PDF for WPForms in the Add New tab of the dashboard plugins page and press the Install Now button
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Open the form editor through the ‘WPForms’ menu in WordPress
- Add a ‘PDF Viewer’ field from the Standard Fields tab in the form editor.
pdfjs-dist package
This plugin includes https://www.npmjs.com/package/pdfjs-dist, which contains combined and minimized scripts built by the gulp dist
command in https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js. No unusual or additional action is required to download or install this plugin. If you wish to obtain the unminimized scripts or build pdfjs-dist yourself, use these commands:
git clone https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js
cd pdf.js
npm install
gulp dist
How can I suggest a new feature for this plugin?
Please create an Issue on Github or Support Topic on wordpress.org.
- [Added] Includes all translation files in a folder /languages.
- [Changed] Bumps tested up to version to 6.7.1.
- [Fixed] Adds compatibility with language packs for translation. For real this time.
- [Fixed] Adds compatibility with language packs for translation.
- [Changed] Changes the detail sent in JavaScript event epdf_gf_render_page from an integer to an object.
- [Changed] Changes tested up to version to 6.4.2.
- [Added] Adds comments explaining what pdfjs-dist is and where the unminimized files are available.
- [Changed] Changes tested up to version to 6.4.1.
- [Added] Adds a Download PDF into Media Library button to the CORS error messages for users that have the upload_files capability.
- [Fixed] Fixes the Choose PDF button not working for users without access to the Media Library by telling users why it does not work. The upload_files capability is required to use the Media Library dashboard features like the modal this button opens.
- [Fixed] Avoid errors when two copies of this plugin are activated at the same time.
- [Fixed] Adds a “file not found” error to the form editor so users know that PDF files are missing without previewing the form.
- [Fixed] Changes CSS so the previous, next, zoom in, and zoom out buttons look better on smaller screens.
- [Changed] Changes the tested up to version to 6.3.2.
- [Fixed] Moves inline JavaScript required for each PDF Viewer field to the wpforms_frontend_js hook.
- [Fixed] Stops writing errors to the browser developer console unless SCRIPT_DEBUG is enabled.
- [Added] First version.