NerdPress has adopted Optimize Database After Deleting Revisions! Read the announcement here.
This plugin is a ‘One Click’ WordPress database cleaner & optimizer, with precise revision cleanup and flexible scheduling.
- 投稿、ページや独自投稿種別の編集履歴を削除 (最も最近のリビジョンを指定数だけ保持しそれ以前のものを削除することもできます)
- ゴミ箱内の投稿、ページ、コメントの削除 (オプション)
- スパムコメントの削除 (オプション)
- 未使用のタグの削除 (オプション)
- 期限切れのすべての一時生成データの削除 (オプション)
- ピンバックとトラックバックの削除 (オプション)
- OEMBED (埋め込み) のキャッシュの消去 (オプション)
- 孤立した postmeta 項目の削除
- データベースのテーブルの最適化 (特定のテーブルを除外、特定の投稿・ページを除外することも可能です)
- 最適化ログの作成 (オプション)
- 最適化は定期的に自動で実行可能で、毎時、毎日1回か、2回、毎週、また指定時間に行えます (オプション)
- 管理バーに「DB 最適化 (1クリック)」へのリンクを表示 (オプション)
- 管理メニューに「データベース最適化」アイコンを表示 (オプション)
- マルチサイトに適合: ネットワーク内のすべてのサイトを1クリックで最適化
WordPress 管理画面 » 設定 » 「データベース最適化」にあります -あるいは- WordPress 管理画面 » データベース最適化アイコンからも行えます (設定済みなら)
特定の投稿・ページの編集履歴を保存したければ (設定にかかわらず)、その投稿・ページに keep_revisions というカスタムフィールドを作成し値を Y とします。
分析 (Analysis) / 最適 (Optimize) の開始
WordPress の管理画面 » 「データベース最適化」から開始できます。
情報: 定期的に自動実行もできます。
情報: また (有効化すれば) 管理バーの「DB 最適化 (1クリック)」のクリックでも可能です。
‘Analyze (summary): analyzes the database and gives the count of what will be cleaned
‘Analyze (detail): analyzes the database and gives a detailed report of what will be deleted
‘Optimize (summary): actually deletes the items and gives the count of what has been deleted
‘Optimize (detail): actually deletes the items and gives a detailed report of what has been deleted
- ネットワーク管理者として本プラグインをインストール (ネットワーク管理者 » プラグイン)
- 本プラグインを「ネットワークで有効化」
- ネットワーク内のメインサイトでのみ、本プラグインを設定し実行できますが、すべてのサブサイトも最適化されます !
Unix の crontab からの本プラグインの実行
WPCron が使えない場合でも、Unix の crontab を編集できます:
サイトのルートディレクトリに .php ファイルを作成:
define(‘RUN_OPTIMIZE_DATABASE’, true);
そして、crontab からこの .php ファイルを開始します !
- ベラルーシ [be_BY] – 翻訳者 by Natasha – https://www.ustarcash.com/ – キーワード UStarCash
- デンマーク [da_DK] – 翻訳者 Alexander Leo-Hansen – http://alexanderleohansen.dk
- オランダ [nl_NL] – 翻訳者 Rolf van Gelder, CAGE ウェブデザイン – http://cagewebdev.com
- 英語 [en_US] – 翻訳者 Rolf van Gelder, CAGE ウェブデザイン – http://cagewebdev.com
- フランス [fr_FR] – 翻訳者 Guillaume Blet – http://www.mycinetheque.fr
- ドイツ [de_DE] – 翻訳者 Kolja Spyra
- インドネシア [id_ID] – 翻訳者 ChameleonJohn.com
- イタリア [it_IT] – 翻訳者 Fabio Marzocca
- ペルシャ [fa_IR] – 翻訳者 Milad Mordi, http://seodaramal.ir
- ポルトガル [po_BR] – 翻訳者 Rede Sul Mineira de Comunicações
- ロシア [ru_RU] – 翻訳者 Vadim Sokhin, PluginZone – http://pluginzone.ru
- セルビア [sr_RS] – 翻訳者 Ogi Djuraskovic, FirstSiteGuide – http://firstsiteguide.com
- スウェーデン [sv_SE] – 翻訳者 P.E.
