Easy Updates Manager は、すべての種類の更新を管理する、軽快かつ強力なプラグインで、WordPress の単一サイトでのインストールおよびマルチサイトの両方に対応します。際限のない設定を可能とする多くの設定があり Easy Updates Managerは、ウェブサイトの更新を管理したい人にとっては当然の選択となるでしょう。
- 1クリックですべての更新を無効化
- 1クリックで自動更新を有効化
- 自動構成の設定の細かな独自調整
- ログにより何がいつ更新されたかを判別
- プラグインやテーマの更新を非表示に (if custom developed)
- 自動更新可能なプラグインやテーマを選択
- コア、プラグイン、テーマ、翻訳ファイルの更新を無効化
- 自動更新が動作しているかのチェック用に強制的な更新
- UpdraftPlus (バックアップ用) との統合
- メール通知設定
- ほかにも様々に…
プレミアム機能へとアップグレードするには、easyupdatesmanager.com へアクセスしてください。
- セーフモード: お使いの WordPress のバージョンや、サーバーの PHP のバージョンとの互換性を確かに
- 自動更新のスケジュール: 未稼働状態を避けるため、望んだタイミングで更新を実行
- 外部ログ記録 – 新たに更新がログに記録されたら通知
- 匿名化 – WordPress API に送信されるものを管理
- 更新の遅延 – ホットフィックスや頻繁なリリース時に自動更新を遅延
- 自動バックアップ: UpdraftPlus との統合と、サイト更新前のバックアップ
- UpdraftCentral: UpdraftCentral との完全な統合
- ログ消去のスケジュール: ログ用のテーブルを管理下に置き、自分のスケジュールに合わせてエントリーを削除
- インポート/エクスポート設定: 素早い設定のために、設定を別のサイトへエクスポート
- 更新のメール通知: 待機中の更新を毎週か毎月でレポートで送信
- ホワイトラベル: 顧客に表示される通知を非表示にし独自設定
- プラングインの検査: WordPress プラグインディレクトリから削除されたプラグインの検査を実行
- ウェブフック: 第三者製のサービスと統合し、cron や Zapier を介して自動更新を実行
- ログのエクスポート: ログを印刷用にエクスポート、または日付の範囲を CSV や JSON ファイルでダウンロード
- バージョン管理による保護: バージョン管理下にあるプラグインとテーマの更新を防止
Easy Updates Manager プレミアムのさらなる情報は、私たちのウェブサイト easyupdatesmanager.com をご覧ください。
WordPress ダッシュボードからの Easy Updates Manager のインストール (推奨)
- Easy Updates Manager をダウロードするには、設定画面の「プラグイン」の「新規追加」へ移動します。
- 検索用のバーに、Easy Updates Manager と入力し本プラグインを検索します。
- 「インストール」と「有効化」を押し、インストールと有効化を行います。
- 管理用のバーの「更新」の設定から本プラグインを設定します。
FTP を介した Easy Updates Manager のインストール
- ZIP ファイルを展開し、/wp-content/plugins/ ディレクトリへと Easy Updates Manager のフォルダーをアップロードします。
- WordPress のプラグインメニューから、Easy Updates Manager を有効化します。
- 管理用のバーの「更新」の設定から本プラグインを設定します。
インストール後、本プラグインを有効化します。WordPress をマルチサイトでご利用中であれば、ネットワーク全体で有効化する必要があります。
Easy Updates Manager に関する追加の情報に関して、私たちのサイト easyupdatesmanager.com をご覧ください。
古い WordPress のバージョンに対応しますか ?
バージョン 6.x.x は、WP のバージョン4.0以上に対応している必要があります。バージョン 4.7.0 は、WPバージョン2.3 – 4.0に対応している必要があります。
WordPress は絶えず変化しているため、本プラグインは常に最新版の WordPress への対応を追求しています。多くのセキュリティにおける脆弱性が報告されているので、できる限り、常に WordPress を最新の状態を保ってください。
残念ながらWordPress 古いバージョンや、本プラグインの現行でないものについて私たちはサポートしていません。
WordPress 更新の通知メールを変更するには ?
