Event Organiser は、WordPress サイトにイベント管理機能を追加します。WordPress に組み込まれた「カスタム投稿タイプ」を使用することで投稿と同じ機能を持つイベントを作成することができ、さらにイベントを管理するための機能を追加することができます。このプラグインは、投稿と同じ機能を持ちながら、イベントを管理する機能を追加しています。これはすべて直感的なユーザーインターフェイスで行うことができ、WordPress でおなじみのリストや管理画面のカレンダーページでイベントを表示することができます。
| 関数リファレンス
| フォーラム
| デモ
| Event Organiser Pro プラグイン (有料) の機能
- Event Organiser Pro プラグイン (有料)
- Event Organiser フロントエンド送信機能
- 割引コード
- Stripe 連携
- Posterboard プラグイン (無料)
- Event Organiser CSV プラグイン (無料)
- iCal 同期機能
利用可能なすべての拡張機能は こちら。
- 1回限りのイベントや、定期的なイベントを作成することができます。
- イベントの複雑な繰り返しパターンを可能にします。任意の時間、指定した期間で繰り返されるイベントを作成することができます。 4ヶ月ごとの第3火曜日 や 毎月16日 といった複雑なスケジュールをサポートします。
- イベントに特定の日付を追加または削除する機能
- イベント関数 は post 関数 (例
) を拡張して、イベントデータ (開始日時、会場など) を出力または戻り値を返すために利用できます。使用例については ドキュメント や同梱のテンプレートファイルをご覧ください。 - Google マップ のサポートと、フル機能のコンテンツエディタにより、イベント会場を作成・管理できます。
- Widgets:
- Calendar widget – displays a calendar (identical to the standard WordPress Calendar)
- イベントリストウィジェット – イベントのリストを表示し、イベント数の指定、カテゴリや会場による制限などのオプションが用意されています。
- イベントアジェンダウィジェット
- 年、月、日のアーカイブページ
- Shortcodes:
- (full)Calendar, includes optional category & venue filters.
- (ウィジェット) カレンダー
- イベントリスト (イベントリストウィジェットと同様)
- イベントアジェンダ (イベントアジェンダウィジェットと同様)
- 会場案内図
- イベントフィードを購読
- 相対日付クエリ (例えば、過去24時間以内に終了したイベントや、今後1週間以内に開始するイベントをクエリする)。
- カテゴリやタグにイベントを割り当て、カテゴリやタグごとにイベントを表示することができます。
- 色分けされたイベントカテゴリー。
- カスタム権限 では、イベントの作成、編集、削除、会場の管理を行うことができる権限を指定できます。
- 会場ごとにイベントを見ることができる「会場ページ」。
- エクスポート/インポート ICALファイルでイベントをエクスポート/インポートできます。
- 発生したイベントを個別に削除。
- 公開イベントフィード: 訪問者がイベント、または特定の会場/カテゴリを購読することができます。
- イベントページ、イベントアーカイブ、イベントカテゴリ、会場ページの「Pretty パーマリンク」に対応。
- (オプション) 期限切れのイベントを自動的に削除。
- WordPress に自然にフィットし「投稿」の全機能を利用できる イベントカスタム投稿タイプ を追加します。
- テンプレート階層を尊重します。デフォルトのテンプレートは、テーマフォルダに適切な名前のテンプレートファイルを含めることでオーバーライドできます。
- プラグインの動作をカスタマイズするために アクションフックとフィルターフック が用意されています (フックのリファレンスを参照)
- 豊富な機能APIと ドキュメント
- カレンダーや地図のインタラクションを変更するための JavaScriptアクションとフィルター
- ショートコード、ウィジェット、ICAL エクスポート用のカスタムテンプレートの提供
- カスタムメタボックスとメタデータを会場に対応 (チュートリアル 参照 )。
- 開発を容易にするためにオリジナルの軽量化された JavaScript を提供
- Booking add-on が利用可能 (Event Organiser Pro プラグイン)
Event Organiser のために翻訳を提供してくださった方々に感謝します。プラグインの翻訳にご協力いただける場合は こちらから お願いします。
- アラビア語 – Layla, Mohamed Nazir
- ブルガリア語 – Parvan Voynov
- カタルーニャ語 – jordioniric, marc.antje
- 中国語 – sdsunqian
- チェコ語 – Jan Kupsa
- クロアチア語 – Branimir
- デンマーク語 – Intox Studio, Malthe, Morten Lyng
- オランダ語 – Ingrid Ekkers, Roel
- 英語 (カナダ) – GhostToast
- エストニア語 – Kristjan Roosipuu
- フィンランド語 – Kari Tolonen, Juhani Marttila
- フランス語 – Remy Perona, Arnaud
- ドイツ語 – Martin Grether & Henning Matthaei
- ギリシャ語 – Vasilis, Panagiotis
- ヘブライ語 (イスラエル) – heli
- ハンガリー語 – Csaba Erdei
- アイスランド語 – HrHagedorn
- インドネシア語 – Daniel Tampubolon
- イタリア語 – Emilio Frusciante, Pio Muto, Daniele Piccoli
- 日本語 – ogawa, tkj, takeshi terai, haya.