- トルコ [tr_TR] – 翻訳者 Keremcan Buyuktaskin
- ウクライナ [uk_UA] – 翻訳者 Anna Goriacha, Coupofy – http://coupofy.com
- 本プラグインを
ディレクトリにアップロード - WordPress 管理画面 »「プラグイン」から本プラグインを有効化
- WordPress 管理画面 » 設定 » 「データベース最適化」から、必要なら設定を変更 -あるいは- WordPress 管理画面 » データベース最適化アイコン (設定済みなら)
- ネットワーク管理者として本プラグインをインストール (ネットワーク管理者 » プラグイン)
- 本プラグインを「ネットワークで有効化」
- 設定はネットワーク内のすべてのサイトで共通です。
- どこかのサイトで本プラグインを実行すれば、ネットワーク内のすべてのサイトで掃除されます !
このプラグインの設定を変更するには ?
- WordPress 管理画面 » 設定 » 「データベース最適化」 -あるいは- WordPress 管理画面 » データベース最適化アイコンからも行えます (設定済みなら)
このプラグインを実行するには ?
- 移動: 管理画面 » ツール » 「データベース最適化」。そして「最適化を開始」ボタン -あるいは- WordPress 管理画面 » データベース最適化アイコンからも行えます (設定済みなら)
- 管理バーの「DB 最適化 (1クリック)」のリンクをクリック (有効化してあれば)
分析 (analyze) はどうやって実行しますか ?
- 移動: 管理画面 » ツール » 「データベース最適化」から、Analyze (分析) ボタンです。
InnoDB のテーブルを省略はなぜ ?
- その理由は InnoDB の最適化が有効とはなりえないからです。このため、テーブルの種類を MyISAM に変更してから最適化してください。
- 更新: InnoDB のテーブルも最適化したければ、設定から Optimize InnoDB tables too (InnoDB のテーブルも最適化) を有効化してください。
- 重要: InnoDB のテーブルの最適化では、データベースのサイズが増加することがあります ! しかしデータベースのパフォーマンスは向上しているでしょう。
本プラグイン実行後に「初回実行以降の確保サイズ」が -64KB です
- InnoDB のテーブルを最適化すると時々発生します (MyISAM でなく)。
InnoDB テーブルの最適化は、MyISAM と動作が異なります。
InnoDB は、速度最適化に焦点を当てており、データベースのサイズが少し大きくなることがあります。
- InnoDB のテーブルを最適化すると時々発生します (MyISAM でなく)。
- スケジューラーは、ウェブサーバーの現地時間を使うため、利用者の現地時間と異なることがあります
- マルチサイト対応
– ネットワーク管理者として本プラグインをインストール (ネットワーク管理者 » プラグイン)
– 本プラグインを「ネットワークで有効化」
– ネットワーク内のメインサイトでのみ、本プラグインを設定し実行できますが、すべてのサブサイトも最適化されます !
- マルチサイト対応
Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。
5.2.2 [02/07/2024]
- Some links looked like buttons. They’re now links.
- Fix sanitization for databases and table prefixes with capital letters.
- Removed unnecessary FROM clause in the table lookup query.
5.2.1 [02/05/2024]
- Add missing nonce on “Optimize DB (1 click)” admin bar link.
- Remove “Optimize” buttons from Log page.
- Fix PHP 8 Deprecation Notices.
5.2 [01/31/2024]
- NerdPress has adopted Optimize Database After Deleting Revisions! Read the announcement here.
- Security improvement: Additional CSRF hardening.
- Security improvement: Add capability checks.
- Security improvement: Improve sanitization of database queries.
- Fix: PHP 8 Deprecation Notice.
5.1.1 [01/24/2024]
- Security improvement: Hardens links to prevent CSRF.
- Security fix: Implements proper preparation of queries.
