Wise Chat is a leading chat plugin that helps to build social networks and this way it increases user’s engagement on your website. The plugin provides a platform to send real time messages in chat rooms. The chat is easy to setup and configure. Its every single feature is extremely adjustable. Our development team is constantly working on new features and supporting the existing ones.
DEMO | Documentation | Features | Wise Chat PRO
- Easy setup and configuration
- Themes, appearance adjustments, mobile friendly
- No external server required
- Elementor and Gutenberg integration
- Unlimited number of channels and users, password-protected channels
- WordPress users, anonymous users, single sign-on
- Read-only mode, access control, moderation, opening hours
- Banning and muting users
- Flood Control, bad words filter, spam reporting
- Posting links, images, camera pictures, files, emoticons, YT videos
- Localization and backups
See below for the full list of features.
Check Wise Chat Pro with AI:
* OpenAI Integration
* GPT Assistants
* AI Chat Bots
* All features of Wise Chat Pro
* Premium support and free updates for 6/12/18 months (depending on the option)
Check Wise Chat PRO:
* Private one-to-one chats
* Facebook/Twitter/G+ login
* Video calls
* Voice messages
* Avatars
* Tenor GIFs
* Reactions (liking chat messages)
* Facebook-like sidebar mode
* Pro themes
* Custom emoticons and 3 use pre-defined sets
* E-mail notifications
* Pending messages (full moderation)
* Multisite support
* BuddyPress/Gutenberg/Elementor integration
* Edit and reply to messages
* Hooks
* Premium support and free updates for 6/12/18 months (depending on the option)
Check Wise Chat LIVE:
* Customizable live chat widget
* Incoming chats management page
* Multiple operators
* All features of Wise Chat Pro
* Premium support and free updates for 6/12/18 months (depending on the option)
Buy once, use forever, no subscription, no recurring payments!
Scroll down to find out more about Wise Chat Pro benefits, for more product details go to Wise Chat Pro site
Wise Chat full features list:
- Easy installation: Install the chat using a shortcode, widget or PHP function.
- Mobile ready: Fully responsive design.
- Themes: Use one of 4 nice themes.
- No external server required: There is no need to set up, maintain or pay for a server. Regular hosting is sufficient.
- Unlimited Chat Channels: Let people post messages in dedicated chat rooms (called channels). Run multiple channels either simultaneously on the same page or on separate pages.
- Private Chat Channels: Make individual chat channels private by protecting them with a password. Only users that know the password could access the channel.
- Channels management: Remove all messages from the single channel or delete the channel completely.
- Anonymous Users: Unregistered or anonymous users can be allowed to participate in the chat. Auto-generated name (configurable) is assigned to such user.
- Anonymous Users with custom name: Let users to choose their name when they visit the chat for the first time.
- Registered Users: Registered and logged-in users are properly recognized by the plugin.
- Single sign-on: No separate login to the chat is required. If an user is logged-in to your website, then the chat automatically logs her / him in.
- Read-only mode: Make the chat read-only for anonymous users. Encourage your users to register in order to post messages.
- Users limit in channels: Limit the amount of users allowed to participate in a channel.
- Channels limit for an user: Limit the amount of channels that an user can participate simultaneously.
- User settings: Chat users have options to change their name, color of their messages or mute sounds generated by the chat.
- Restrict access: Option to permit access for registered and logged-in users only.
- Flood Control: Detect spammers and block them from posting messages in the chat.
- Posting links and images: Option to allow clickable links and images. Posted images are downloaded into Media Library.
- Pictures from camera: On mobile devices users can take a picture directly and post it with a message.
- YouTube movies: Display links to YouTube movies as a video player with adjustable width and height.
- File attachments: Attach files directly to the messages using convenient uploader.
- Multiline messages: Let your users post long messages in multiple lines. Keyboard shortcut Shift+Enter can be used to send such messages.
- Notifications: Signal new messages, new users, absent users or mentioned users. It can be a sound or a counter in browser’s title.
- 24 sounds: Use any of 24 ready-to-use notification sounds.
- Messages auto cleanup: Auto cleanup messages older than defined amount of time.
- Localization: Translate the chat to your language.
- Appearance adjustments: Adjust visual appearance on the settings page.
- Chat Moderation: Protect your chat by enabling abusive words control using built-in bad words filter. It supports English, Polish and German languages.