- ラトビア語 – Kristaps
- リトアニア語 – Stephan Siegi
- マケドニア語 – Aleksandar
- ノルウェー語 – Erlend Birkedal
- ノルウェー語 (ブークモール) – DagC
- ペルシャ語 (イラン,イスラム共和国)
- ポーランド語 – Bartosz Arendt
- ポルトガル語 (ブラジル) – Rafael Wahasugui, rafaelkvidal
- ポルトガル語 (ポルトガル) – Emanuel Teixeira
- ルーマニア語 – raduanastasedev
- ロシア語 – Sergei
- スロバキア語 – ViRPo
- スロベニア語 – Matej
- スペイン語 (スペイン)- Joseba Sanchez, jagarre, jelena kovacevic, courtesy of WebHostingHub
- スペイン語 (ペルー) – Pedro Valverde
- スウェーデン語 – Sofia BrÃ¥vander, Urban Norlander
- タイ語 – Nibhon, Wuttichai Songprapai
- トルコ語 – Gökhan DAMGACI
- ウクライナ語 – Максим Кобєлєв
- 管理画面の「プラグイン」の「新規追加」から
Event Organiser
を検索し、「今すぐインストール」を押します - 「有効化」ボタンを押します
- 設定は管理画面の「設定」から「Event Organiser」を選んでください
イベントはどうやって作成したらよいですか ?
カレンダー表示では、Google カレンダーのような方法でイベントを追加することもできます。1日または複数日 (月モード) または時間 (週/日モード) を選択することで、選択した期間にまたがるイベントを作成することができます。
残念ながら、デフォルトのテンプレートがすべてのテーマで動作するとは限りません。イベントの内容が正しく表示されなかったり、サイドバーの位置がずれてしまったりと、特定のテーマでうまく動作しないことがあります。その場合は、デフォルトのテンプレートを編集して、使用するテーマに合うようにします (テーマのテンプレートをガイドラインとして使用することができます) 。詳しくは こちら をご覧ください。
イベントを表示するにはどうしたらよいですか ?
(パーマリンクを有効にしている場合、これらは ‘prettier’ バージョンになります) を試してみてください。同様に、会場やイベントのカテゴリページもあります。これらの各ページには、Event Organiser プラグイン・フォルダの テンプレート ・サブディレクトリに存在する独自の関連テンプレートがあります。デフォルト・テンプレートをオーバーライドするには、テーマ・ディレクトリに適切な名前のファイルを作成するだけです。ウィジェット
このプラグインは以下のウィジェットを提供します (ウィジェットのドキュメントを見る):- イベントリスト – 会場、カテゴリー、日付で絞り込みが可能。
- カレンダー – WordPress のカレンダーに似た、イベントを表示するカレンダーを表示。
- アジェンダ – 日付でグループ化されたリストでイベントを表示し、AJAX でナビゲートします。
プラグインは以下のショートコードも提供します (ショートコードのドキュメントを見る):- イベントリスト & ウィジェットカレンダー – ウィジェット対応版のショートコード版。
- フルカレンダー – 管理カレンダーと同様のカレンダーで、月、週、日の表示や、カテゴリー、会場のフィルターがオプションで用意
最後に WordPress のget_posts()
という関数が用意されています。これは、投稿オブジェクトの配列 (投稿はイベント) を返し、これを使用してテーマを編集してイベントを表示することができます。WordPress の関連情報 (作成者、タイトルなど) を表示する通常の関数もそのまま利用できますし、イベント関連のデータ (日付、会場など) を表示する同様の関数もプラグインで提供されます。さらに詳しい情報を見る。 -
カレンダーには、公開されているすべてのイベントが表示されるはずです。カレンダーが表示されない場合、通常は使用しているテーマが原因であり、一時的に TwentyEleven のテーマに切り替えることで確認できます。テーマが原因の場合、通常は以下のような原因が考えられます:
- WordPress に同梱されている jQuery / jQuery UI の登録が解除され、古いバージョンが登録されている
- テーマがフッターで
カレンダーは表示されるが読み込みに時間がかかる場合、通常は AJAX 応答が原因です。サイトが「デバッグ」モードになっている場合、他のプラグインからのエラー メッセージが表示されることが原因である可能性があります。ブラウザのコンソール (例: Firefox の firebug または Chromeのデベロッパーツール) で AJAX レスポンスを表示することができます。それでも問題の原因や解決方法がわからない場合は、プラグインフォーラムにサイトへのリンクを貼っていただければ、確認します。
「次へ」の月をクリックするとページが再読み込みされる場合、JavaScript が読み込まれていません。これは通常、テーマがフッターで
を呼び出していないことが原因です。カレンダーが反応しない場合、通常はテーマがウィジェットに独自の ID とクラスを追加することを許可していないことが原因です。テーマフォルダのどこかで、テーマは
を使用します (おそらくfunctions.php
にあります)。それは次のようなものです:register_sidebar(array( 'name' => __( 'Side bar name' ), 'id' => 'sidebar-id', 'description' => __( 'Widget area description' ), 'before_title' => '<h1>', 'after_title' => '</h1>', 'before_widget' => '<div id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">', 'after_widget' => '</div>', ));
before_widget の引数にある
に注目してください。これらは、ウィジェットに独自の ID とクラスを追加することを可能にします。もしテーマがclass="widget %2$s "
を使用しない場合 (使用すべきです !)、ウィジェットカレンダーの月のナビゲーションは機能しません。それでも原因や修正方法がわからない場合は、プラグインフォーラムにリンクを貼っていただければ確認しますのでご利用ください。
どのようなショートコードが利用できますか ?