5.1 [08/02/2023]
- BUG FIX: Fixed the CSRF security issue
5.0.10 [10/26/2021]
- BUG FIX: set_time_limit fixed
5.0.9 [08/04/2021]
- BUG FIX: Syntax error corrected
5.0.8 [08/03/2021]
- BUG FIX: Some performance inprovements (2nd try)
5.0.7 [07/24/2021]
- BUG FIX: Changed back to v5.0.4
5.0.6 [07/23/2021]
- BUG FIX: Scheduler fixed
5.0.5 [07/20/2021]
- BUG FIX: Some performance inprovements
5.0.4 [02/26/2021]
- BUG FIX: Field names INFORMATION_SCHEMA corrected
5.0.3 [11/17/2020]
- BUG FIX: Creating log table if not exists
5.0.2 [11/06/2020]
- BUG FIX: Deletion of orphaned term relationships deactivated
5.0.1 [09/10/2020]
- BUG FIX: Deletion of Duplicated Postmeta entries deactivated
5.0 [08/14/2020]
- New: Deletion of Duplicated Postmeta entries
4.9.1 [05/17/2020]
- BUG FIX: Fixed a bug for deleting orphans
4.9 [04/10/2020]
- NEW: Deletion of orphaned term relationships
4.8.8 [12/02/2019]
- BUG FIX: Fixed an (innocent) warning (while cleaning)
4.8.7 [09/28/2019]
- BUG FIX: Bug fix for ‘Delete revisions older than’
4.8.6 [09/22/2019]
- BUG FIX: Some bug fixes + other minor changes
4.8.5 [09/19/2019]
- BUG FIX: Logging bug fixed
4.8.4 [09/07/2019]
- CHANGE: Improved performance
4.8.3 [09/01/2019]
- BUG FIX: Scheduler bug fixed
4.8.2 [08/15/2019]
- CHANGE: Rewrote the deletion of (expired) transients
4.8.1 [07/15/2019]
- BUG FIX: Scheduler bug fixed
4.8.0 [05/26/2019]
- NEW: New analyze / optimize options (summary or detail)
4.7.4 [01/05/2019]
- CHANGE: ‘set_time_limit’ warning suppressed
- CHANGE: Some lay-out fixes
- NEW: Added a ‘help’-button on the settings page
4.7.3 [12/12/2018]
- CHANGE: The deletion of transients has been fully rewritten and is many times faster now!
- CHANGE: Increased the time_limit
- CHANGE: German translations have been updated
4.7.2 [11/12/2018]
- BUG FIX: Fixed a MySQL query
4.7.1 [11/11/2018]
- BUG FIX: Fixed an ‘undefined variable’ notice
4.7 [11/10/2018]
- NEW: Optional analysis before actual cleaning
- CHANGE: Many minor improvements
- BUG FIX: Several bug fixes
4.6.3 [08/23/2018]
- CHANGE: Removed the MyISAM engine for the log table (now it uses the default-storage-engine of the database)
4.6.2 [06/05/2018]
- BUG FIX: Fixed a javascript bug for the ‘Clear Log’ confirmation
- NEW: PayPal donation button
4.6.1 [06/04/2018]
- BUG FIX: Fixed the WordPress Admin Menu dropdowns on ‘View Log’ page
4.6 [05/08/2018]
- NEW: Logging system has been totally rewritten (from now it will store the logs in the database)
- NEW: Export the log to a CSV file
4.5.2 [03/21/2018]
- NEW: Clear OEMBED cache
- BUG FIX: Translation corrected (‘Next scheduled run: 0 days, 9 hours, 35 minutes and 27 seconds’)
4.5.1 [01/29/2018]
- NEW: Added last run seconds
- NEW: French translation added
- BUG FIX: Fixed a typo (‘DELETEED’)
4.5 [01/08/2018]
- CHANGE: Revamped and improved the scheduler code
4.4.3 [01/06/2018]
- BUG FIX: Fixed some scheduler time issues
4.4.2 [12/14/2017]
- NEW: Skip standard posttype ‘oembed_cache’
- BUG FIX: Hide the settings link (plugin page) for multi site sites (except for the main network site)
4.4.1 [11/06/2017]
- BUG FIX: Bug in counting excluded tables fixed
4.4 [08/22/2017]
- NEW: New options to delete revisions of posts, pages and / or specific custom post types
