WP Activity Log is the most comprehensive activity log plugin for logging user and system changes.
Keep an activity log of everything that happens on your WordPress sites and multisite networks with the WP Activity Log plugin to:
- ユーザーの生産性を確保
- ユーザーの責任を向上
- 容易なトラブルシューティング
- すべてのユーザーが何をしているかを正確に把握
- あなたのWordPress のサイト &ユーザーをより良く管理 & 整理
- セキュリティ上の問題が発生する前に、疑わしい動作を簡単に見つけることができます。
WP Activity Log is the most comprehensive real-ime user activity and monitoring log plugin. It helps hundreds of thousands of WordPress administrators and security professionals keep an eye on what is happening on their websites and is the most highly-ated activity log plugin for WordPress.
Features | Get WP Activity Log Premium | Getting Started
WP Activity Log は、WPBeginner、GoDaddy、Kinsta など、WordPress のエコシステムで最も人気のある主要なビジネスのウェブサイトで紹介されています。
Melapress develops high-quality WordPress management and security plugins such as Melapress Login Security, CAPTCHA 4WP, and WP 2FA, the #1 user-rated activity log plugin for WordPress.
Browse our list of WordPress security and administration plugins to see how our plugins can help you better manage and improve the security and administration of your WordPress websites and users.
WordPress changes and details the WP Activity Log keeps a log of
As a comprehensive and thorough activity log solution for WordPress, WP Activity Log not only tells you that a post, a user profile, or an object was updated, it also lets you know exactly what was changed within the post, the user profile, or the object.
以下は、プラグインが記録を保持できる変更の概要です :
Post, page and custom post type changes such as status, content changes, title, URL, custom field, and other metadata changes
タグとカテゴリの変更 (作成、変更、削除、投稿への追加または削除など)
ウィジェットとメニューの変更 (作成、変更、削除など)
ユーザーの登録、削除、マルチサイト ネットワーク上のサイトに対して追加などのユーザーの変更
パスワード、メール、表示名、ロールの変更などのユーザー プロファイルの変更
WordPress のコアと設定の変更 (インストール済みの更新プログラム、パーマリンク、既定の役割、URL、その他のサイト全体の変更など)
サイトの追加、削除、アーカイブ、サイトへのユーザーの追加や削除など、WordPress のマルチサイト ネットワークの変更 (マルチサイト ネットワークのアクティビティログ)。
プラグインとテーマの変更 (インストール、アクティブ化、非アクティブ化、アンインストール、更新など)
プラグインがテーブルを追加または削除するときなどのWordPress データベースの変更
WooCommerce Stores & products、Yoast SEO、WPForms、Gravity Forms、Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)、MainWP と他の人気のある WordPress のプラグインの変更。
WordPress site file changes such as new files are added, or existing ones are modified or deleted.
プラグインが記録するすべてのイベントに対して、次の情報も報告します :
- それが起こった日時(ミリ秒単位)
- 変更を行ったユーザーとロール
- 変更が発生した送信元 IP アドレス
- 変更が行われたオブジェクト
Refer to WordPress activity log event IDs for a complete list of all the changes WP Activity Log can keep a record of and a detailed explanation of what change every event ID represents.
Upgrade to WP Activity Log Premium and get even more
The premium version of WP Activity Log comes bundled with even more features to take your WordPress website administration and security to the next level.
With the premium edition of WP Activity Log, you get:
Premium features list
- リアルタイムであなたのウェブサイトにログインしている人を見て、
- 皆がリアルタイムで何をしているかを参照し、
- クリックするだけでユーザーをログオフし、
- HTML および CSV レポートを生成し、
- 重要な変更の電子メールを介して通知を受け取り、
- 重要なサイト変更に関するインスタント SMS メッセージ アラートを取得し、
- Search filters to fine tune the search results and find what you need in seconds,
- 外部データベースにアクティビティ ログを保存して、セキュリティとスケーラビリティを向上し、
- アクティビティログをミラーリングして、AWS CloudWatch、Loggly、Papertrail などの管理システムをリアルタイムでログに記録し、
- Slack などのビジネスコミュニケーションシステムにリアルタイムでログを簡単にミラーリング、
- Web サイトのアクティビティ ログのコピーを Web サーバー上のログ ファイルにリアルタイムで送信し、
- 古いアクティビティ ログ データを別のデータベースにアーカイブして、ストレージとログの管理を改善します。
Refer to the WP Activity Log plugin features and benefits page to learn more about the benefits of upgrading to WP Activity Log Premium.