- Messages filtering: Create rules that detect and replace specific words / patterns in posted messages.
- Chat Opening Hours / Days: Define days and range of hours when the chat is open for users.
- Spam Reporting: Chat participants can report spam messages.
- Bans: Administrator can ban (IP based) users who do not follow rules of the chat.
- Muting: Administrator can mute (IP based) users who do not follow rules of the chat.
- Automatic bans: An option that automatically blocks an user if he / she exceeds the defined number of bad words.
- Moderation: Administrators (or other specified user roles) can delete single messages or ban users that violate chat rules.
- Emoticons: See nice smiles in messages by enabling emoticons support. Emoticons can be inserted either using shortcuts or the list.
- Custom CSS: Custom CSS styles can be applied for each element of the chat.
- Channels statistics: Observe various statistics of channels, including amount of posted messages or users online.
- Detailed configuration page: All features can be configured on the settings page (see the screenshots). You can control messages posting, appearance, channels statistics, filters, bans and localization.
- Twitter hash tags: Detecting Twitter hash tags and converting them into links.
- List of current users: Show the list of online users and their national flag / country / city of origin in the sidebar of the chat. Display amount of online users.
- Backups: Backup all messages from given channel by downloading them as a single CSV file.
All settings are available on Settings -> Wise Chat Settings
List of PRO features:
- Private one-to-one messages: Let your users talk to each other in private conversations. Each user has also an option to ignore messages from unwanted users.
- Private messages to offline users: Send private messages to offline users.
- Video calls: Video one-to-one calls.
- Voice chats: Publish voice messages.
- Messages reactions: Liking messages.
- Facebookのようなモード:ブラウザの右側に添付されたチャットを表示します。
- アバター: Display avatars both in the chat window and in the users list.
- BuddyPress integration: Integrate Wise Chat Pro with BuddyPress friends and groups. Give moderator rights to delete messages or ban users.
- Custom emoticons: Compose your own set of emoticons.
- Facebook / Twitter / Google+ authentication: Increase range of potential users by allowing them to log in using their accounts on social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter or Google+
- Multisite support: Wise Chat Pro supports WordPress multisite environment.
- 電子メール通知:管理者またはチャット参加者に送信される通知を構成します。
- Pro themes: Use one of 3 extra modern looking Pro themes.
- フック:チャットのロジックの要点に独自のコードを追加します。
- Pending messages: Set up full moderation which allows to publish approved messages only.
- Users list search option: Search users list.
- Reply or edit posted messages: Modify or reply to posted messages.
- One-time payment: Pay once and use it forever.
- 6 / 12 / 18 – month upgrade: Update your Wise Chat Pro to the new version for free during 6 / 12 / 18 – month period after the purchase.
Check Wise Chat Pro ! Move customer engagement to the higher level!
Light Gray theme: pictures, links, customizations, users list Cold Dark theme: pictures, links, customizations, users list Air Flow theme: pictures, links, customizations, users list デフォルトのテーマ:写真、リンク、カスタマイズ、ユーザーリスト エアフローテーマ:シンプルモード ライトグレーのテーマ:管理者モード ライトグレーのテーマ:レスポンシブデザイン コールドダークテーマ:レスポンシブデザイン Adding the chat to the post
- Wise Chat Chat window
- PHP >= 5.3.0
- openssl module for PHP (in most cases it is already installed)
- dom module for PHP (in most cases it is already installed)
- jQuery JS library (available in most themes)
Optional requirements:
- Exif PHP extension (in order to run auto-rotate feature for posted images)
- mbstring PHP extension (in order to use all features of the bad words filter)
- Lightbox 2 library (for showing images in the nice looking popup)
Plugin installation:
- wise-chat フォルダー全体を WordPress インスタンスの plugins ディレクトリ (通常は
) にアップロードします。 - 「プラグイン」メニューからプラグインを有効化します。
- 投稿またはページにショートコード
を配置します。詳細については、以下を参照してください。 - Alternatively install it in your templates via
<?php if (function_exists('wise_chat')) { wise_chat(); } ?>
code. - Alternatively install it using dedicated widget in
Appearance -> Widgets
, it’s calledWise Chat Window
. See below for details.
Post Installation Notices:
- After installation go to Settings -> Wise Chat Settings page, select Localization tab and translate all the messages into your language.