4.3.2 [08/12/2017]
- CHANGE: Fixed some (innocent) PHP warnings
4.3.1 [08/10/2017]
- NEW: New option for deleting ALL transients (not the expired ones only)
4.3 [07/24/2017]
- NEW: New setting added: Delete revisions of (POSTS and PAGES, POSTS only or PAGES only)
- CHANGE: Some code clean-up and minor changes
4.2.3 [07/05/2017]
- CHANGE: Extra save button added to the settings page
4.2.2 [04/06/2017]
- NEW: Indonesian (id_ID) translation added
4.2.1 [09/23/2016]
- CHANGE: Fixed some (innocent) warnings
4.2.0 [09/16/2016]
- NEW: Added a ‘monthly’ schedule to the scheduler
4.1.10 [07/15/2016]
- BUG FIX: Bug fix for 4.1.9
4.1.9 [07/15/2016]
- CHANGE: ‘Running indicator’ added
4.1.8 [06/24/2016]
- CHANGE: Reverted back to 4.1.6 due to some problems. Sorry!
4.1.7 [06/23/2016]
- CHANGE: Orphaned media items will be deleted too now
4.1.6 [05/20/2016]
- NEW: Belarus (be_BY) translation added (thanks Natasha!)
4.1.5 [03/11/2016]
- NEW: Turkish (tr_TR) translation added (thanks Keremcan Buyuktaskin!)
4.1.4 [03/02/2016]
- NEW: Custom field ‘keep_revisions’, for excluding the deletion of revisions for specific posts/pages
- NEW: Run the optimization from a Unix crontab (if possible)
4.1.3 [02/22/2016]
- BUG FIX: Saving settings didn’t work well for multi-sites
4.1.2 [02/14/2016]
- NEW: Brasilian Portuguese (po_BR) translation added
- NEW: Network: True added to the plugin header
4.1.1 [01/17/2016]
- CHANGE: Use can use the ‘Delete revisions older than’ AND ‘Keep max number of revisions’ options at the same time!
4.1 [01/14/2016]
- NEW: New option: delete revisions older than…
- NEW: Persian translation (fa_IR) added
- CHANGE: For multi-site installations you only can use the plugin on the Main site, but all other sites will be cleaned too.
- CHANGE: Some minor updates / changes
4.0.3 [12/17/2015]
- BUG FIX: Bug fix for Cron Schedules
- BUG FIX: Un-installation generated an error
- CHANGE: Some minor updates / changes
4.0.2 [11/28/2015]
- BUG FIX: Settings weren’t saved correctly for MultiSites
4.0.1 [11/27/2015]
- NEW: New option: optimize InnoDB tables too
- BUG FIX: Localization fixed for extra cron schedules
- BUG FIX: De-activation issue on update fixed
4.0 [11/22/2015]
- NEW: Total rewrite of the code (OO code)
- CHANGE: Many changes and bug fixes
3.5.1 [11/01/2015]
- BUG FIX: Views are skipped from the optimization
3.5 [10/24/2015]
- CHANGE: Stylesheet is only loaded on required admin pages
3.4.9 [10/23/2015]
- BUG FIX: Bug fixed for deleting unused tags
3.4.8 [09/14/2015]
- BUG FIX: Bug fixed for deleting transients
3.4.7 [08/30/2015]
- BUG FIX: Transients are now deleted using the delete_transient() / delete_site_transient() functions
3.4.6 [06/21/2015]
- NEW: Danish translation (da_DK) added
3.4.5 [06/07/2015]
- NEW: Russian translation (ru_RU) added
3.4.4 [06/03/2015]
- NEW: German translation (de_DE) added
3.4.3 [06/01/2015]
- NEW: Swedish translation (sv_SE) added
3.4.2 [05/10/2015]
- BUG FIX: fixed a bug (options didn’t get saved in old multisite installs)
3.4.1 [04/26/2015]
- BUG FIX: fixed a bug for the excluded tables (didn’t work anymore)
3.4 [04/24/2015]
- NEW: Ukrainian translation (uk_UA) added
- CHANGE: updates for Dutch and Italian translations
- CHANGE: a new, fresh look!