WP Activity Log third-party plugin support
WP Activity Log can keep also a detailed log of changes that happen on third-party plugins, including:
- WooCommerce: Keep a log of changes you and your team do in the WooCommerce store settings, orders, products, coupons, and much more.
- Yoast SEO: Keep a log of the Yoast SEO plugin settings changes, and also of the on-page SEO changes you and your team make in the Yoast SEO meta box.
- WPForms: Keep a log of the changes your team does in the WPForms plugin settings, forms, form files, entries (leads) and more.
- Gravity Forms: Keep a log of the changes your team does in the Gravity Forms plugin settings, forms, forms settings, entries (leads) and more.
- MemberPress: Keep a log of the changes in your MemberPress powered website, including plugin settings changes, memberships, payments, subscriptions and other changes that your team does on your website.
- bbPress: Keep a log of changes in bbPress forums, topics, bbPress settings and more.
- MainWP: Keep a log of the MainWP network changes and can see the activity logs of all child sites from one central location – the MainWP dashboard.
Refer to activity logs for third party WordPress plugins for a complete list of all the plugins WP Activity Log can keep a log of.
包括的なアクティビティ ログの上に、WP Activity Log には、次のような完全な WordPress ログ記録ソリューションを行う、ログに記録されていない機能も多数用意されています :
- Full WordPress multisite support
- Easily create your custom alerts & notifications to monitor additional functionality
- Built-in support for reverse proxies and web application firewalls
- WhatIsMyIpAddress.com との統合により、マウスクリックだけで IP アドレスに関するすべての情報を取得できます。
- ユーザーまたはロールで WordPress アクティビティ ログを表示できるユーザーを制限
- Settings to toggle (enable/disable) individual event IDs from the activity log
- 最新のクリティカル アクティビティをハイライト表示する、構成可能なダッシュボード ウィジェット
- Configurable WordPress activity log retention policies
- ユーザーアバターは、より良い認識のためにイベントに表示されます
- その他色々…
Premium world-class support for WP Activity Log is free via email or through the WordPress support forums.
Note: Paid customer support is given priority and is provided via one-to-one email. Upgrade to Premium to benefit from priority support.
For any other queries, feedback, or if you simply want to get in touch with us, please use our contact form.
- Kinsta
- Pagely
- Shout Me Loud
- The Dev Couple
- WPKube
- Techwibe
- Tidy Repo
- KitPloit
- and many others.
You can find more detailed information about WP Activity Log and its benefits in the links below
- The WP Activity Log plugin website
- List of WordPress activity log event IDs
- WP Activity Log benefits and features
- WordPress Multisite Features
- The definitive WordPress security guide
Installing WP Activity Log
WordPress 内から WP Activity Log をインストール
- 「プラグイン > 新規追加」 にアクセス
- ‘WP Activity Log’ を検索
- WP Activity Log プラグインをインストールしてアクティブにする
- 診断追跡を許可またはスキップ
WP Activity Log を手動でインストール
- Extract the plugin ZIP file and upload it to the
directory - WordPress の 「プラグイン」 メニューからWP Activity Log プラグインを有効にします
- 診断追跡を許可またはスキップ
Does the free version of WP Activity Log limit the data it collects?
No, the free version does not limit the data the plugin collects. The preium version adds additional features such as extensive log filtering options, external database/log management service integration, user session management, and much more.
How long can I keep the log data for?
You can keep the log data for as long as you want to, with no limits whatsoever placed on data retention. You can keep the log data forever if you want to.
Does the plugin send any log data to Melapress?
No, the plugin does not send any log data to us whatsoever. The only data we recieve is license data from the premium edition of the plugin.
Does the plugin receive updates?
We update the plugin fairly regularly to ensure the plugin continues to run in tip-top shape while adding new features from time to time.
Will WP Activity Log slow down my website?
WP Activity Log will not slow down your website. Each release is tested before release to ensure it works in the best way possible. Having said that, you need to make sure your WordPress web server has adequate resources to manage the load of your website.
Please refer to our support pages for all the technical and product documentation.