- Posting pictures from camera / local storage is limited to the specific range of Web browsers. See FAQ for details.
Gutenberg Block installation:
Edit a page or post and click the button for adding new blocks to the content. Search for “wise chat” block and add it to the page. Adjust the settings in the sidebar.
Widget installation:
You can install Wise Chat using dedicated widget. Go to Appearance -> Widgets
and add Wise Chat Window
widget to the sidebar. In the widget’s settings you can specify:
- Channel: It is the name of the channel to open in the chat window. Channel is created on first use.
- Shortcode options: It is a space-separated list of options that configures Wise Chat. All shortcode attributes could be used here, type for example
theme="colddark" show_users="0"
in order to choose Cold Dark theme and disable list of users.
Shortcode installation:
You can install Wise Chat using dedicated shortcode. In basic form it is just:
It will open chat window on the default channel called “global”. If you would like to open the chat on custom channel called “My Room” try this:
[wise-chat channel=”My Room”]
The shortcode can be configured with the list of attributes, for example – in order to enable Cold Dark theme and to show list of users you can type:
[wise-chat theme=”colddark” show_users=”1″]
Almost all settings available on plugin’s settings page are also available in shortcode. For full documentation of the shortcode visit the website:
How to create a channel and open it?
Place the following short code in your page or post:
[wise-chat channel=”My Chat Room”]
or add this PHP snippet in a template file:or put “Wise Chat Window” widget on the desired sidebar and set the desired channel name in Channel field.
The channel will be created during the first usage and it will be added to the list of channels on Wise Chat Settings page in the Channels tab.
I see “Loading the chat …” and the chat does not show up. What is wrong?
It means that the chat cannot start due to some errors. First, please try to check JS Console (in Chrome of Firefox) in search for any error message. Then please try to fix them. If an error comes from Wise Chat then please let us know it. We will do our best to help you.
Otherwise please contact the support of other plugins / themes that you suspect are causing issues. After fixing all errors in the JS Console the chat should start properly.If you do not see any errors in the console then please try to disable any security plugin you use. They may be blocking the connection between the chat and your server.
After finding a plugin that is blocking the chat try to add an exception to it. Basically, security plugins should avoid this particular URL:https://yourdomain/wp-content/plugins/wise-chat/src/endpoints
You may also read this doc.
I have iThemes Security plugin and Wise Chat does not work. How to fix it?
Short answer: WP Dashboard > Security > Settings > Advanced > System Tweaks and uncheck “Disable PHP in Plugins”. Then click Save button.
Advanced answer: Edit .htaccess file and locate “#Disable PHP in Plugins – Security > Settings > System Tweaks > PHP in Plugins” line. Then add a line of code:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/wp-content/plugins/wise-chat/.*$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^wp-content/plugins/.*.(?:php[1-7]?|pht|phtml?|phps).?$ – [NC,F,L]Less recommended approach: WP Dashboard -> Settings -> Wise Chat Settings -> AJAX Engine and set to Default. This solution is less efficient.
Explanation: Wise Chat executes PHP files directly in /wp-content/plugins/wise-chat/src/endpoints/ultra directory. It is done strictly for performance because the standard admin-ajax.php endpoint is too slow.
How to give access to Wise Chat Settings page to other user roles?
Please add ‘manage_wise_chat_option’ capability to any user role you wish to grant access to Wise Chat Settings page to.
By default only administrators have access to this page. -
My messages are not visible until I refresh the page. What is going on?
In order to get new messages the chat is requesting the following URL:
It is very likely the URL is is forbidden in your setup (403 error). It may be caused by a security plugin or theme. A specific configuration of HTTP server (.htaccess file or server settings) may be the reason too. Please ask your server administrator to make the URL accessible.
You may also read this doc.
How to create a password-protected private channel?
First, create a regular channel (see the previous question) and then go to Settings -> Wise Chat Settings page, select Channels tab. In the right to the chosen channel click “Password” link and a form will appear below. Specify the password and confirm it by clicking “Set Password” button. From now the channel is secured and only users that enter valid password are allowed to join.
How to convert a password-protected channel into an open channel?
Go to Settings -> Wise Chat Settings page, select Channels tab. In the right to the chosen channel click “Password” link and a form will appear below. Click “Delete Password” button.
