Super Web Share is a WordPress-based native share plugin that prompts the native share action and helps users easily share a page or post with others.
We developed from the ground up with simplicity and performance in mind to increase your shares. As SuperWebShare only shows the apps installed within the device upon the share prompt, the rate of sharing of posts/pages will be higher than showing all the social icons on a page. Due to this key reason, website developers can skip the usage of other social media icons on their website and make the share more prominent.
WordPress 用プラグイン Super Web Share は、ワンクリックでウェブサイトを友人やソーシャルメディアに共有し、トラフィックとエンゲージメントを高めるのに役立ちます。Super Web Share は、Android 版 Chrome、Android 版 Edge、Android 版 Brave、Android 版 Opera など、サポートされているすべてのブラウザーで動作します。他の人と記事を共有すると、デバイスにインストールされているネイティブアプリが表示されます。このため、ユーザーはワンクリックで簡単にページや記事を他のユーザーと共有することができます。ネイティブ共有では、iOSやAndroidのネイティブ共有シートのようなプロンプトが表示され、ユーザーが希望すれば、簡単にウェブサイトページのリンクをコピーできます。
Super Web Share の設定は1分もかからず、作成したデータ入力を全て削除することで、クリーンなアンインストールを提供します。また、あなたが手動で設定を保存するまで、あなたのデータベースにいかなる設定も保存しません。また、ネイティブウェブシェアがブラウザ内でサポートされていない場合、フォールバックのネイティブポップアップを提供します。
現在、Super Web Share プラグインは、投稿/ページコンテンツの前後にシェアボタンとフローティングシェアボタンを提供しており、シェアボタンの色、テキスト、フローティングボタンの位置を設定でき、設定ページでシェアボタンを表示するページや投稿を設定でき、簡単に Web サイトにシェア機能を追加することが可能です。また、プラグインとしてシンプルさにこだわっており、AMP プラグインと完全互換で、AMP プラグインが提供する AMP ページにもネイティブなシェア機能を追加することができます。
Social Platforms supported
1) On Web Sharing API supported devices:
You will notice the share prompt (also called as sharesheet) where you can share the page via all applications installed on your device that accept the sharing (mobile – Android and iOS devices, tab, desktop – for Microsoft Edge browser). This means all the social platforms on your website visitor’s devices can be selected from the list to share the page in a simple click!
2) If the device or browser won’t support the native share:
If the website is viewed from a browser or device that won’t support native sharing, our fallback modal works. Within the fallback modal, you can select the social platforms you want to show for your website via our settings page (SuperWebShare > Fallback). The social platforms that are interested can be selected. Right now, we are providing social media like Facebook, X (Twitter), LinkedIn, Pinterest, Mastodon, Telegram, Pinterest, and Email. We’re expanding with more social platforms.
Super Web Share を利用するメリット
- Fast and lightweight social sharing plugin for your WordPress that won’t slow down your site
- ユーザーによるページや投稿の共有率の向上
- 開発者/ブロガーは、ページや投稿で使用するソーシャルアイコンの数を簡単にスキップすることができます。
- AMP に完全対応したネイティブシェアプラグイン
- Support on all content types like Posts, Pages
- Fully compatible with WooCommerce Product pages
- You can hide or show the sharing button based on each post/page and all via the content types
Super Web Share がウェブサイト上でどのように機能するかテストしてみたいですか?
- サポートされているデバイスでSuperWebShare.comを開きます。サポートされているブラウザについては、よくある質問をご覧ください。
- 右下にフローティングボタンが表示されます
- それをタップすると、即座に、ページを共有することができるアプリケーションとネイティブの Web シェアプロンプトが表示されます。
- プロンプトからアプリケーションのアイコンをタップし、送信します。
- If the website does not support the Native Share option, you will notice the fallback popup where you can add the social media platforms via our Fallback settings, which we created to make an intuitive share plugin with a copy link option for your website.
Super Web Share を利用するために必要な条件とは?
- ウェブサイトは完全に保護されたオリジンを介して提供される必要があります。つまり、Super Web Share を動作させるためのアドレスバーにロックアイコンがある必要があります。
- また、デフォルトでは、WhatsApp、Facebook、LinkedIn、Twitter などの主要なソーシャル共有プラットフォームで共有できるブラウザでは、フォールバックポップアップが表示され、コピーリンクオプション( https サイト)も付属しています。
How to contribute?
You can easily contribute to the plugin by translating it into your language. Click on the link below, choose your language, and translate the strings into Development (trunk).