- CHANGE: a better way to show the EXCLUDED tables on the settings page
3.3.1 [04/08/2015]
- BUG FIX: fixed a bug with the scheduler (it didn’t clean everything)
3.3 [03/27/2015]
- NEW: MULTISITE support added (second try ;-))
- CHANGE: various minor improvements
- BUG FIX: sub-sites are accessible again (in the admin panel)
3.2.1 [03/18/2015]
- CHANGE: due to problems, I removed the MULTISITE support again for now… Sorry about that!
3.2 [03/18/2015]
- NEW: MULTISITE support added
- CHANGE: various minor improvements
3.1.4 [03/01/2015]
- NEW: italian language support [it_IT] added (thanks Fabio Marzocca!)
- NEW: optimization timer
- CHANGE: from now on InnoDB tables are skipped from optimization
- CHANGE: various minor improvements
- BUG FIX: removed strtolower while fetching database properties
3.1.3 [02/21/2015]
- NEW: showing the icon in the admin menu is now configurable via the settings page
3.1.2 [02/20/2015]
- BUG FIX: fixed the link to the settings page
3.1.1 [02/20/2015]
- NEW: added plugin banners and icons
- NEW: added a new admin menu item with icon (‘Optimize Database’)
- CHANGE: moved the language files to the ‘/language’ directory
- CHANGE: moved the styles to the ‘/css’ directory
- CHANGE: credit removed from the front-end pages
3.1 [01/29/2015]
- NEW: deletion of pingbacks and trackbacks (optional)
- CHANGE: link to settings page in the main plugins page
3.0 [12/28/2014]
- BUG FIX: tags only used in scheduled posts won’t be deleted anymore (thanks Michael!)
2.9 [10/22/2014]
- NEW: plugin has been fully localized
- NEW: dutch language support [nl_NL] added
- NEW: serbian language support [sr_RS] added
2.8.3 [09/10/2014]
- CHANGE: using the WP jQuery libs now (not from googleapis anymore)
- BUG FIX: check_admin_referer() fixed (gave a debug warning)
2.8.2 [08/01/2014]
- BUG FIX: all problems with getting the table names should be fixed now!
2.8.1 [07/31/2014]
- CHANGE: changed the ‘edit_themes’ capability back to ‘administrator’-role
- BUG FIX: no table names beside checkboxes (rewrote it, so it should work for every site now)
2.8 [07/30/2014]
- CHANGE: ‘administrator’-role changed to ‘edit_themes’-capability
- BUG FIX: no table names beside checkboxes
2.7.9 [05/02/2014]
- BUG FIX: some minor bug fixes (thanks Mike!)
2.7.8 [05/01/2014]
- CHANGE: replaced depreciated MySQL queries (from WP 3.9 / PHP 5.5)
2.7.7 [02/16/2014]
- BUG FIX: made jQuery also https compatible
2.7.6 [01/16/2014]
- BUG FIX: empty lines removed from output (gave problems with some RSS feeds)
2.7.5 [12/13/2013]
- CHANGE: two queries optimized for better performance
2.7.4 [12/11/2013]
- BUG FIX: added ‘backticks’ around the database name in a few queries
2.7.3 [12/09/2013]
- BUG FIX: deleted some CR/LF’s from the end of the plugin sigh
2.7.2 [12/09/2013]
- BUG FIX: forgot to delete a debug item… oops! sorry!