How to install the chat using a widget?
Go to Appearance -> Widgets page, drag and drop “Wise Chat Window” widget on the desired sidebar. The name of the channel can be specified as well.
I can’t see translation for my language. How to localize the chat for end-user?
You can do it by yourself. Go to Settings -> Wise Chat Settings page, select Localization tab and translate texts in each field into your own language. These are all texts that are exposed to end-users.
What about the support for mobile devices and responsiveness?
Wise Chat plugin works on any mobile device that supports Javascript and cookies. The interface is responsive, but you should enable submit button in order an user could send a message. Go to Settings -> Wise Chat Settings page, select Appearance tab and select checkbox “Show Submit Button”.
The chat generates anonymous names for every new user. How to force every user to choose their name on first use?
You can enable a form that appears every time a new user tries to enter the chat. The form displays username field and allows to enter the chat only if the user type his/her name. Settings -> Wise Chat Settings page, select General tab and select option “Force Username Selection”.
How does the bad words filter work?
The plugin has its own implementation of bad words filtering mechanism. Currently it supports three languages: English, Polish and German. It is turned on by default. It detects not only simple words but also variations of words like: “H.a.c_ki.n_g” (assuming that “hacking” is a bad word).
How to mute user? It prevents users from posting messages
Log in as an administrator and go to Settings -> Wise Chat Settings page, select Moderation tab. Enable “Mute Action” option next to the user role you want to add a permission to mute users to. Go to the chat page.
When you move the cursor over a message you will see mute button. This will mute the user who posted the message for 1 day.Alternatively, you can go to Settings -> Wise Chat Settings page, select Muted Users tab. In “Mute IP” row specify: IP address, duration and finally click “Mute IP” button.
How to get the list of muted users?
Go to Settings -> Wise Chat Settings page and select Muted Users tab.
How to stop muting user?
Go to Settings -> Wise Chat Settings page, select Muted Users tab and then delete the desired user from the list.
How to ban users? It prevents users from accessing the chat
Log in as an administrator and go to Settings -> Wise Chat Settings page, select Moderation tab. Enable “Ban Action” option next to the user role you want to add a permission to ban users to. Go to the chat page.
When you move the cursor over a message you will see ban button. This will ban the user who posted the message.Alternatively, you can go to Settings -> Wise Chat Settings page and select Banned Users tab. In “Ban IP” row specify the IP address and click “Ban IP” button.
How to get the list of banned users?
Log in as an administrator, go to Settings -> Wise Chat Settings page and select Banned Users tab.
How to remove a banned IP address?
Log in as an administrator, go to Settings -> Wise Chat Settings page, select Banned Users tab and then delete the desired IP address from the list.
How to get some information (e.g. IP address) about an user?
ここで、「UserName」は選択したユーザーの名前です。 -
How to prevent from accessing the chat by anonymous users?
Go to Settings -> Wise Chat Settings page, select General tab and check “Disable Anonymous Users” option. From now a visitor has to be logged in as a regular WordPress user in order to access the chat.
How does auto-mute feature work?
There is a counter for each user. Every time an user types a bad word in a message the counter is increased. If it reaches the threshold (by default set to 3) the user is muted for 1 day (the duration is configurable).
How to delete a single message from the channel?
Log in as an administrator. Go to Settings -> Wise Chat Settings, select Moderation tab and enable “Delete Action” option next to the user role you want to add a permission to delete messages to. Go to the chat page.
When you move the cursor over a message you will see delete button. This will delete the message.Alternatively: add “wise_chat_delete_message” capability to a role you want to have that permission. It could be either standard WordPress role or a custom role.
How does “Enable Images” option actually work?
If you enable “Enable Images” option every link posted in the chat which points to an image will be converted into image. The image will be downloaded into Media Library and then displayed on the chat window. Those downloaded images will be removed from Media Library together with the related chat messages (either when removing all messages or a single one). If an image cannot be downloaded the regular link is displayed instead.
Option “Enable Images” does not work. I see regular hyperlinks instead of images. What is wrong?
The option requires a few prerequisites in order to operate correctly: GD and Curl extensions must be installed, Media Library must operate correctly, posted image link must have a valid extension (jpg, jpeg, gif or png), HTTP status code of the response must be equal 200, image cannot be larger than 3MB (the default limit that can be adjusted in settings). Try to read PHP logs in case of any problems.
