If you would like a Google search feature on your WordPress site, you only need to register to Google Custom Search, get your Google Search Engine ID, and enter it in the plugin settings page.
Then your custom search engine is ready for use, just put the new Google search box widget on the sidebar, and enjoy it!
In this way the plugin enables you to insert Google search into your website, or a collection of websites easily. You can search both web pages and images.
You can define if you want to search only on your site (or given sites), or the entire web.
It is possible to customize your search features, the look and feel (layout, themes, custom colors and fonts, thumbnails), and much more.
All these settings can be specified on the Google Custom Search Engine admin site: https://www.google.com/cse/
Your changes will appear instantly on your site automatically.
Googleカスタム検索エンジンに登録してGoogle検索エンジンIDを取得したら、プラグインの設定ページでIDを設定する必要があります: 設定 -> WP Google検索
WP Google検索 ウィジェットまたは ショートコード [wp_google_searchbox] を使用して、サイトに検索ボックスを配置します。
検索結果は通常のページまたはポップアップウィンドウに表示できます。 Googleカスタム検索管理サイトで全幅レイアウトまたはオーバーレイ(ポップアップ)レイアウトを指定します。
Please find more information in the product documentation:
WP Google Search Documentation
Available languages
- English
- Spanish – translated by Ogi Djuraskovic – http://firstsiteguide.com
- Serbian – translated by Ogi Djuraskovic – http://firstsiteguide.com
- Portuguese (BR) – translated by Gabriel Froes
- Swedish – translated by Tobias – http://ComClick.se
- Danish – translated by Alexander Leo-Hansen – http://alexanderleohansen.dk
- Russian – translated by Timofeev Ilya
- プラグインを ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ ディレクトリへアップロードします。
- WordPress のメニュー ‘プラグイン’ から有効化してください。
- Register to Google Custom Search Engine and get your Google Search Engine ID here: https://www.google.com/cse/
- プラグインを有効化してGoogle検索エンジンIDを入力: 設定 -> WP Google検索 (詳しくはスクリーンショットをご覧ください)
You can find FAQ here:
New version for the latest WP version
- Modify: Change Text Domain from wgs to wp-google-search
- Minor adjustments
- Fix Notice: Undefined index: use_default_correction_css2, css3 in wp-google-search.php on line 69 and 72
- WGS_Widget の古いスタイルのコンストラクタ呼び出しを排除する
- CSS v2,v3 補正を追加 (v1は廃止予定)
- Add Russian translation
- Add target link blank option
- Add Swedish translation
- Add Danish translation
- Add “Support Overlay Display” option, for display search results in overlay window, without loading another page.
- Portuguese (BR) translation
- Re-create search page during re-activation if it does not exist
- Use new HTML5-valid div tags according to Google documentation: You can use HTML5-valid div tags as long as you observe these guidelines: The class attribute must be set to gcse-XXX, Any attributes must be prefixed with data-.
- Eliminate Enable plugin checkbox in settings page
- Eliminate donation button inside settings page
- Descriptions are added to settings page
- Spanish and Serbian translations
- First version