Simply Schedule Appointments® is an easy-to-use WordPress appointment booking plugin. It’s an automated appointment booking system loved by 50,000+ businesses, with a 5-star review average.
Simply Schedule Appointments booking calendars は素早く簡単に設定できます。そして、あなたの顧客やクライアントにとって、予約やスケジュールを立てるのがより快適なものになります。5分以内に最初の予約を取るためのスケジュールカレンダーを設定できます!。
そして何より、5つ星のサポートチームが各ステップでお客様をサポートします。私たちの包括的かつ組織化されたヘルプセンター、ここ WordPress フォーラム、または Simply Schedule Appointments プラグイン内のサポートタブから直接お問い合わせください。
Simply Schedule Appointments 無料ベーシック エディションに含まれる機能:
- 無制限の予約カレンダーとカスタマイズ可能な通知
- 高度なスケジューリング オプションと予約除外日を使用して、スケジュールを高度にカスタマイズすることができます
- ブロックエディター、Elementorウィジェット、Beaver Builder モジュール、Divi モジュールを使用して予約カレンダーを埋め込む
- Style and Customize the Booking Calendars to match your brand and website
- 翻訳対応 – スペイン語、ドイツ語、フランス語、その他多数 !
- WordPress との深い連携、The Events Calendar プラグイン、 WP Fusion Automationsなどの統合機能を含む !
Features included with the Simply Schedule Appointments Paid Premium Editions for booking appointments:
- Group or class event booking – Book time slots up to a certain capacity
- Booking Flows – Choose from a selection of booking steps and layouts.
- Google Calendar Sync – Allow your site’s booking system to check your personal calendar for conflicts and customize those calendar events
- Team booking – Allow your staff to receive bookings and customize their own schedules
- Resource booking – Schedule meeting rooms, rental items and things such as bikes or tables, or set max occupancies
- Mailchimp – Automatically add users as new contacts to your audience from the booking form
- Stripe and PayPal for Payments – Instantly get paid for your time and expertise
- Twilio for SMS notifications and reminders
- Gravity Forms and Formidable Forms Integration – Create complex booking forms
- Zoom and Google Meet for virtual meetings
- Google Analytics and Tag Manager tracking enabled to count booking form conversions
- Trigger Webhooks for appointment actions and connect to Zapier
- ICS Subscription Feeds – Sync your personal calendar applications to all incoming bookings.
Simply Schedule Appointments is perfect if you want to let your customers schedule phone calls, in-person or virtual video meetings, or coaching appointments. The perfect tool for business consultations, interviews, or scheduling services.
You can tame and automate your schedule and easily manage when you’re available for appointments. And block off dates when you don’t want to be disturbed for bookings — no more phone calls or back-and-forth emails to find a meeting time that works. Simply let your WordPress booking system take care of it!
Easily limit how many daily appointments you schedule and set the minimum time between bookings. Automate your schedule while still maintaining control of your availability — manage your booking calendars, time slots, and appointments all in one place.
Offer different types of appointment calendars for your services. For example, you could allow new clients to schedule on an introduction call calendar or let established customers schedule a longer time slot with a separate calendar. And, forget about double-bookings, Simply Schedule Appointments is capable of preventing unexpected scheduling problems!
Are you looking to offer tutoring or remote teaching classes? Let your students quickly book times with you for lessons, reviews, or simple consultations. Localized time zones make meetings for distance learning and remote office hours a breeze to schedule.
Simply Schedule Appointments contains all the data from your appointments and customers within your WordPress site. Own your data and be fully GDPR-compliant and make it easier for your booking system to achieve HIPAA compliance.
Complete documentation to start booking appointments today is available on our website.
Getting Started with the WordPress Booking Calendars is Easy
Use the built-in Setup Wizard to create your first Appointment Type in under 5 minutes. Next, just embed the booking calendar on your site using our general booking shortcode [ssa_booking]
or our native WordPress editor block:
Who This Booking System is For
Simply Schedule Appointments is ideal for anyone who needs to automate and book appointments with clients and customers, including booking for:
- Client Meeting Booking — Entrepreneurs, Web developers, Consultants, Personal and Business Coaches, Lawyers, Car Dealers, Real Estate, Agencies
- Event Booking — Wedding coordinators, Dress Shops, Boutiques, Workshop Teachers, Food Truck Lots
- Class Lessons or Tutor Scheduling — Personal trainers, Yoga studios, Exercise Studios, Language / ESL Tutors, Dance Studios, Fitness Professionals, Music Teacher, Instructors, Professors
- Service Booking — Handyman Services, Contractors, Hair Salons, Barbershops, Photographers, Tattoo Shops, Notaries, Tax Preparations, Home Inspections
- Visitor Booking — Bakeries, Restaurants, Museums, Retirement Homes, Curbside Pickup
- Patient Booking — Nutritionists, Vaccination Appointments, Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, Pharmacy Prescription Pickups
- Simple Reservations — Equipment Rentals, Room Reservations, Table Reservations for Restaurants, Office Reservations
Simply Schedule Appointments offers an excellent experience for your customers who need to book appointments. Our WordPress booking plugin has just the features you need without all the extra bloat and needless settings found in other appointment booking plugins. And our UI is snappy, highly responsive, and a joy to use.