Event Organiser は、以下のショートコードを提供します:
– 会場、カテゴリー、日付でフィルタリングできるイベントのリストを表示します。[eo_calendar]
– WordPress のカレンダーに似たウィジェットカレンダーが表示され、AJAX でナビゲーションされます。[eo_fullcalendar]
– 管理者カレンダーと同様に、月、週、日の表示、カテゴリ、会場フィルタができるカレンダーを表示します。[eo_venue_map]
– 現在の会場、または属性で指定された特定の会場の Google マップを表示します。[eo_subscribe]
– 訪問者が Google カレンダーまたは Webcal を介してサイトのイベントを購読するために使用できるリンクを作成します。
ショートコードの詳細については こちら をご覧ください。
= 3.12.8 – 26th August 2024
* Bugfix: Fixes interoperability with Real Consent banner
* Bugfix: Fixes PHP 8 warning messages
= 3.12.7 – 26th August 2024
* Security patch: Bump version of moment.js
= 3.12.6 – 14th July 2024
* Fixed PHP 8.1 deprecation notices
= 3.12.5 – 24th February 2024
* Security patch: Disables cache of public calendars (can be re-enabled with the following code)
add_filter('eventorganiser_cache_expiration_eo_widget_calendar', function(){
add_filter('eventorganiser_cache_expiration_eo_widget_agenda', function(){
add_filter('eventorganiser_cache_expiration_eo_full_calendar_public', function(){
3.12.4 – 2nd October 2023
- fix: php 8.2 warnings
3.12.3 – 11th March 2023
- fix: integer overflow bug with theme compatbility template handling
3.12.2 – 15th November 2022
- fix: bug with admin calendar not rendering correctly in WordPress 6.1
3.12.1 – 28th September 2022
- fix: static method called dynamically
3.12.0 – 30th March 2022
- feat: Add %event_organiser_url% placeholder for event list shortcode (url of the event’s organiser)
3.11.1 – 30th March 2022
- bugfix: Fix “InvalidValueError: setIcon: not a string…” error with Google Maps
3.11.0 – 10th March 2022
- bugfix: Add support for PHP 8+
3.10.8 – 13th October 2021
- bugfix: Close open tooltip windows when opening tooltip..
3.10.7 – 11th June 2021
- bugfix: Fixed bug with license keys not saving on multisite installations.
3.10.6 – 17th May 2021
- bugfix: Fix bug with Open Street Map & selecting ‘no venue’
3.10.5 – 7th March 2021
- bugfix: Replace deprecated jQuery methods
3.10.4 – 19th January 2021
- bugfix: Fixed week/day calendar views broken in WP 5.6
- bugfix: Fixed some jquery-migrate deprecation notices
3.10.3 – 15th January 2021
- bugfix: Fixed jQuery errors with WordPress 5.6
- bugfix: Fixed styling regressions
3.10.2 – 13th September 2020
- bugfix: Fixed all-day toggle not working with WordPress 5.5
3.10.1 – 14th August 2020
- bugfix: Fixed iCal feeds being treated as comment feeds
3.10.0 – 22nd July 2020
- feature: Extended support for RECURRENCE-ID in iCal calendards
- bugfix: Ensure translated screen help text is escaped
- bugfix: Replace instances of curly braces for array access (deprecated PHP 7).
3.9.1 – 28th May 2020
- bugfix: Fixed bug where venue can’t be changed if maps are disabled
- feature: Added additonal methods to the maps adapter API
3.9.0 – 8th January 2020
- feature: Added option to disable venue maps
- bugfix: Ensure latitude/longtitude co-ordinates are cast as floats
3.8.6 – 18th November 2019
- bugfix: Removed call to is_feed(), uses $query->is_feed() instead. Fixes potential warning logged
3.8.5 – 7th November 2019
- bugfix: Fixed missing Leaflet files for openstreetmap
3.8.4 – 5th November 2019
- bugfix: Fixed inline editing event looses venue selection
3.8.3 – 31st August 2019
- bugfix: Fixed ‘Feed not found’ when importing a feed with a Byte Order Mark.