設定の一般 (General) タブにアクセしてください。単一のメールアドレス、またはカンマ区切りで複数のアドレスを入力できます。
WordPress の自動更新のやり方を動画でご覧ください。
ログ記録の有効化はどうやる ?
第三者製のプラグインやテーマは Easy Updates Manager で動作しますか ?
第三者製が独自の更新機構を備えていれば、Easy Updates Manager が常に動作することは保証できません。たいていうまくいくでしょうが、プラグイン開発者が犯しがちなミスもいくつかあります。
追加の情報と FAQ
Easy Updates Manager に関するより詳しい情報と FAQ は、私たちのウェブサイトをご覧ください。
Easy Updates Manager はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。
9.0.19 – 2024-11-12
- FIX: Misreporting of plugin’s update statuses in notification emails, which were labeled “success” instead of the appropriate designation of “failed”
- TWEAK: Improve the strategy for using an associative array to filter option default values, aiming to safeguard existing defaults from removal and to prevent the introduction of non-relevant options
- TWEAK: The notification email should omit any “failed” update status for plugins, themes and translations if they lack the corresponding name and/or version number
- TWEAK: Improve updates-check anonymisation and randomisation, stripping out further unnecessary data
- TWEAK: Replace unnecessary calls to maybe_unserialize()
9.0.18 – 2024-07-10
- FIX: Couldn’t reactivate plugins due to plugin dependency issues (Premium)
- TWEAK: Allow auto-updates event from other plugins to take place only if it’s in the same exact schedule with the auto-updates scheduling feature
- TWEAK: Auto-updates should always run at the actual time the user has set it to be and prevent auto-updates event that runs outside the auto-updates scheduling feature
- TWEAK: Fixed spelling errors in the repo
- TWEAK: Force automatic updates can now be performed without the user being given full update capabilities. Prior to this, in order to successfully force the automatic updates the user had to have core, plugin and theme capabilities
- TWEAK: Force automatic updates should be independent and should not depend on the user-defined settings which can lead to the auto-updates itself being failed
- TWEAK: Split multiple sentences into separate translation calls.
- TWEAK: Update the composer package yahnis-elsts/plugin-update-checker for PHP 8.2 compatibility
- TWEAK: Plugin reactivations are now carried out in a specific sequence, with plugins lacking dependencies being reactivated first, followed by those with dependencies (Premium)
9.0.17 – 2023-08-09
- TWEAK: Do not show incorrect information regarding plugins which were no longer maintained by the author caused by Premium plugins which don’t set all the field values seen with wordpress.org
- TWEAK: Include thorough version numbers and URL information in the auto-updates notification email
9.0.16 – 2023-05-22
- TWEAK: (Premium) New ability of the automatic update scheduling feature where now the user can individually select what days are allowed or not allowed for updates to be run on the 3, 6, 12 hours and daily schedule settings
- FIX: MPSUM_Logs::normalise_call_stack_args() would overwrite any arguments that were passed by reference (pointer variables). thus resulting in misleading or seriously wrong data
9.0.15 – 2023-04-13
- TWEAK: Improve MPSUM_Logs::normalise_call_stack_args() method to reduce the size of call stacks being stored in the database, also to prevent silent termination due to size of the call stacks that swell
- TWEAK: Get rid of PHP 8.1+’s “automatic conversion of false to array is deprecated” message when first time activating the plugin
- TWEAK: Add a user capabilities check when receiving a request through the
handler - TWEAK: Prevent PHP8+ ErrorException and/or suppress PHP notice/warning for undefined stdClass::$plugin and/or stdClass::$theme variables during auto-updates (this usually happens due to the plugin or theme doesn’t follow WordPress standards)
- TWEAK: Remove notices regarding WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE and AUTOMATIC_UPDATER_DISABLED constants from force automatic updates screen as they now won’t prevent automatic updates from being run
- TWEAK: Get rid of PHP deprecated message on PHP 8.1+ when presenting admin constant notices by removing sprintf() function that shouldn’t had wrapped the esc_html_e() function
- TWEAK: All updates settings should be compatible and compliant with WordPress Site Health
- TWEAK: Prevent making a nonce available to logged-in users who could not manage Easy Updates Manager (no impact as all actions (dismissal of notices) were unreachable without proper user capability)
- FIX: Wrong parameters order in PHP implode() function calls for showing a list of plugins and/or themes that are under version control