Flexible, Fast, and Powerful Booking Calendars
Other appointment scheduling plugins are either too simple or too complicated. They lack the basic features you need to start automating your schedule and booking appointments, or, if they do have those features, as you grow and add services, staff, and locations, they become complex and confusing to use for booking.
Simply Schedule Appointments はあなたのビジネスの予約ニーズと共に成長する準備ができています。また、WordPressとの互換性が高く、あなたのサイトの任意のテーマやページレイアウトに追加することができます。
Simply Schedule Appointments offers fully responsive booking calendars and works efficiently on any device – even touch screens. Our WordPress booking plugin will work dependably and reliably, whether you’re managing your appointment availability from your tablet or your customer is booking an appointment from their smartphone.
User-Friendly and Accessible Booking System
Our WordPress booking calendar system was designed with people in mind, first and foremost. So we’re always thinking about how people will be using our appointment scheduling plugin, what they’ll expect, and what booking features they’ll want and need.
This WordPress booking calendar system is built with you and your customer in mind and is accessible for everyone. We believe appointment scheduling should be as clear and straightforward as possible while maintaining the flexibility and booking features our customers need.
We’ve made sure that everyone can use our appointment scheduling plugin, including people with auditory, visual, and physical disabilities.
Everyone deserves access to everything the web offers, so we built our WordPress booking calendar plugin with accessibility in mind. As a result, you’ll never have to worry that a customer will find themselves unable to schedule an appointment because of their abilities or the device they’re using.
Deep Integrations With All the Tools and WordPress Plugins You Love
Integrations included with the Simply Schedule Appointments Free Basic Edition for booking appointments:
- Logged in WordPress users can see their appointments and benefit from auto-filling Name and Email fields.
- Elementor widgets
- Beaver Builder モジュール
- Divi modules
- WP Fusion Automation
- The Events Calendar
Simply Schedule Appointments有料プレミアムエディションに含まれる予約の機能統合:
- Google Calendar
- Mailchimp
- Stripe and PayPal for Payments
- Webhooks for Zapier and Make
- Twilio for SMS notifications
- Gravity Forms
- Gravity Wiz Perks
- Formidable Forms
- Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager
- Zoom and Google Meet for virtual meetings
- The Events Calendar
- Project Panorama
- LifterLMS
- Webex
- Facebook pixel
Useful Links to Help You Start Booking Appointments Today
- Help Center for Troubleshooting and Setup Guides
- Free Basic Edition Setup Guide
- Booking Demos to Try Before Installation
- How to Display the Booking Calendars on a WordPress Page or Post
- Admin Dashboard Walkthrough Guide
- Full Appointment Type Settings Guide – 2025-01-28
- Refactor CSS for toggle input containers and checkboxes for improved …
- Remove exception throwing in get calendar list – 2025-01-15
- Blackout dates update date selection behavior for staff
- Support zoomed in booking view on mobile
- Fix gravity form redirect issue with ssa
- Fully drop the old booking app – 2024-12-24
- PHP notices around loading text domain with WordPress 6.7 – 2024-12-10
- Fix refund policy input validation
- Take REQUEST_SCHEME into consideration to detect SSL
- Resource booking not working as expected – 2024-12-03
- Make SSA aware of what payment methods are enabled in Stripe
- Deleted appointment types not being fetched – 2024-11-26
- Bug fix: prevent BreakDance plugin from loading home page on the edit URL – 2024-11-19
Features and Improvements
- Prepare for deprecating the old booking app – 2024-11-12
- “Manage License” Button goes missing after we remove the license
- Europe/Kyiv causes a fatal error on specific PHP versions with outdated timezonedb – 2024-11-05
- Ticket: Timeslots allowing for multiple bookings (without Capacity/Resources or other settings enabled)
- Ticket: Resources double booked
Features and Improvements
- Support booking with Gravity Wiz – GS Product Config – 2024-10-23
For older changelog entries, please see the additional CHANGELOG.md file delivered with the plugin.