3.8.2 – 6th August 2019
- bugfix: Restored PHP 5.2 compatability
3.8.1 – 26th July 2019
- Bumped tested up-to version
- bugfix: Fixed bug where leaflet map appeared above datepicker in the event edit screen
3.8.0 – 15th July 2019
- feature: Added
filter - feature: Added
filter - bugfix: Fixed max zoom for leaflet
- bugfix: Fixed recurrence notice being removed by ‘hide admin notices’ plugin
- bugfix: Fixed bug where
shortcode would not display terms in the dropdown filter if they were surrounded by space, e.g.[eo_fullcalendar event_category="foo, bar"]
3.7.6 – 6th March 2019
- bugfix: Fixed missing translations
- bugfix: Fix tags and categories not appearing in Gutenberg
3.7.5 – 1st March 2019
- feature: Added eventorganiser_pre_insert_venue filter
- bugfix: Use case-sensitive constants for PHP 7.3 #454
- bugfix: Fix issue if event categories are invalid #455
- bugfix: Fix user_events option for calendar not working
- bugfix: Ensure table names are reigstered before removing tables. Fixes #444
- bugfix: Fix warning for PHP 7+ where string is passed, not integer
- bugfix: Fix typo
3.7.4 – 26th August 2018
- bugfix: Fix bug with venue map shortcode when used without attributes
3.7.3 – 13th July 2018
- bugfix: Fix Google Maps API key notice appearing when Open Street Maps is selected
- bugfix: Corrected spelling error in venue arguments (“longtitude” corrected to “longitude”)
3.7.2 – 8th June 2018
- bugfix: Fixed maps bug which affected users with Yoast’s SEO Plugin installed
- bugfix: Replaced data-vocabulary.org with schema.org
- bugfix: Fixed higher-priority template being overridden by lower priority template in
eo_locate_template() when multiple template names are given. See #434
3.7.1 – 31st May 2018
- bugfix: fixed admin calendar modal appearing behind overlay
- bugfix: fixed venues with apostrophes not appearing in the venue search/autocomplete.
3.7.0 – 25th May 2018
- Added support for OpenStreetMap. New installations default to OpenStreetMap.
3.6.5 3rd April 2018
- bugfix: Only use date ordinal suffix (st,nd,rd,th) if the site’s date format setting includes it
= 3.6.4 26th March 2018
- bugfix: Addressed issue where grouping occurrences might error depending on MySQL configuration. Fixes #432
= 3.6.3 6th March 2018
- bugfix: Fixed bug with grouping occurrences, effecting some MySQL versions. Fixes #430
= 3.6.2 5th January 2018
- bugfix: Fixed reference error in calendar shortcode introduced in 3.6.1
= 3.6.1 4th January 2018
- bugfix: Bug where static value is used for calendar breakpoint on initial load
- bugfix: Ensure venue tooltip is moved to fit within viewport
- bugfix: Bug where clicking on the venue tooltip could cause the map to overflow the container
= 3.6.0 25th November 2017
- added: Ability to specify multiple event authors (organiser) in the fullcalendar author/author_name attribute
by using a comma seperate lised e.g: [eo_fullcalendar author=”1,2″] - bugfix: The “organiser” full calendar filter only displays users included in the author/author_name attribute
if supplied. - bugfix: Occurrences which have changed time still appear in the include/excludes datepicker
- bugfix: iCal feed will display correct DSTART & DTEND values even when the initial occurrence is excluded from
the query driving the feed. - changed: The admin calendar week/day views display 15-minute intervals. If dragging of occurrences is enabled
this can be done in 5 minute intervals.
= 3.5.1 14th November 2017
- Fix bug where multiple filters are used in fullcalendar shortcode, seperated by a comma
= 3.5.0 8th November 2017
- Added ‘organiser’ option to calendar shortcode’s headerLeft/headerCenter/headerRight attributes – allows
filting of the event calendar by event organiser (author). - Improved effeciency of calendar page load time by lazy loading required data
- Updated French and Dutch translations
- Tested up to 4.9.0-beta-4
= 3.4.1 18th October 2017
- Tested up to 4.9.0-beta-2
- Fixed a bug with the calculation of long occurrences
- Updated Czech translation
= 3.4.0 25th September 2017
- Tested up to 4.8.2
- added:
attribute for the calendar shortcode:[eo_fullcalendar weeknumbers=true]
= 3.3.0 12th September 2017
- added:
placeholder for the event list shortcode / widget - added:
placeholder for the event list shortcode / widget - added:
hook - updated: Spanish, Finish and Italian translations
- bugfix: private events authored by the current user are now visible in the admin calendar
- bugfix: Fix casing in ‘All events’
- bugfix: Fix bug in event list widget settings:
checkbox is not checked, even when enabled.
= 3.2.0 23rd August 2017
* Updated ‘Tested up to’ version (WordPress 4.8.1)
* Update Czech, Indonesian, French, Japanese, Dutch, Portuguese,
Norwegian, Slovenian and Swedish.
* Default event page names are now filterable via eventorganiser_event_properties
* Remove X-WR-CALNAME from iCal feed for single event feeds. See #413.
* Fixes errors if event-category tax is disabled. See #414
* Fixes mark-up error in calendar widget: tbody must occur before tfoot
= 3.1.10 – 8th July 2017
* Updated ‘Tested up to’ version (WordPress 4.8)
* Updated Afrikaan, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Greek,
Hungarian, Portuguese, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish and Turkish translations.
= 3.1.9 – 31st March 2017
* Removed development tool
* Updated French, Italian and Japanese translations
= 3.1.8 – 30th March 2017
- Handle 767 byte index size limit in MySQL. See #404
- Fix handling of ampersands in the iCal feed
= 3.1.7 – 23rd December 2016
* bugfix: Remove icon was not visible when editing galleries on the event admin page
= 3.1.6 – 11th November 2016
* Fix bug causing edit event admin page to link to the settings page.