- FIX: Some fields were not cleared when switching from one auto-update schedule time to another
9.0.14 – 2022-10-24
- TWEAK: Add admin notice for DISABLE_WP_CRON constant and remove notices regarding WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE and AUTOMATIC_UPDATER_DISABLED constants as they now won’t prevent automatic updates from being run
- FIX: Core minor updates became major when two updates-related scheduled events got triggered in the same process
- FIX: In some cases the serialisation of call stack could cause a PHP fatal error due to the output of a backtrace (debug_backtrace) containing ‘Closure’ (anonymous) functions
- TWEAK: Update notice class
9.0.13 – 2022-06-07
- TWEAK: Update logs are sent separately causing a huge number of emails being sent to the user (Premium)
- TWEAK: Override potential constants and filters that might be used by other plugins for disabling WordPress automatic updater
- TWEAK: Prevent other plugins from overriding the ‘auto_update_core’ filter when ‘Manually update’ or ‘Auto update all minor versions’ core setting is selected
- FIX: The logs option/setting got stuck in ‘off’ value when upgrading from old versions (prior to 8.1.0) to the recent versions
- FIX: When plugin notification emails setting is disabled but core notification setting is enabled, the user would still receive a notification email regarding plugin updates
- FIX: Redundant emails were sent when core notification setting is enabled
- TWEAK: Improve the notification settings by adding two new options for enabling/disabling theme and translation notification emails
- FIX: In any update operation (manual or automatic), translation update was automatically triggered when ‘Manually update’ or ‘Disable auto updates’ is chosen
- TWEAK: Remove ‘Disable auto updates’ setting as it’s the same as ‘Manually update’
- FIX: ‘0.00’ version numbers were logged when upgrading plugins and/or theme, at the same time the information about core update wasn’t presented in the logs table, some warnings and WordPress database errors were logged in the PHP error log file too
- FIX: Users with very limited access were recorded in the logs table
- FIX: Failure status was recorded in the log entry and the ‘From’ and ‘To’ versions are in the same version number, though the update process was successful
- FIX: Unneeded and misleading log entry when upgrading to minor versions
- FIX: Incorrect WordPress version number was logged after upgrading to a minor version
- TWEAK: Refactor Log classes to improve how log reporting is handled during updates
- TWEAK: Update seasonal notices
9.0.12 – 2021-12-17
- FEATURE: Semantic versioning feature that when enabled it will allow only patch/security release updates for plugins and/or themes
- FIX: The log table didn’t get updated when upgrading from the very old table versions (1.0.0 and 1.1.3) to the current latest (1.1.5)
9.0.11 – 2021-12-08
- FIX: Change the order (priority) of auto_update_plugin/theme filters to make the ‘Safe Mode’ feature (Premium) work properly
- TWEAK: Improve the way errors are handled before and after a plugin activation takes place (deactivated plugins must be reactivated immediately regardless of whether or not the plugins contain a fatal error)
- TWEAK: Change use of ‘$’ to local/function scope, to prevent conflicts
9.0.10 – 2021-09-28
- FIX: Inconsistent behaviour of the ‘manually update’ option of the plugin updates setting (it updated plugins to their major/minor version that shouldn’t have happened)
- FIX: Problematic plugins that cause a PHP fatal error after their automatic updates were downloaded and installed don’t get deactivated properly
- FIX: The email report that falsely reports successful plugin reactivations
- FIX: Make sure auto update status in the updates screen UI page always reflect the change made from the EUM updates settings page
- FIX: Unformatted string notice appears on the admin dashboard
- TWEAK: Simplify ‘WordPress core updates` setting by eliminating redundant or unnecessary options whilst preserving user preferences
- TWEAK: Change the misleading checkbox text label of the WordPress core updates setting that has led to confusion
- TWEAK: Override WordPress core auto-updates settings by not showing it in the updates screen UI (wp-admin/update-core.php)
9.0.9 – 2021-06-12
- FEATURE: Add the ability to disable update notification emails completely when a plugin updates automatically
- TWEAK: Added Update URI header field to avoid accidentally being overwritten with an update of a plugin of a similar name from the WordPress.org Plugin Directory.