- Translate plugin to your language
- Do you know coding? Then you can also contribute to this plugin via our GitHub repository to make this the best one.
Super Web Share のカスタマイズ
ページや投稿コンテンツの前後に表示させたいボタンの色、位置、ページ、フローティング共有ボタン、フォールバックカラーをプラグインで簡単にカスタマイズすることができます。カスタマイズするには、WordPress の管理画面のダッシュボードから Super Web Share にアクセスしてください。
- Super Web Share button Create a social sharing button easily. Display a share icon to share the current page using native share on social media.
- WordPress 管理ダッシュボードにアクセス > プラグイン > 新規追加
- 「スーパーウェブシェア」を検索。
- 「今すぐインストール」をクリックしてから、Super Web Share の「有効化」をクリックします
1. super-web-share.zip
zip ファイルを、/wp-content/plugins/
2. WordPress 管理ダッシュボードにアクセス > プラグイン
2. プラグインリストから Super Web Share プラグインを「有効化」します
The Web Share plugin works on browsers like Chrome for Android, iOS Safari (from version 12.2), Samsung Internet for Android (version 9.2+), Edge for Android, Brave for Android, Opera for Android, Google Chrome 89 or later on Chrome OS and Windows, and Safari 12 or later on macOS and iOS. Otherwise, our fallback prompt will output the share icons, from which you can select the social platforms from our Fallback settings page.
By default, yes! If the browser doesn’t support Web Share API, we show the floating share and inline content share buttons on pages and posts. If you have disabled the fallback within our settings, we won’t show the fallback prompt with social share icons and a copy link option.
Do you support WooCommerce product pages?
Yes, we do support WooCommerce Product pages. You can select ‘Product’ within the Floating and Inline settings page, and then the social share button will appear for your WooCommerce product pages. You can also disable or enable the share button by editing the single product pages based on your interest. The one-click social share button for your WooCommerce is ready!
You can report the bugs and request new features you need to see at our GitHub repository Discussion page
この Web Share プラグインは、GitHub リポジトリから貢献することができます
いいえ、Super Web Share は、誰でも簡単に設定でき、登録なしで、ウェブサイト上でネイティブなソーシャルシェア体験を実現できます。ブラウザが Share API をサポートしていれば、サポートされているブラウザ上で魔法のようにネイティブな共有が促されます。
はい、Super Web Share は完全に GDPR に準拠しています。他のソーシャル共有ツールとは異なり、この共有プラグインは、いかなるクッキー、トラッキングスクリプトも使用せず、いかなるユーザーデータも保存しません。
Super Web Share – Native Social Sharing Button はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。
Release Date: June 8th, 2024
- Fixed an error on the AMP page when the legacy AMP version is used. Thanks to mfonabel for reporting this issue.
Release Date: May 31st, 2024
Gutenberg block, more customizations, and new features to make a Super Share button for your website. Read our release post
New Features:
* Added option to select the fallback social icons to be shown
* Added fallback icons like Mastodon, Telegram, Pinterest, and Email
* Added option to change the order of fallback social icons
* Added Gutenberg block for floating button
* Added Elementor widget for floating button
* Option to add a custom URL, title, and description for shortcodes
* Tested the code using Plugin Checker and PHPCS
* Add “noopener” to the fallback social links
* String “Link copied!” can now be translated
* AMP settings will now only show when the supported AMP plugins are installed on the website
* Changed Twitter logo to X
* Fixed the settings changing to ‘disable’ for posts when the post status is changed using the Overview
Release Date: February 12th, 2023
Sharing with the super power of lightweight and speed! This release is for people who keep optimizing their pages to load more faster. Read our release post
New Features:
* Compatible with WordPress 6.1
* Fixes the accessibility issues. (props to @Samot80 and @sudarshankotian for reporting this)
* Minified the CSS and JS files for performance
* Added ‘defer’ for page performance improvements
* Option to change the Fallback popup’s title (props to @aqhvcd11 for suggesting this feature)
* Option to disable native share on desktop
* Option to change the color of text and icon for the fallback
* Option to change the color of text and icon for the share buttons
* WhatsApp now adds the page title when sharing
* Changed the position of the settings for “Floating position from the button”
* Improved the auto-selection rules of the title from the description when sharing
* Minor CSS optimizations
Bug Fix:
* Fixed the fallback layout 3 not outputing the LinkedIn and WhatsApp icons correctly (props to @dan-nita)
* Appearance preview button color change fixed (props to @arunbasillal)
Fixed: Accessibility issues
Release Date: May 23rd, 2022
Shortcodes! Shortcodes!!! Yes, we are now supporting shortcodes.