What if I would like the images to be opened in a popup layer using Lightbox?
By default all images open using Lightbox 2 library but only if the library is installed within current theme or a dedicated plugin. Without Lightbox 2 each image opens in the new tab / window.
I have installed a plugin containing Lightbox library and newly added messages are not displayed on the Lightbox layer. What is wrong?
If you installed a plugin that incorporates Lightbox library and it still doesn’t work make sure that the plugin uses original Lightbox 2 Javascript library. The chat is compatible only with the original Lightbox 2 library.
Image uploader does not work. What is wrong?
Uploading of images is supported in the following Web browsers: IE 10+, Firefox 31+, Chrome 31+, Safari 7+, Opera 27+, iOS Safari 7.1+, Android Browser 4.1+, Chrome For Android 41+.
How to replace specific phrase in every message posted by users?
You can use filters feature. Go to Settings -> Wise Chat Settings, select Filters tab and add new filter. From now each occurrence of the phrase will be replaced by the defined text in every message that is posted to any chat channel.
Wise Chat plugin is making a lot of HTTP requests. How to improve the performance?
Every few seconds the plugin checks for new messages using AJAX requests. Please check this article for details.
How to customize CSS styles using “Custom CSS Styles” setting?
All CSS classes related to the chat begins with “wc” prefix. Go to Settings -> Wise Chat Settings, select Appearance tab, go to Advanced Customization section. Use “Custom CSS Styles” field to specifiy your own definitions of Wise Chat CSS classes. Valid CSS syntax is required.
How to backup messages posted in a channel? I would like to save all messages for offline reading.
Go to Settings -> Wise Chat Settings, select Channels tab and click “Backup” link next to the desired channel. All messages from the selected channel will be downloaded as a CSV file. You can open it using MS Excel, OpenOffice or any other editor that supports CSV format.
Are old messages being deleted from the chat window?
By default – no, however, you can enable auto-cleaning messages feature. Go to Settings -> Wise Chat Settings, select Channels tab. In the field “Auto-remove Messages” type number of minutes. Messages older than given amount of minutes will be auto-deleted.
How to limit the amount of users that are allowed to enter a channel?
Go to Settings -> Wise Chat Settings, select Channels tab. In the field “Users Limit” type number of users that allow to participate in a channel.
How to reset username prefix (a number that is added to anonymous users name) anonymous users?
Go to Settings -> Wise Chat Settings, select Advanced tab and click “Reset Username Prefix” button.
When I upload an animated GIF the thumbnail is not animated. What is wrong?
WordPress はアニメーション GIF のサイズ変更をサポートしていません。
It is impossible to provide options to customize every aspect of user interface. Please use CSS styles to adjust styles to your needs.
I have uploaded a picture with incorrect orientation and the plugin did not corrected it. What is wrong?
Plugin detects EXIF data in images. If an image doesn’t have this data then nothing will happen. If EXIF data indicates that the orientation is correct then also nothing will happen.
I am experiencing errors like “Fatal error: Call to undefined function openssl_pkey_get_public() (…)”. What is wrong?
Make sure that openssl extension for your PHP installation is loaded and works correctly. In most cases these errors are caused by missing openssl module.
How to send messages using just keyboard in multiline mode?