プラグインを初めて開いたときの Appointments ダッシュボード – セットアップウィザードを初期化します。 Appointment タイプページ – 予約カレンダーを管理します。 Appointments ページ – 今後の予約を表示します。 設定ページ – 通知、翻訳、Blackout 日、スタイルなどを管理します ! サポートページ – プラグインの診断結果を表示し、サポートチームと簡単に連絡を取り合えます。 WordPress のページまたは投稿に、予約カレンダーを表示します。 予約カレンダーの空き状況を、週単位で表示します。 予約カレンダーの空き状況を、月別表示で確認できます。 内蔵の予約フォームを使用して、予約を入れます。 予約フォームでの、最終確認。
- Appointment Booking Form
- Upcoming Appointments
ディレクトリにプラグインファイルをアップロードするか、WordPress のプラグイン画面からプラグインを直接インストールしてください。- WordPress の「プラグイン」画面でプラグインを有効化します。
- WordPress ダッシュボードメニューの Appointments オプションを選択し、プラグインを設定します。
ディレクトリにアップロードします。- WordPress の「プラグイン」メニューから Simply Schedule Appointments を有効化します。
- 左側のメニューに「Appointments」という新しい項目が表示されます。それをクリックして始めてください。
- スタートアップウィザードは、基本的な設定と最初の 予約タイプの設定について説明します。
- 任意の投稿またはページでショートコード
How do I show the booking form?
To embed the Simply Schedule Appointments booking calendars on your WordPress pages or posts you can use a shortcode or a page builder module (ex. Elementor Appointment Booking module). You can paste the booking shortcode below using a text box to display all of your appointment types:
Guide on all the ways you can display the Appointment Type Booking Calendars on your site.
Where can I read the documentation?
The full documentation is available at our website.
Or, get started with our free Basic Edition guide. -
Will I end up being double-booked?
Nope. Once a customer has booked an appointment time, that time is no longer available for booking. So you’ll never find yourself double-booked.
Additionally, we do some extra checks while a customer is booking an appointment just to be sure their selected time is still available. If someone else books their selected time while they’re in the process of booking, we’ll let them know and ask them to select another time.
We also offer Google Calendar syncing in our Plus, Pro, or Business Edition to make sure you never double-book appointments with your personal schedule.
Can I customize the appearance of the booking form?
Yes, you can. We offer settings for color and font that will let you customize the form to blend seamlessly into any theme.
You can additionally add custom CSS to customize the form even further.
Are there limitations on the number of booking calendars or appointments I can make?
No! The free Basic Edition of Simply Schedule Appointments allows you to create an unlimited number of Appointment Types so that you can create a booking calendar for each of your business’ services.
And the booking plugin will never limit the number of appointments that you can book.
Can I test the Simply Schedule Appointments booking calendars before installation?
Yes, we have a variety of booking demos where you can book test appointments.
How can I upgrade to the Simply Schedule Appointments Plus, Professional, and Business Editions?
The Plus, Professional, and Business Editions are paid versions of the Simply Schedule Appointments booking plugin. Purchase and download the Premium Booking Editions.
I have a question or need help with the plugin, how do I contact your support team?
To contact our support team, submit your message through our WordPress support forum. Or, send us a message through the
Contact support team
button within the plugin. Lastly, you can also submit your message through our website’s Contact page. -
Simply Schedule Appointments は Calendly と比べてどうですか ?
We bring all of the great features that people are familiar with in the Calendly scheduling tool. But with the versatility and freedom that WordPress offers.
Compared to Calendly, customers who use Simply Schedule Appointments find that this plugin offers:
* A better range of styling options to match your website
* More ways to mesh the booking calendars into the website workflow through integrations, for example Gravity Forms and MemberPress.
* And, the package tiers are much less complicated — we don’t charge by number of team members or number of calendars, it’s all unlimited! -
開発者ではありませんが、設定できますか ?
Yes of course! The majority of our customers are not developers — setup is really as simple as:
1. Activating the plugin on the site
2. Going through our setup wizard to create your first booking calendar
3. Embedding the calendar on any page or post of your choosingSee our guide on how to get started.
Appointment Booking Calendar — Simply Schedule Appointments Booking Plugin はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。