* Fix bug in eo_get_current_occurrence_of()
* Ensure occurrence_id
value returned by eo_get_next_occurrence_of()
is an integer not a string.
3.1.5 – 2nd November 2016
- bugfix: Fixed conflict, affecting widget the calendar, with some tranlsation plugins. This resulted in not being able to naviage through the calendar.
- bugfix: Fixed inline documentation
- bugfix: Fixed
tag being used as a closing tag
3.1.4 – 9th September 2016
- Tested up to 4.6.1
- bugfix: In the iCal field don’t change the BYDAY property when a city is used as a timezone (i.e. instead of a UTC offset). Fixes #376
3.1.3 – 23rd July 2016
- bugfix: Fixed tranlsation (.mo files)
- bugfix: Fixed image files
- enhancement: Updated translations
3.1.2 – 20th July 2016
- enhancement: Uses
rather than `get_permalink()“ in default templates. - bugfix: Fixes private events not displayed in the calendar widget for those who can view private events
- bugfix: Fixes warnings in calendar widget settings
- bugfix: Fixes invalid HTML mark-up in widget settings. Ref #370
- bugfix: Fixes an edge case bug where the iCal feed errored
- bugfix: Fixes a typo in google maps help text
3.1.1 – 8th July 2016
- bugfix: Allows Google Maps API to be used via a setting or constant. Please see http://wp-event-organiser.com/blog/announcements/google-maps-now-requires-api-key/ for details #365
- bugfix: Fixes bug where deleting all the occurrences of an event via the admin calendar does not properly delete the event. #367
- bugfix: Sanitize hex codes for event category colours.
- bugfix: Fixed bug where the subscribe to calendar (in Google) shortcode did not work on sites using SSL certificates. #328
- enhancement: Refactor event render filter for the calendar so that it always fires #366
- bugfix: Fixes a bug where events without any dates did not appear in the Events admin. #367
3.1.0 – 23rd May 2016
- enhancement: Improved performance when grouping by event series
- enhancement: Added
attribute for calendar shortcode. Display only occurrences in Event with ID5:[eo_fullcalendar event_series="5"]
- enhancement: Add event-category / event-url query parameters to the URLs on the calendar widgt if filtering by category / venue.
- enhancement: iCal feeds now include the featured image
- enhancement: Added
filter to change ‘recur until date’ for indefinitely recurring events imported from an iCal feed. - enhancement: Added
action after core fields in Event metabox - enhancement: Add setting to configure calendar shortcode’s mobile breakpoint
- enhancement: Calling
with a non DateTime object throws an exception - bugfix: Fix a bug with formatting date-range when two tokens look the same (e.g. day of the week) bug refer to different dates. (See #359)
- bugfix: Improved a11y of venue address metabox
- bugfix: Improve a11y of notices and remove title attribute #323
- bugfix: Removed unnecessary title attributes, and ‘bookmark’ link from templates and elsewhere
- bugfix: Fixed bug were uppercase meridian was being removed for languages which don’t have a translation (should instead retain the English default, as is the case with lowercase meridian). Adds tests
- bugfix: Double quotes now stripped from the ORGANISER CN parameter in iCal feeds
- bugfix: Remove date from venue page title when viewing events in a venue in given year/month or on a given date
- bugfix: Fixed notice markup containing incorrect closing anchor tag
3.0.5 – 31st March 2016
- bugfix: Compatible with WordPress 4.5
- bugfix: Fixed bug which occurs in firefox when using a single digit for the date/month attribute of the calendar shortcode
- bugfix: Used alternative ‘Mustache’ style syntax for the agenda widget to prevent conflicts with servers with ASP tags enabled.
- bugfix: Used get_the_title rather than post_title property in the calendar widget
- bugfix: Disabled plug-in’s front-end css if theme support is enabled.
- bugfix: Fixed error in the agenda widget if there are no events to display
- bugfix: Fixed ‘undefined variable’ warning in eo_get_permalink
3.0.4 – 3rd March 2016
- bugfix: Fixed venue and organiser filters were not being applied for calendar shortcode
- bugfix: Fixed 404 errors with category/venue dropdown widget
3.0.3 – 24th Feburary 2016
- enhancement: Removed the year from the list view
- bugfix: Fixed ordering of terms in the Events admin page filters
- bugfix: Restore backwards compatability for custom templates using the ‘upcoming dates’ list show more/less feature
- bugfix: Fixed venue dropdown not filtering the (frontend)calendar
- bugfix: Fixed incorrect class name in the ‘upcoming dates’ list show more/less links
- bugfix: Fixed timezone warning not dismissable.
- bugfix: Fixed typo in stylesheet
3.0.2 – 12th Feburary 2016
- enhancement: Clicking the down array in the venue selection field shows all venues. Limit of suggested venues while searching venues in search suggestion increased to 10.
- enhancement: Updated Dutch translation
- bugfix: Fixed and issue with some date formats (such as ‘T’, ‘Z’) not rendering correctly on the calendar. Not all formats are supported.