New Features:
- Added shortcode support! Read our release post
- Added new option to select the icon for the share button (See Super Web Share > Appearance)
- Added new option to select the styles for the share button
- Added new option to select the size of the share button
- Added new option to enter the Twitter username within the Fallback, so that the fallback Twitter URL will pass the Twitter hander as via.
- Compatible with WordPress 6.0
Removed the share button showing the search results page
Bug Fix:
* Fixed the floating button not showing on the Product page
Release Date: May 1st, 2022
New Features:
- Added fallback and native share support for the official AMP plugin and AMP for the WordPress plugin. Make sure to enable the Fallback within our settings page to see the fallback social buttons
- Coding improved a lot for the easily implementation of new features to the plugin quickly on the future release.
Bug Fix:
- Removed the showing of the share button from the Archive pages as the share button within the archives pages won’t make any sense.
Release Date: April 1st, 2022
Bug Fix:
* Removed the Copy Link URL encoding. Thanks to kscl for reporting this issue.
Release Date: March 31st, 2022
New Features:
- Now, you can select all the post types on your website to decide to show the Super Web Share buttons.
- Added option to enable and disable within all the pages/post types pages via our Metabox. You can now fully control on which page you need to show the Super Web Share button for Floating and Inline buttons.
- Added option to change the color of the fallback popup
- Added the option to change the button text for the Floating button. Thanks to aga2442 for the feature request.
- Option to select the layout you prefer for the fallback (see the Fallback tab)
- Option to select the fallback prompt for the Fallback.
Bug Fix:
- The Inline share button, which was showing twice within the WooCommerce products pages, is now fixed, and the position changed from the description tab to the short description section.
- Multilanguage plugin translation issue fixed. Thanks to aga2442 for reporting this bug report.
- Added toggle for the selection of the settings.
- Changed the name ‘General’ to ‘Inline content’ for better understanding.
- Optimized the code
2.0.1 & 2.0
Release Date: January 8th, 2022
Bug Fix:
* Small fix on CSS where the fallback was not loading on some themes
- Introducing the Fallback feature so that the fallback prompt with the copy link option will be shown if the Share API does not support the browser. You can find out the settings within Super Web Share > Fallback page.
- Fixed floating button not showing as round shape within the AMP pages
- Made the plugin lightweight
Release Date: March 16th, 2021
- Goodbye jQuery! We’re now using JavaScript code, and our small JavaScript file will be loaded once the website gets fully loaded.
- Fixed floating button not showing at the left of the page
- Style on AMP pages reduced to load the share more faster
Release Date: January 19th, 2020
- Now we’re supporting AMP pages
- AMP settings options added to dashboard for enabling native web share button over AMP pages for before and after post content
- AMP settings options added to floating button settings
Release Date: December 28th, 2019
- Fixed a compatibility issue over PHP versions – 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6
(Thanks to Gijo)
Release Date: December 21st, 2019
- Loading scripts on AMP pages fixed
- Introducing admin notices for better user experience
- Minor improvements over the overall code to load faster
- Fixed a php error if none of the tab’s value is received to the variable
Release Date: December 1st, 2019
- Settings page improved
- SVG icon for share both share buttons – Thanks to Ajith
- Floating share button style changed
- General share button style changed for good user experience
Release Date: November 19th, 2019
- WordPress 5.3 support
- Settings link corrected
Release Date: April 19th, 2019
- Inline content Share Button default value set to disabled, once plugin is activated
Release Date: April 19th, 2019
- Introducing tab option to select General settings and Floating settings
- Status option to check whether the website will support SuperWebShare
- Adds Submenu for eay navigation
- Improves the coding structure for future features
- Fixes an issue where non-secure loading of Twitter share widget within the Admin dashboard to secured
Release Date: March 8th, 2019
- Adds share button to prompt native share over above and below of the post/page content
- Option to select the color, text on the share button added
- Adds option’s to select the pages to display the Inline content share button
- Minor performance improvements to render SuperWebShare faster.
Thanks to Jyothis for reporting the bug.
Release Date: December 15th, 2018
- Adds option to select color via color picker for floating share button
- Adds option’s to select pages to display the floating button
- Adds option’s to select the position of Floating Share Button (Left/Right)
Release Date: October 31st, 2018
Inital Release
- Initial release with Floating Share Button
- Option to change color of button from Settings page