After you type a message use the key combination: Shift + ENTER
- Fixed: breaking the site with Elementor installed
- Fixed: no channel open message
- Private messages
- Multiple public channels (up to 3)
- Multisite support
- Added Gold engine (auto-activated on new setups)
- Added engines diagnostics
- Added option to output the chat in full screen
- Improvements to engines
- Managing the chat’s settings by any user role with ‘manage_wise_chat_option’ capability, admins have this capability by default
- Fixed: issue with setting height to YT videos
- Fixed: issues with inserting Chinese characters on mobile devices (like iPhone)
- Fixed: chat stopped working after WordPress 6.3.2 upgrade
- Added option to choose images viewer
- Added option to output video attachments (mp4 and webm) as video players and sound attachments (mp3 and wav) as sound players
- JS files cleanup
- Added “Wise Chat” block to easy add chats to pages using WordPress Gutenberg editor
- Fixed: CSRF on the settings page
- Moved Google fonts to local assets
- Option to mute the sounds by default
- Fixed: auto-scroll issues
- Fixed: the chat disappears when posting utf8 characters in links
- Fixed: ‘Missing required fields’ error when inserting an emoji
- Fixed: PHP 8.1 errors and warnings
- Fixed: Warning: Undefined array key “show_avatars”
- Fixed: DOMDocument::loadHTML(): Argument #1 ($source) must not be empty
- Fixed: PHP Warning: Undefined array key “channel”
- Fixed: no new message sound
- Loading past messages when scrolled to the end
- Chat opening hours – switched to WordPress timezone
- Elementor integration
- Added option to hide tabs in the mobile version
- Fixed: removed “Channel” text from the title in mobile mode
- Plugin re-implemented to new code
- New mobile version
- Refreshed all themes
- Full support of caching / proxy plugins and servers
- 100% height support
- Deleting own messages option
- Renamed bans to muted, kicks to bans
- Custom scrollbars
- Online / offline users
- アバター
- Emoticons visible while typing
- New set of emoticons
- Emoticons sizes
- Fixed: error “Function openssl_free_key() is deprecated”
- Tested on WordPress 6.0
- Fixed: username duplication error despite disabled checking
- PHP8の更新
- 重複した絵文字を削除しました
- 最新の WordPress でテスト
- ドイツ語の悪い言葉の辞書を追加しました
- Fixed: jQuery error in some WordPress setups
- Fixed: 403 error when saving the settings (this was caused by Imunify360 rule #77142267)
- Fixed: Notice: Undefined index: SERVER_ADDR
- Fixed: 403 error when saving the settings
- Fixed: Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in /wp-content/plugins/wise-chat/src/WiseChatOptions.php
- Fixed: PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent in /wp-content/plugins/wise-chat/src/dao/user/WiseChatUserSettingsDAO.php
- Fixed: added missing translation files
- WordPress 翻訳サポートを追加
- Fixed: sending wcUserSettings cookie only if necessary
- Fixed: restored deleted AJAX Engine option in Advanced settings
- Switched user session handling to cookies (remembering users for a long time)
- Performance optimization: removed PHP session usage
- Fixed: Error: cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
- Fixed: auto-scroll issue
- Fixed: PHP Deprecated: session.php error
- Fixed: CSV Injection
- Fixed: > / < characters issues in the users list
- Fixed: {% if allowToReceiveMessages %} errors caused by template processing class
- Fixed: no message when posting emojis (messages table converted from utf8 to utf8mb4)
- Fixed: links errors in multiline messages
- Fixed: images uploading error: Call to undefined function filter_block_content
- Fixed: stopped /wp-content/plugins hard-coding
- Fixed: stopped /tmp directory hard-coding
- WordPress 5.3でテスト済み
- 4つのテーマすべてのメジャーアップデート
- Improved: Moved Javascript code to the footer
- スパムレポートボタン
- Improved: W3C issues
- Improved: admin action buttons without direct img elements
- Fixed: security issue with the external links
- メッセージの日付と時刻の形式を調整するオプション
- ユーザー名のロック時間を調整するオプション
- Fixed: error in WiseChatRenderer
