Search Regex


Search Regex は、WordPress の投稿、固定ページ、独自の投稿種別、またほかの入力元に対する、強力な検索と置換の機能を追加します。これは WordPress に標準で内蔵されている検索機能を超えており、サイト内に保存されているほぼすべてのデータを検索し置換することができます。単純な検索に加えて、PHP の正規表現を自由に使うことができます。

– あるドメインから別のドメインへのサイト移行を支援
– リンクと画像の URL を更新
– サイト全体の変更を実行

Search filters can be created to match any column of any WordPress table. For example:
– Find all posts in a category
– Find all post meta data without a post
– Find all posts in a date range

Search Regex は小規模サイトから大規模なサイトまで扱えます。

Search Regex has been tested with PHP from 7.0 to 8.3.


– 投稿
– 固定ページ
– 独自の投稿種別
– コメント (スパムを含む)
– ユーザー
– メタデータ
– WordPress 設定
– 対応プラ​​グイン (Redirection など)



A variety of actions can be performed on matching results:
– Modify and replace the result
– Delete the result
– Export to CSV and SQL
– Perform custom PHP action

Modify and Replace Data

Results can be individually modified by clicking on the item to change, and using the popup modifier.

Bulk modifications can be performed against all matching results.

The types of modification depend on the data being changed:
– Numbers can be added or subtracted to existing numbers
– Hours, days, weeks, and months, can be added to dates
– Tags and categories can be added, removed, and substitued

Custom shortcodes are supported that allow dynamic data to be included:
– Add the current date and time, in any format, to content
– Insert data from other columns. For example, insert the category into the title
– Transform existing data. For example, convert case, change underscores to dashes.

Example uses

Some ideas for potential uses:
– Delete all comments that match a phrase
– Add a category to all matching posts
– Remove orphaned meta data





Translations are provided by WordPress itself. You can update the translations by going to the Dashboard > Updates section of WP admin.


完全なマニュアルなどは、Search Regex の公式サイトにあります。


  • 検索オプション
  • インライン検索と置き換え
  • インラインエディター



  1. ダウンロード
  2. 解凍
  3. search-regex ディレクトリを /wp-content/plugins ディレクトリにアップロードしてください。
  4. プラグイン管理ページに移動し、プラグインを有効にします。
  5. ツール / Search Regex からオプションを設定できます。



Dear John, you are so GODLEY!! thank you for this wonderful super helpful plugin! May I buy you a ticket to Disneyland?? 😉
Incredibly powerful search tool for your dashboard, especially useful if, for example, you’ve moved to a new server (or a new site structure), or someone’s changed their name, or any other reason you might need to update a lot of things at once in the same way. Risky too – make sure you preview any replacements first!
Works perfectly. For those having issues, you need to proceed with regex with caution (always backup first), as the plugin notes.
Why on earth does the entire post get deleted when I’m only trying to replace a string? While attempting to delete specific keywords across multiple posts using the ‘Delete Matches’ button, the entire posts containing those keywords were deleted. There was no warning, and the posts didn’t even move to the trash. This tool is absolutely terrible.
An absolute must-have for people migrating huge data and having to correct loads of broken links. Does for free, with a quite powerful interface, what others promise to provide if you pay first.
For a plugin called SEARCH REGEX, maybe have REGEX enabled by default? For a title feature to be hidden in dropdown is a bit annoying. If someone is installing this, they clearly looked for REGEX eh? I’d suggest keeping REGEX enable/disable a separate setting that is always visible.


Search Regex はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。


“Search Regex” は7ロケールに翻訳されています。 翻訳者のみなさん、翻訳へのご協力ありがとうございます。

“Search Regex” をあなたの言語に翻訳しましょう。

開発に興味がありますか ?

コードを閲覧するか、SVN リポジトリをチェックするか、開発ログRSS で購読してみてください。


3.1.2 – December 29th 2024

  • Fix crash when loading from a preset with an ‘includes any’

3.1.1 – November 23rd 2024

  • Update for WordPress 6.7

3.1.0 – August 8th 2024

  • Update for latest WP
  • Fix export of regular expression result
  • Switch to WP core translations
  • See changelog.txt for more details