- bugfix: Ensured the agenda widget does display bullet points. This fixes compatability issues with some themes.
- bugfix: Fixed warning when quick editing an event
- bugfix: Restored missing template field in the event list widget
- bugfix: Fixed basic week/day buttons not hidden when in responsive list view.
- bugfix: Fixed calendar not highlighting the current day.
3.0.1 – 4th February 2016
- bugfix: Fixed incorrect ‘No Venue’ label in venue selection when editing an event
- bugfix: Update languages
- bugfix: Addressed some text inconsistancies and typos (See #329, #330, #331, #333)
- bugfix: Fixed bug with agenda widget not translating dates.
- bugfix: Removed inline styles from the front-end and moved to stylesheet.
- bugfix: Fixed bug where agenda widget was not linking to event (when ‘add to Google’ is disabled)
- bugfix: Agenda widget now opens on todays date if it has an event
- bugfix: Fixed subscribe shortcode when specfying a particular category/venue.
3.0.0 – 29th January 2016
Event Organiser now requires WordPress 3.8.0+ or better
- feature: fullCalendar is now responsive, and collapses to a list on mobile view. This can be disabled with
[eo_fullcalendar responsive=0]
- feature: Adds
option. A multi-day event must finish after this time for it appear on that day on the calendar. Default ’06:00:00′ (6am) - feature: You can enable a more compact calendar view, where an event will occupy only one line in the calendar and long event titles are truncated. This can be enabled as follows:
[eo_fullcalendar compact=true]
- feature: Improved, and minimalist styling for the calendar, which makes it easier for themes to set the calendar styling.
- feature: fullCalendar key attribute can now take the value ‘top’ or ‘bottom’, e.g.
[eo_fullcalendar key="bottom"]
to configure the location of the category colour key. - feature: Adds
attribute to configure the aspect ratio (height/width) of the fullCalendar. Defaults to auto resizing. - feature: You can now specify which days appear on fullCalendar shortcode (day & week views):
[eo_fullcalendar showDays="MO,WE,TH,SU"]
- feature: The fullCalendar library has been upgraded to v2.2.7
- feature: Adds
option, to specify the duration of time slots in the agenda views, default ’00:30:00′ (30 minutes) - feature: date/time ranges in calendar titles/axis are now done automatically.
- change: Use
attribute (yyyy-mm-dd) instead of year/month/date attributes to specify an opening date for the calendar - bugfix: Event categories in the calendar filter now appear in alphabetical order
- change: Removed support for deprecated API (Deprecated in 1.5.6, Sep 2012).
- change:
is deprecated (though still useable). It is recommended that you use useeo_taxonomy_dropdown()
instead - feature: Introduced
: which will format the date(time) (range, where appropriate) of the event occurrence. E.g. a one day event may appear as 28th November 2pm-3pm, and a two-day all-day event may appear as 28-29th November. The resulting date depends on the date/time format options, and whether the event is multi-day and whether is all-day.
Google map
- Added js-hook
- Venue map function and shortcode now support
Theme compatability
- feature: A ‘theme compatability’ mode has been introduced to improve compatability with themes. This can be enabled in Settings > Event Organiser > General
- feature: Added
functions to help format event dates and ranges - feature: dateformats in event templates now use the date format settings
- feature: Added
filters to filter plug-in stylesheets locations. This allows for themes to map plug-in stylesheets to their own stylesheets. - feature: Added
function, which filters the handle of front-facing CSS files witheventorganiser_stylesheet_handle_{handle}
. This allows themes/plugins to map a CSS file to a different one. - change: Removed generic
class fromevent-meta-event-single.php
template as this was causing theme compatability issues - change: Events pages (events, venue, category tag pages) now display the event’s start and end time as a range, e.g. 20th January 2016, 8pm-9pm
- change: Single event page, upcoming dates template can now be used on templates with multiple events
- change: HTML classes added for the upcoming dates on the single event page for themes
iCal feed
- feature: The iCal importer is more forgiving when importing incorrectly formatted iCal feeds
- feature: When importing a feed, the DURATION attribute is now supported
- bugfix: Fixes bug with way events without a DTEND specified were interpretted.
- bugfix: Event dates are not converted to Site’s timezone defined in VTIMEZONE (if php 5.3+)
- change: Agenda widget ‘day’ mode it behaves like week/month mode and displays only one day at a time
- feature: Event list widget now allows you to list events in certain scopes (e.g. past events, future events, running events, events on today). Custom ‘scopes’ can be registered with the
- feature: improved performance, particularly for sites with long recurring events or large number of venues
- feature: Added
to filter the timezone - feature: improved support for UTC-offset timezones, but it is strongly recommended you chose a city
- bufix: Fixes bug where quick editing will cause event start and end cells to disappear
This is an ongoing process, and any bug reports, feature suggestions and pull requests are welcome in this respect.
- feature: Added a Keyboard shortcuts modal (shift + ?) added (admin calendar page)
- bugfix: Edit event metabox no longer uses a tabular mark-up. Missing label/description mark-up is added, as well as other minor improvements to the markup.