- Option to disable user names duplication check
- 広告フッターを削除
- ソースファイルタグの更新
- ユーザーを蹴る
- よりリッチなインターフェースを反映するようにデフォルト設定を変更
- すべての設定をデフォルトにリセットするオプション
- Fixed: text color by roles when username is linked
- A new theme: “Air Flow”
- “Wise Chat Channel Users” widget for displaying current users
- Option to set username color for each user role separately
- ユーザー名の長さに制限を設定するオプション
- Reloading page after sending valid POST forms on Force Username and Channel Password screens
- 設定ページの改善-設定を保存した後、現在のタブを保持する
- Fixed: choosing text color issues
- Fixed: text input width on Force Username and Channel Password screens
- Fixed: image uploader preview issue on Chrome
- New engine “Ultra Lightweight AJAX” which consumes 5 times less CPU
- Less frequent maintenance actions which means less CPU usage
- メッセージとユーザー名を同じ行に表示するオプション
- Better displaying emoticons panel on mobile devices
- Option to enable / disable displaying errors to chat users
- Fixed: issue with broken menu on Wise Chat Pro settings page, this blocked navigation between settings sections
- Fixed: issues with setting background colors
- Option to pass more complex configuration in shortcode, for example: [wise-chat opening_hours=”{opening: 8:30, openingMode: AM, closing: 8:32, closingMode: AM }” enable_opening_control=”1″ opening_days=”{ Monday,Tuesday}”]
- ユーザーがテキストの色を変更したときにメッセージのどの部分に影響を与えるかを選択するオプション
- カウンター計算から匿名ユーザーを除外するオプション
- Set validity time on AJAX internal requests (preventing indexation by Web crawlers)
- Option to verify “X-Requested-With” header in AJAX requests
- Fixed: valid content type (application/json) for content returned for AJAX requests
- Fixed: unclickable image upload button on some themes
- Fixed: error with uploading images on WordPress 4.7
- Fixed: switched to JSON content type for AJAX requests (this may prevent from indexing raw data by Google)
- Fixed: error with uploading PNG files when EXIF extension is available
- Fixed: invalid encoding of UTF-8 characters in localized texts
- Fixed: the plugin cannot be deleted in WordPress 4.6 and above
- Fixed: bug in emoticons posting
- Option to pass simple arrays in shortcode, array format: {element1,element2,…,elementN}
- Option to generate a sound when user is mentioned using @UserName notation
- 通知で使用する20の新しいサウンドを追加しました
- Option to enable a sound notification when user joins or leaves the channel
- 「ユーザーがチャンネルに参加/退出しました」という通知
- Shift+ENTER moves the cursor to the new line in multiline mode, ENTER sends the message
- Fixed: unwanted emoticons displayed after double quote
- Fixed: errors with sending images when there is no Exif PHP module installed
- Fixed: jQuery up to version 3.1 is now supported
- Fixed: bug in “Powered by” feature
- 絵文字レイヤーが上に拡張します
- 3つの新しい絵文字セット
- Debug mode option (easier to report errors)
- Option to select which user roles have to be hidden in the users list
- Allow to use extended range of letters (Unicode characters) in username
- Shift+ENTER moves to the new line in message input field (when multiline mode is not enabled)
- Fixed: anonymous users are sometimes on the users list when “WP users only” option is selected
- Fixed: logged in user becomes anonymous after some inactivity time (especially on mobile devices)
- Fixed: no scrollbar on users list
- Fixed: /whois command does not accept usernames with spaces, now such names can be typed in double quotes
- ユーザーリストでクリック可能なユーザー名
- 発信リンクをフィルタリングできる追加のフィルター
- ユーザーリストで匿名ユーザーを非表示にする
- Option to give access to the chat for specific user roles only
- Option to make the chat read-only for selected user roles
- Option to give ban and/or delete permissions to each user role separately
- 狭い画面でユーザーリストを自動非表示にするオプション
- メッセージのタイムスタンプは2つのスパンに分割されます-日付と時刻
- ユーザーリストで水平スクロールバーを無効にする
- チャットでアップロードされた画像の削除時の安全性の向上
- Fixed: word wrapping of the long messages
- Fixed: users list moves to the bottom on narrow screens
- 匿名ユーザーの読み取り専用モード
- チャネルリストのチャネルを削除するオプション
- Option to show errors log (for support usage only)
- リストにユーザーの国旗、都市、国コードを表示するオプション