- TWEAK: Added stacktrace column to the logging table to log a PHP stack trace
- TWEAK: Correct misnamed array key when migrating theme options
- TWEAK: Prevent a couple of PHP undefined variable log notices upon de-installation
- TWEAK: Prevent a potential unwanted PHP debugging notice in MPSUM_Disable_Updates::http_request_args_remove_plugins_themes()
- TWEAK: Update seasonal notices
9.0.8 – 2021-03-08
- TWEAK: Correctly log ‘from’ version for themes when scheduled update is run.
- TWEAK: Adjust a method definition that caused a PHP notice in PHP 8
- TWEAK: Escape existing super admin usernames in SQL query to avoid code notice
- TWEAK: Adjust escaping method used for an SQL function (not believed to have any security implications)
9.0.7 – 2020-12-17
- TWEAK: Update jQuery document ready style to the one not deprecated in jQuery 3.0
- TWEAK: Bump PHP requirement to 5.6+
- TWEAK: Renamed UpdraftCentral’s command classes filter
- TWEAK: extend white labelling to include safemode warning notices, webhook responses and WP 5.5’s new “automatic upgrades” user-interface additions
- TWEAK: Removed MetaSlider notice in the notices collection
- TWEAK: An install was seen in which an interaction with some other component caused excessive logging
- TWEAK: Updating wording to be constant throughout EUM.
- TWEAK: Manual core update showing correct to and from versions.
- TWEAK: Updating wording to be constant throughout EUM.
- FIX: Auto-updates will trigger on managed hosts that disable version checking.
9.0.6 – 2020-08-10
- 修正: テンプレートファイル内の致命的なエラー
9.0.5 – 2020-08-10
- 調整: PHPCS に基づくいくつかの小さなコード改良
- 調整: 季節的な通知の調整
- 調整: WP 5.5 対応の追加。EUM の更新管理機能は、WP 5.5 の新しい「自動更新」用ユーザーインターフェースの追加よりも洗練されているので、この新しい WP 5.5 の機能追加は、 既存の EUM の機能の単純な複製ではありません。このため、これらを連携させる唯一の方法は、この新しい機能追加について EUM が EUM での管理へと置き換えることです。
9.0.4 – 2020-04-27
- 機能: 更新頻度の「3時間ごと」と「6時間ごと」の設定
9.0.3 – 2020-04-14
- TWEAK: Update class Updraftplus_Notices
- TWEAK: Update WP-Optimize notices
- TWEAK: Updater will now make checks on availability without needing login
- 調整: 対応する最低限の WP のバージョン 5.1 になりました。これより古いバージョンへインストールしたければ、過去のリリースを使用してください。古いバージョンに対応するために使用するリソースは別の場所に展開する方がいいでしょう。EUM の目的は最新に保つことを支援することです !
9.0.2 – 2020-01-24
- FIX: Auto-backup (Premium) feature disabled whilst an issue that could cause it to continually repeat is investigated
9.0.1 – 2020-01-21
- FIX: (Premium feature) UpdraftPlus will only take one backup during the auto-update process.
- FIX: Update translations after an auto-update has completed.
9.0.0 – 2020-01-15
- FEATURE: Admin user interface has been cleaned up, providing more straightforward options.
- FEATURE: (Premium) Check for unmaintained plugins.
- TWEAK: Constants can now be used to disable the outdated browser warning (EUM_ENABLE_BROWSER_NAG), the WordPress version in the footer (EUM_ENABLE_WORDPRESS_FOOTER_VERSION), and the ratings prompt on the General screen (EUM_ENABLE_RATINGS_NAG).
- FIX: Prevent Force Updates from deactivating plugins.
- FIX: (Premium feature) UpdraftPlus will now take a backup during an auto-update
- FIX: (Premium feature) Fix cron schedules so they are run at the correct time.