- bugfix: The timepicker is now keyboard accessible
- bugfix: Focus state is now clearer on the date & time pickers
- bugfix: Modals on the admin calendar page are keyboard friendly
- bugfix: Mark-up for the admin calendar tabs have been improved
- bugfix: Screen reader text added to events in the fullcalendar and calendar header made an aria-live region
- bugfix: Improved keyboard accessibility of venue selection on the edit event and calendar screen
2.13.7 – 9th December 2015
- Fixes a bug with the event list widgets on WordPress 4.4
- Ensures categories in the category fullCalendar shortcode are listed alphabetically
- Replaces deprecated
notice classes - Updated translations and Lithuaniun
2.13.6 – 9th August 2015
- Fixes incompatability with WordPress 4.3 on venue admin screen
2.13.5 – 25th July 2015
- Register database tables early
- Fix bug where ‘schedule_last’ is used instead of ‘until’ in parsing iCal feed.
2.13.4 – 13th June 2015
- Correct escaped characters in time format not being displayed as literal text. Fixes #273.
2.13.3 – 2nd June 2015
- Fixed incomptability with WordPress 3.4. Please note that from Event Organiser 3.0.0 onwards, the minimum requirement is being increased to WordPress 3.8
2.13.2 – 23rd May 2015
- Fixed a bug with the drop-down venue/category filters on the events admin screen with WordPress 4.2.
- Fixed issue with google map when selecting a venue on the event admin screen. Props to @r-a-y.
- The times of newly created events are now rounded (forward) to the half hour. Props to @r-a-y.
- Reoccurence label is changed from ‘once’ to ‘none’. Props to @r-a-y.
- Updated translations.
2.13.1 – 7th May 2015
- Fixes bug where use of
tag modifies end date - Fixes bug where
is set to ‘false’. (Fixes conflict with FES)
2.13.0 – 1st May 2015
- Added
for use ‘inside the Loop’ - Added
for use by themes/extensions - Added filter event calendar query:
- Added
action - Added
hook schedule_last
argument foreo_insert_event()
deprecated in favour ofuntil
. (schedule_last
is still
supported)- Fixed bug where including/excluding dates may change ‘until’ recurrence date.
- Fixed bug with importing included/excluded dates in ‘foreign’ timezone to site timezone
- Bump fullCalendar CSS to 1.6.4 inline with fullcalendar.js. Fixes issue with event overlap in week view
- Fix bug in iCal parsing with feeds containing weekly events without a byday component to the RRule
2.12.5 – 21st April 2015
- Fixes XSS vulnerability
- Fixes a bug with editing an event date/time after including additional dates.
- Fixes warnings produced by
2.12.4 – 19th March 2015
- Fixes bug with incorrect “Invalid datetime” errors when parsing iCal exdate or rdate dates
- Decode HTML entities for X-ALT-DESC
2.12.3 – 13th March 2015
- Fixes bug with iCal parser not correctly handling excluded date-times (bug introduced 2.12.0)
- Fixes bug with validating iCal date (as opposed to date-time).
2.12.2 – 10th March 2015
- Fixes conflict with ACF on event admin pages
- Fixes fatal error on events pages when displaying event tag (bug introduced 2.12.1).
- Fixes
for use outside the loop. - Uses taxonomy labels array for category drop-dropdown labels.
- Updates Romanian & Slovak translations.
2.12.1 – 2nd March 2015
- Fix bug which disabled adding events via the admin calendar
- Fixed typo with enabling beta feature of changing an occurrence’s time via the admin calendar
- Added php 5.2 to Travis CI tests
2.12.0 – 20th February 2015
You are strongly recommended to update to 2.12.0 before updating to WordPress 4.2 (to be released).
Please see this post
- Includes fix for WordPress 4.2 “term splitting”.
- Removes obsolete event update checks. Fixes #241.
- Adds support for “author” and “author_name” attributes for fullCalendar to display a user’s events.
- Adds support for “event_tag” attribute for fullCalendar to display a events with particular tag(s).
- Fixes bug with iCal feed not converting HTML entities for summary/description.
- Improve resonsiveness of venue admin page. Fixes #236.
- Fixes bug with event ID not always set for eventorganiser_get_the_start/end filters.
- Remove tabindex attribute from venue admin page.
- Replaces
in iCal feed. - Adds fix for themes adding CSS transition to fullCalendar.
- Ensures dates are populated when duplicating events with Duplicate Post plug-in. Fixes #242.
- Fixes bug with long list of (unscrollable) venues overflowing modal on admin calendar page.
- Allows post_date and post_date_gmt keys in eo_update/insert_event.
2.11.1 – 28th January 2015
- Fixes UI issue with adding/removing occurences
- Improves highlight of “active” components
- Sets max-width of venue/category drop-downs so long venue/category names don’t break the admin calendar layout
2.11.0 – 24th January 2015
- Update jQuery UI stylesheet
- Removed support for old classic (blue) WordPress admin
- Adds a fix for fullcalendar with themes setting max-width of links
- Add ‘sanity check’ for datetime instances in event class function
- Add comment_status & context to eo_insert_event / eo_update_event post data
- Updated Spanish, French, Latvian, Swedish & Turkish translations.
- Added Macedonian translation.