- Option allowing to mention someone – after username is clicked “@UserName:” text is inserted into message input field
- 起動時の自動スクロール
- Support for links in “youtu.be” format
- 自動スクロール中にアニメーションを追加
- Fixed: bugs after upgrade to WordPress 4.4
- Fixed: problem with auto-scroll when padding is set on .wcMessages div
- Fixed: error messages in case of connection problems
- Fixed: bug that caused lack of the text coloring in some cases
- チャットのショートコードのレンダリングに関するバグを修正しました
- ほとんどのコードが書き直され、データベース構造が大幅に変更されました
- performance optimizations (on average 20-50%), less CPU usage
- ユーザーに最初の訪問時に自分の名前を入力するように強制するオプション
- メッセージに絵文字を挿入できるボタンを表示するオプション
- チャットのさまざまな要素にフォントサイズ、フォントの色、背景色を設定するオプションを追加しました
- option for users to change text color (in Customize box)
- option to choose which user role can delete messages or ban users
- links to YouTube videos displayed as the video player
- images auto-correction of orientation (when EXIF data is available)
- progress bar when selecting an image (or taking a picture) to upload
- 画像のサイズ制限、サイズ変更のサイズ、サムネイルのサイズを調整するオプション
- アタッチメントのサイズ制限を調整するオプション
- ユーザーリストの幅を調整するオプション
- shift + enter sends message in multiline mode
- メッセージ削除ボタンの横にある禁止ボタン
- 自動禁止の期間を設定するオプション
- 洪水調節の禁止期間を設定するオプション
- すべてのショートコードオプションをウィジェットに渡す機能
- いくつかの絵文字に新しいショートカットを追加しました
- 不正な単語のフィルターで置換単語として使用するようにテキストを構成するオプション
- improved mechanism of WPuser-message connection, link to WP users stays valid even if the display name has been changed
- 完全に新しい設定ページ
- technical improvements (switched to DI container)
- Lightweight AJAX engine is now the default (in fresh installation)
- fixed: auto-changing user name in all messages when WordPress user logs out
- fixed: scrolling on iPhone (Safari)
- private chat rooms (secured by password)
- ユーザーのチャネル制限
- shortcode “wise-chat-channel-stats” displaying channel statistics
- メッセージの時間を非表示にするオプション
- メッセージに経過時間を表示するオプション
- 添付ファイルまたは画像を含むメッセージを送信するときのプログレスバー
- 添付ファイルアップローダー
- 使いやすさの向上
- ユーザーをチャネルに割り当てる新しいメカニズム
- showing user name also for logged in users (a label above the input field)
- 匿名ユーザー名の生成に使用されるカウンターをリセットするオプション
- fixed: issues with custom configuration when using shortcodes
- fixed: auto-cleaning per channel (using shortcode only)
- fixed: issues with ping internal messages
- fixed: changing name of an user now refreshes it in all messages
- fixed: issues with opening hours control
- fixed: duplicated messages in some rare cases
- カスタム CSS スタイル設定
- Checking for new messages right after sending a message (the delay eliminated)
- Messages backup feature (for each channel)
- 定義された時間後にメッセージが自動クリーニングされます
- ユーザー詳細を取得するための /whois コマンド
- Option to choose location of the input controls (input field, submit button, customizations panel): bottom or top
- Option to choose messages order: newest on the top or on the bottom
- More intelligent auto-scrolling of messages (scrolls only if scrollbar is on the bottom)
- ウィンドウが非表示の場合のブラウザのタイトルの新しいメッセージ通知
- 音を鳴らして新着メッセージを通知
- 洪水調節機能
- Additional “displayname” variable in user name link templates, “username” fixed to truly show user’s name
- チャットの営業時間/日
- 現在のユーザーのカウンター
- チャネルあたりのユーザー数の制限
- 3つのテーマ
- Twitter hash tags support
- Custom filters (filtering texts, hyperlinks, e-mails and phrases that match a regular expressions)
- チャットウィンドウのタイトル
- Advanced configuration (AJAX engine and refresh time)
- Lightweight AJAX engine
- Posting images (stored in Media Library)
- Images uploader – posting pictures from camera (in case of mobile devices) or from local storage (in case of desktop)
- サイドバーのユーザーのリスト
- Flexible messages list on small devices
- 単一のメッセージを削除してチャネルをモデレートするオプション
- チャットウィンドウの構成可能な幅と高さ
- メッセージおよびアクティブユーザーカウンターを含む、設定ページのチャネル統計
- リンク変換テンプレートのユーザー名
- 絵文字のサポート
- 自動禁止機能
- 複数行メッセージのサポート
- Messages history (using arrow keys) in input field
- チャットメッセージにリンクを投稿する
- Linking WP user name to the author page
- チャットウィンドウでメッセージが重複するバグを修正しました
- メッセージ送信ボタン
- 設定ページの再配置
- エンドユーザーのメッセージとテキストの言語ローカリゼーション
- タイムゾーンのサポート
- ログインした WP ユーザーのみがアクセス
- Wise Chat ウィジェット
- ログに記録されていないユーザーが自分の名前を変更できるようにするオプション
- ユーザー名を表示するオプション
- 設定ページの制御を禁止する
- ログインしたユーザーのテキストの色を変更する
- 設定パネルのマイナーな再配置
- 最初のバージョン