2.7.1 [12/09/2013]
- BUG FIX: query and depreciated item (mysql_list_tables) fixed
2.7 [12/06/2013]
- NEW: deletion of expired transients (optional)
2.6 [07/22/2013]
- NEW: deletion of unused tags (optional)
2.5.1 [05/24/2013]
- BUG FIX: some short tags removed
- CHANGE: schedule time is only relevant and therefore only shown for ‘daily’ and ‘weekly’ schedules
- NEW: option to turn the ‘1-click’ button in the admin bar on/off
2.5 [05/24/2013]
- NEW: you can set a time (hour) for the scheduler to run (thanks to frekel)
- NEW: ‘1-click run button’ in the admin bar (thanks to JB ORSI)
2.3.1 [05/03/2013]
- BUG FIX: fixed a problem with ‘invalid header’ (during installation)
2.3 [04/26/2013]
- BUG FIX: fixed the ‘Stealing Cron Schedules’ issue
2.2.9 [04/10/2013]
- BUG FIX: bug fix for the ‘check all NON-WordPress tables’ link
2.2.8 [03/19/2013]
- BUG FIX: bug fix for deleting Post Orphans
2.2.7 [03/18/2013]
- NEW: ‘Orphan Post items’ (like ‘Auto Drafts’) will be automatically deleted too now (thanks to: 0izys)
2.2.6 [03/05/2013]
- Text change: ‘logging on’ changed to ‘keep a log’ (thanks to: Neil Parks)
- NEW: number of orphans deleted now also shown in the log file
- NEW: ‘Go To Optimizer’ button on settings page (thanks to: RonDsy)
2.2.5 [02/20/2013]
- Bug fix: fixed an (innocent) PHP warning (in error.log)
2.2.4 [02/12/2013]
- Bug fix: error corrected in readme.txt file
2.2.3 [02/09/2013]
- Bug fix: fixed an (innocent) PHP warning (in error.log)
2.2.2 [01/20/2013]
- Bug fix: deleting of postmeta orphans didn’t work correctly
2.2.1 [01/17/2013]
- Bug fix: fixed some debug warnings
2.2 [01/11/2013]
- NEW: ‘Orphan Postmeta items’ will be automatically deleted
- NEW: the possibility to exclude tables from Optimization (for instance for ‘heavy traffic’ tables)
2.1 [01/04/2013]
- Bug fix: keeping a maximum number of revisions didn’t work correctly
2.0 [12/18/2012]
- NEW: Logging of the Optimizations (optional)
- NEW: Scheduling Optimizations for Automatic Execution (optional)
- Many other (technical and cosmetical) changes and improvements
1.3.4 [12/14/2012]
- Changed the buttons for WP 3.5
1.3.3 [12/01/2012]
- Some layout changes
1.3.2 [11/14/2012]
- Shows more information about the optimized tables + other minor changes
1.3.1 [10/07/2012]
- Minor changes
1.3 [10/06/2012]
- Extra button for starting optimization, shows savings (in bytes) now
1.2 [10/03/2012]
- Major update: new options ‘delete trash’, ‘delete spam’, ‘only optimize WordPress tables’
1.1.9 [09/27/2012]
- Using a different method for retrieving database table names
1.1.8 [09/08/2012]
- Another link fix
1.1.7 [09/03/2012]
- Some textual and link fixes
1.1.6 [09/01/2012]
- Fixed the link to the settings page
1.1.3 [09/01/2012]
- Moved the ‘Optimize DB Settings’ item to Dashboard ‘Settings’ Menu and the ‘Optimize Database’ item to the Dashboard ‘Tools’ Menu. That makes more sense!
1.1.2 [08/30/2012]
- Minor bug fix for the new option page
1.1 [08/29/2012]
- Added: a new option page, in de plugins section, where you can define the maximum number of – most recent – revisions you want to keep per post or page
1.0.5 [08/21/2012]
- Depreciated item (‘has_cap’) replaced, abandoned line of code removed
1.0.4 [06/06/2012]
- Now also works with non short_open_tag’s
1.0.3 [12/15/2011]
- Some minor layout updates
1.0.2 [12/02/2011]
- Some minor updates
1.0.1 [11/24/2011]
- A few updates for the readme.txt file
1.0 [11/22/2011]
- 最初のリリース