Create stunning, interactive 3D world maps globes for your WordPress site.
Demo | Documentation | Pro
This plugin offers a realistic 3D world map with clickable map elements, allowing users to explore geographic locations on a dynamic world map in an engaging and immersive way.
Perfect for displaying global data, travel maps, or educational content, this 3D interactive world map plugin enhances user experience with smooth, responsive design.
Easily integrate a customizable 3D world map into your website to captivate your audience.
No API Keys required!
3D 地球儀
地球儀は、3D レンダリングに ThreeJS/WebGL を使用し、球面投影で 3 次元グローブを作成できるライブラリである globe.gl を使用して生成されます。
If you need to display locations on a world map, this is the solution for you.
Create your first world map in minutes! Use it to highlight locations, offices, projects, representatives, statistics, or other interactive marker visualization you need!
地球儀を作成すると、ブロック エディター、Elementorなどを含むすべての一般的なページ ビルダーで使用できる固有のショートコードが得られます。
- いくつでも地球儀を作成できます
- レスポンシブかつクロスデバイス
- 丸い色付きマーカーを追加する
- ホバー色の変更を設定する
- 新しいウインドウで開くなどのクリックアクションを設定
- 別の地球儀画像を選ぶ
- ホバーで HTML ツールチップを表示
The plugin generates interactive, responsive, touch-enabled map globes which are embedded directly into your HTML5 pages and compatible with all modern browsers and devices.
Introducing PRO version
- Regions – Colour countries or regions in the globe
- Arc Lines – Add lines connecting two or more points on the globe
- More Globe appearance options: Hollow Globe, Custom Color, Custom Globe Image
- Advanced Click Actions: Display Content Below, Above, Right, Left, in a Lightbox and in an Iframe.
- Priority support
- Priority updates
Where can I get coordinates for a marker?
You can get the latitude and longitude needed to a add a marker to a map using sites like GetLatLong or LatLong.net or any other similar website.
Clicking the globe preview will also return the coordinates of the clicked point. -
Where can I learn how to use the plugin?
公式 Web サイトのドキュメント ページにアクセスできます。
Do I need an API Key? No
No, the plugin and world maps/globes work without the need of API Keys.
Interactive Globes – 3D World Maps はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。
- New: Duplicate/clone globe
- Fix: Allow word delimiters in rest api point
- Fix: Region json field when missing files
- Fix: Region list
- Fix: Action clicks
- Fix: Empty dot label name
- Fix: Redirect on license activation
- Fix: Loading model order
- Fix: Copy shortcode to clipboard with old method
- Maintenance: Update globe gl, readme links
- Fix: Use region’s name for sorting
- Fix: Set bigger lightbox on smaller screens
- Fix: Prevent side color of regions in hollow globe
- Fix: TooltipTemplate and onlyActive for regions tooltips
- Fix: Visual issues when multiple features are enabled
- Fix: Better nl2br handling for html content
- Fix: Update freemius to signal addons
- Deprecate: Deprecate public method: get_globe_items
- Maintenance: Update build tasks, ignores
- New: Connect existing markers into new lines
- New: Layers and filters
- New: Dropdown Search
- New: Custom geojson for regions
- New: Quick activation link in admin notice for pro users
- Fix: Pause rotation on hover by default for markers
- Fix: Shortcode footer loading in only plugin’s related pages
- Several maintenance and integration fixes
- Fix: Update globe render meta filter
- Fix: Add a check on meta for shortcode
- Fix: Update dotlabel meta section name
- New: improved parent globe selection
- New: Tooltips template
- New: Copy shortcode button
- Fix: Workaround when API DELETE is blocked
- Fix: Allow assets to be loaded in plugin pages
- Fix: Expose globe parent field when not in iframe [Pro]
- Fix: Improve freemius integration [Pro]
- Fix: Hide some geocoding fields [Pro]
- Fix Rest API Error
- Add more filters to help customize the globe rendering
- Better default values
- Ripple effect on click
- Move external Font Awesome files to plugin
- Better action content handling of new lines breaks
- Improved admin preview experience
It brings an improved interface.
* add interactions inputs for animation, zoom, pan & rotate
* sets alpha and antialias
It introduces a huge work to improve the elements of the globe.
* Rewrite Points and Dotlabels as a cpt
* Add lifecycle events
* Migration from legacy elements to new cpt.
* Add Modal view for elements
- Add option to change label
- Reorg globe models
- expose Global object ittGlobe
- unify naming
- Improve assets loading
- 更新: 初期の半径サイズ
- 修正: メタの漏れ
- エディター外のアセットのロードを防止する
- ショートコードを含むメタの読み込みを他の画面に読み込まないようにする
- 「記憶」タブを有効にする
- フリー版とプロ版のコードは分離されています
- 分離された Javascript の機能
- コードの調整
- 依存関係の更新
- バグ修正
- バグ修正
- 初期リリース