このプラグインの公開は2017年4月7日に停止されており、ダウンロードできません。 理由: 不明。
I inherited a site with php splattered all over, with many similar pages and lots of repeated code. The php was in the pages and widgets and eval’d by a plugin.
Now I have beautiful refactored code, all out of the pages and widgets, and safely in snippets. The mechanism for using $PHPPC for shared variables is nice too, and made refactoring SO much easier.
The facility to export and import snippets is nice too, as I was able to try things out on my own server, then stick them up on the hosting, with just a few clicks.
Your plugin has saved the day. And you are a fellow Scot too.
We like that.
A small issue in the latest version of this plugin, which was caused by my old version of php was solved within minutes of me notifying the author!
Friendly and extremely fast response and a quick solution makes what was already a great plugin even greater,
You can rely on it!
Im very sorry but as I installed this plugin only the post which I have used with the shortcode explained in your documentation some one edited my post with hacked bla bla bla
Your Plugin is insecure!
Please, add something to order by category (i’ve about 20snipper and ever time is a problem to find one)!
A very great plugin
I’m doing a migration from PHP Snippets which has been abandoned to your plugin.
I’ve more than 150 snippets to migrate…it’s a very long job.
So, I’ve some suggestions :
– Can you envisage to implement a functionality to import snippet from a txt file (ie : files used by PHP Snippets for example)
– Can you add a button on the interface like « save and add new »
– Can you add a filter functionality (my snippets are categorized…. so, it should be interesting to select a group of snippets)
Thanks by advance if you cans take in consideration some of mu suggestion but, anyway, thank for your good job
Great Plugin. Works Smoothly.
“PHP Code for posts” をあなたの言語に翻訳しましょう。