8.2.0 – 2019-10-30
- FEATURE: (Premium) Safe mode now checks themes for compatibility.
- FEATURE: (Premium) Version controlled assets now show in the EUM plugins and themes tabs.
- FIX: Delayed updates were delaying automatic updates to WordPress core when no delay was requested
- TWEAK: Divi theme can now be auto-upgraded.
- TWEAK: Bump required WP version from 4.6 to 4.7. We’ve not introduced anything to make it incompatible so it will likely still work; but this is the support requirement.
8.1.1 – 2019-10-23
- FIX: Fixed uninstall script error when deleting the plugin.
8.1.0 – 2019-10-08
- FEATURE: Notes section added to log to show why an automatic update failed.
- FEATURE: (Premium) Adding version control protection so that version controlled plugins or themes will not be updated.
- FIX: Fixed saving error when toggling auto-update on individual themes
- FIX: Don’t wipe settings when removing the free version, if premium is installed. Or vice versa.
- FIX: Enabling/disabling admin bar was resetting General options.
- FIX: Disabling Core updates will no longer block other automatic updates.
- FIX: Translation updates are run after automatic updates have completed.
- FIX: Translation updates now show the correct label.
- FIX: (Premium) Slack logging now shows the site name from where the event came from.
- TWEAK: UI Fix: Prevent notices about EUM-Premium from appearing in the premium version of the plugin
- TWEAK: Do not allow null values to be passed to an INSERT on the version_from field in the log table
- TWEAK: Add some missing translation domains
- TWEAK: Code-styling tweak to avoid use of extract()
- TWEAK: Adding dashboard notice if automatic updates are disabled through constants.
- TWEAK: Prevent unnecessary PHP notice when controlling via UpdraftCentral
- TWEAK: Database logging is now always turned on, to aid troubleshooting. (The storage overhead is tiny, since updates are infrequent events compared with other things going on in a WP database).
- TWEAK: Update updater class to latest series (1.8)
- TWEAK: Automatic update emails are only sent once every twenty four hours.
8.0.5 – 2019-03-28
- SECURITY: Correct an erroneous nonce (intent) check. The impact of this is that a logged-in user with access to the WP dashboard was able to change some (but not all, as some were protected by further checks) options (e.g. disable unattended theme updates).
- TWEAK: Add site URL in slack message
- TWEAK: Preview the premium features in the advanced tab
- TWEAK: Lengthen the dismiss time on the “Thank you for installing” notice
- TWEAK: Change filter priorities to minimise the chance that something else over-rides EUM’s settings when WP inquires about running an auto-update
8.0.4 – 2019-01-18
- FIX: Prevent a conflict between EUM Premium and UpdraftPlus Premium when backing up WordPress core
- TWEAK: No longer use WP_DEBUG constant to indicate rapid refresh of updates when in admin area; instead, use EASY_UPDATES_MANAGER_DEBUG
8.0.3 – 2018-12-04
- TWEAK: Added seasonal notices
- FEATURE: Logs are on by default
- FEATURE: Logs are now displayed by default in UpdraftCentral
- FEATURE: (Premium) White label settings can now be exported and imported
8.0.2 – 2018-11-02
- FEATURE: Can disable the admin bar in Advanced settings
- FIX: Resolving i18n issues
- FIX: Unknown command error occasionally shows up when clicking on a General option
- FIX: Plugins in rollback functionality showing re-activated when they are not
- FIX: Reset options would fail because of missing $wpdb variable
- TWEAK: Removing error logs for developers with debug on
- TWEAK: General options are grayed out if you disable updates
- TWEAK: Updating screenshots
8.0.1 – 2018-10-30
- FEATURE: Shows active versions if a plugin or theme is active
- FEATURE: (Multisite) Checks to see if any sites in the network have a plugin or theme installed
- FEATURE: Plugin can now be fully controlled by UpdraftCentral plugin
- FEATURE: (Premium) Scheduled log clearance
- FEATURE: (Premium) Automatic backup before auto update
- FEATURE: (Premium) Automatic update scheduling
- FEATURE: (Premium) Send Anonymous update request or request with random data to protect privacy