2.10.0 – 22nd December 2014
- Tested against WordPress 4.1
- Allow google map styles to be set via API
- Added
filter - Support RTL languages (added stylesheet)
- Added
action - Added
filter - Added venue admin page hook for
tag. - Fixed incorrect text domain.
- Fixed ‘color’ property name typo on frontend.js fullCalendar
2.9.2 – 31st October 2014
- Fixes plug-in textarea options, where saved value does not appear.
2.9.1 – 14th October 2014
- Updates translations including Portugese (Brazil), Hebrew and French.
- Handles duplicate UID errors (in iCal feeds) arising from edited occurrences.
- Fixes conflict with themes where the .eo_widget_calendar class is not added to widget calendar widgets.
- Add data attribute support for checkbox/textarea functions
- Adds missing i18n functions from Grunt task
- Fixes bug with eo_date_interval() and month overflows.
- Fixes event updated failing on cron jobs. (Fixes conflict with wp-cron-control https://wordpress.org/support/topic/clashes-with-events-plug-in)
2.9.0 – 16th September 2014
- Allow latitude/longitude co-ordinates of venue to be edited.
- Update timepicker and prevent invalid date/time selection for event start/end dates.
- Add filters for event taxonomy properties:
- Filter response to fullCalendar:
- Minify css and use minified resources when not in debug mode.
- Adds eo-multi-day class if an event starts and ends on different days (fullCalendar)
- Fix bug with rich snippet item type (Geo/Organisation)
- Add URL to iCal feed
- Fixes issue calculation of events across DST boundary. See #224
- Fixes iCal feed errors, adds additional unit tests
- Include locale in cache key if polylang is enabled for events.
- Updated French & Japense translations
2.8.6 – 4th September 2014
- Adds workaround to avoid potential conflicts with the theme & widget calendar
- Makes plug-in description translable
- Adds plug-in icon & updates plug-in header image
- Fixes bug where private events did not appear on the calendar (even though the user had permission to see them).
- Update German, Spanish, Japanese translation
- Ensure ical feed validates. Thanks to @christianwach. Fixes #218.
- Default template handling: adds check that current content is for event. Fixes bug where
is used on single event pages for content other than the event.
2.8.5 – 22nd August 2014
- Hide venue/category filter on admin calendar when there are no events/categories.
- Fix bug where the last date of long, non-all-day events do not appear on the widget calendar when the start time is after the end time. See thread.
- Fixes UI bug with venue selection on the calendar view
- Added Latvian translation
- Updated translations: Arabic, Czech, Danish, Spanish, Finnish & French.
2.8.4 – 14th August 2014
- Adds fix for themes which apply transitions to anchor tags
- Fixes bug where event’s “schedule_last” is incorrectly set to the last event date update/inserted
- Ensure next/prev links in widget calendar use home url as a base
- Do not use
tags withwp_add_inline_style()
on WP 3.7+ - Fix styling being applied to event venue pages
- Updated CONTRIBUTING.md, please make PRs on develop branch
- Fixes bug with “timeformat” included in event query which can affect results returned to fullCalendar. See thread.
2.8.3 – 5th August 2014
- Fixes bug with using DateTime object in
queries - Don’t use
, can result in buggy behaviour. Fixes Fixes #205. - If ‘new’ venue already exists, use pre-existing venue’s ID. Fixes #202.
- Clone DateTime objects before altering them (e.g. timezone). [Fixes #203)(https://github.com/stephenharris/Event-Organiser/issues/203).
- Don’t display category/venue filters if there are no terms.
- Check if
is an empty array (suggests incorrect/empty date). Fixes bug with PHP5.2 installs. See forum post.
2.8.2 – 26th June 2014
- Fixes widget template option ignored (bug introduced in 2.8.1)
- Check if array is empty before using array_combine (throws error on PHP 5.3 and older).
2.8.1 – 24th June 2014
- Fixes bug with 2.8.0 where updating only the time of an event, is not reflected.
2.8 – 18th June 2014
- Support
attributes for the (widget) calendar shortcode. - Improved handling of updating event schedules (common dates are not deleted / re-inserted)
- Hide ‘author’ column if on a single-organiser install, and hide venue columns if venues are not supported.
- Added Japanese translation. Thanks to ogawa, tkj, takeshi terai, haya.
- Support quoted timezones in iCal feeds. Fixes #191
- Fixes bug regarding to ‘no events found’ for past day links on widget calendar. See #30
- iCal feeds: When encountering duplicate UIDs use sequence attribute to choose the correct one.
- Fixes errors in Czech translation, thanks to coubeatczech. Fixes #188
- Fixes bug where relative queries with
return uintended results. The function previously ignored the time part. - Fix datepicker css (particuarly on firefox).
- Ensure jquery-dialog is loaded (thanks to PunchRockgroin).
- Compatible with WordPress 3.9
- Fixes issue with
on Windows servers running PHP 5.2 - Added prefix to jQuery UI time picker plug-in to prevent conflicts with other plug-ins
- Fixes X-ALT-DESC (HTML) tag in iCal feed
- Add prefix to ensure the (post) date filter is removed only on the event admin screen
- Remove ‘large-text’ class added to textarea with the …