- FEATURE: (Premium) Import and Export settings
- FEATURE: (Premium) Introduce Safe Mode for PHP compatibility checks and WordPress version checks
- FEATURE: (Premium) Logs of automatic update events can be send to external channels such as slack, email, php error log and syslog
- FEATURE: (Premium) Send weekly or monthly emails of update notifications
- FEATURE: (Premium) Webhook to integrate with third-party services
- FEATURE: (Premium) Show plugins that have been removed from the WordPress Plugin Directory
- FEATURE: (Premium) Ability to whitelist the plugin
- FEATURE: (Premium) Ability to search the logs by user or asset name
- FEATURE: (Premium) Ability to export logs for a date range and print them, download a CSV, or download a JSON format
- FEATURE: (Premium) Check for PHP parse errors during automatic updates and de-activate problem problems automatically
- FEATURE: (Premium) Check for plugins de-activated during auto-update and attempt to re-activate them automatically
- FIX: Clicking more details on plugins tab properly shows a modal
- FIX: Force Updates removes a space in the updates panel if there are still updates after it runs
- FIX: Clicking any type of filter in logs shows an error message
- FIX: Add a JS polyfill to provide support for IE11
- FIX: Admin notices show up twice in the options page
- FIX: Plugin/Themes/Log tab were causing an undefined hook suffix error upon save
- FIX: Removing filters in 7.0.3 allowed updates for plugins and themes to be shown
- REFACTOR: Advanced tab settings page refactoring
- TWEAK: Tidy up UI
- TWEAK: Changes in user capability checks
- TWEAK: Mark as supporting WordPress 5.0
- TWEAK: Option to take backup before force updates
- TWEAK: Dashboard notice. Welcome notice now shows our other plugins
- TWEAK: Allow a filter to disable the updates lock option for more reliability in testing
- TWEAK: Easy Updates Manager now displays in the multisite dashboard menu
- TWEAK: Easy Updates Manager now displays in the admin bar
- TWEAK: Force Updates displays more contextual errors if automatic updates are somehow modified or disabled
- TWEAK: Enabling or disabling logs no longer requires a refresh
- TWEAK: Select General Tab if tab is invalid
- TWEAK: Advanced settings adhere to browser history
- TWEAK: Reset Options forces browser to reload for better UX in the Advanced tab
- TWEAK: Force Updates has a better description of what it does
- TWEAK: Clearing logs now clears the logs data upon success
- TWEAK: Logs can now be filtered in ascending or descending order
- TWEAK: Translations now show or hide properly if plugins, WordPress Core, or theme updates are disabled
- TWEAK: Help tab updated
- TWEAK: Email status message shows successful if they are valid emails
- TWEAK: Plugin and Theme options save via Ajax immediately with no save button necessary
- TWEAK: Adding loading animation to General tab to prevent multiple states from occurring at once
7.0.3 – 2018-06-26
- TWEAK: Disabling themes and plugins no longer disables translations.
- TWEAK: Dashboard notices about other plugins of potential interest now only show on the Easy Updates Manager pages
7.0.2 – 2018-06-18
- FIX: Removed multiple log entries and version numbers caching issue
- FIX: Fix for headers already sent warning
- TWEAK: Make all settings tabs work via ajax calls
- TWEAK: Show and hide logs tab upon enable and disable
- TWEAK: Add admin notices for insufficient php and wp versions
- TWEAK: Remove flexbox mixin
- TWEAK: Adding survey notice
- TWEAK: Auto refresh page after force updates
- TWEAK: Prevent users from excluding themselves
7.0.1 – 2018-03-05
- FIX: Enabling Log from Advanced tab does not use default options
- FIX: Plugin settings page is not accessible for excluded users
- TWEAK: Changed settings page to use admin-ajax.php instead of REST API
- TWEAK: Reduced database queries for saving settings options
- TWEAK: Removed the usage tracking code (which was always explicit opt-in)
- TWEAK: Add Welcome dashboard and notices
7.0.0 – 2018-01-28
- Admin UI overhaul based on past data. It is now very obvious which settings are enabled. Thanks for all the feedback.
For past changelogs, please visit our blog.