5.2.1 (2024-09-12)
- Bug fixes
- Fixed a crash in the WooCommerce sensor which happens when a new WooCommerce user is registered.
- Addressed problem with Redirection sensor when Rest API endpoint is checked.
- Fixed a crash and a number of PHP notices which are triggered when the Redirects plugin and Elementor are installed on the website.
- Addressed problem with system sensor when cron job is checked.
5.2.0 (2024-09-12)
New event IDs to report changes in Redirections plugin
In this update we are introducing out-of-the-box activity logging for changes done in the configuration of the Redirections plugin.- Event ID 10501: A new redirection was created.
- Event ID 10502: Activated a redirection.
- Event ID 10503: Deactivated a redirection.
- Event ID 10504: Changed the source URL of a redirection.
- Event ID 10505: Changed the query parameter of a redirection.
- Event ID 10506: Changed the target URL of a redirection.
- Event ID 10507: Changed the redirection group of a redirection.
- Event ID 10508: Deleted a redirection.
- Event ID 10509: Created a new redirection group.
- Event ID 10510: Activated a redirection group.
- Event ID 10511: Deactivated a redirection group.
- Event ID 10512: Renamed a redirection group.
- Event ID 10513: Changed the module type of a redirection group.
- Event ID 10514: Deleted a redirection group.
New event IDs to report WordPress Cron changes etc
In this update we are introducing coverage of changes in the WordPress cron and the cron jobs / tasks.- Event ID 6066: A new one-time task has been scheduled in the cron.
- Event ID 6067: A new recurring task has been scheduled in the cron.
- Event ID 6068: The schedule of a recurring cron task has changed.
- Event ID 6069: A one-time task has been executed by cron.
- Event ID 6070: A recurring task has been executed by cron.
- Event ID 6071: A one-time task has been deleted from the cron.
- Event ID 6072: A recurring task has been deleted from the cron.
Other generic new event IDs
- Event ID 6063: A new website site icon (favicon) has been added.
- Event ID 6064: The website site icon (favicon) was removed.
- Event ID 7013: Updated WordPress on the network subsites.
- Event ID 5720: Activated or deactivated a GravityForms form.
- Event ID 9155: A comment was added to a WooCommerce order.
Event ID 9156: A comment was deleted from a WooCommerce order.
- Plugin & functionality improvements
- Plugin checks for existing session cookie when user navigates directly to the login page so new users sessions are not created unnecessarily and no users are locked out when session management features are enabled.
- Set the default activity log retention policy to 3 months if not configured by the user.
- User is redirected to the activity log viewer page upon installing the plugin.
- Added some padding / improved plugin’s activity log view in MainWP.
- Added new top floating menu and a banner + footer links in the Free edition of the plugin.
- Improved the text of event ID 6063.
- Removed redundant code that was used to count the number of failed login attempts from an IP address. Now plugin reports every failed login attempt as an individual event in the log.
- Removed redundant code that was used to enable early plugin loading (was typically used on websites that use admin blocking plugins).
- Optimized the WooCommerce sensor to properly report the changes that take place when an order is place in WooCommerce – previously reported too many events which might be confusing.
- Improved support for custom WooCommerce order names (YITH).
- Event ID 1005 (user logged in from a different device) now counts towards the total number of logins when generating user login / activity reports.
- Added the “Settings” node in the MainWP menu (previously only available on the WordPress native dashboard, even when installed on MainWP).
- Applied several recognition updates to the detection of reverse proxy and WAF IP addresses feature.
Added some minor UI tweaks to the HTML reports.
- Bug fixes
- Fixed a number of fatal errors in the WooCommerce sensor which were caused in some edge cases.
- Fixed: Redirect group is now reported in event ID 10501. Previously “null” was reported.
- Fixed: Incorrect time was being reported in the Retention policies settings for the purging of old data in the activity log.
- Fixed: plugin settings not removed when option to delete settings upon uninstall is enabled on a multisite network.
- Fixed: event ID 9156 (changed note in WooCommerce order) reported instead of event ID 9155 (added note to a WooCommerce order).
- Form URL was not reported in some event IDs which report changes in Gravity Forms form changes.
- Fixed: Fatal error when editing WooCommerce products prices in bulk with Advanced Bulk Edit plugin.
- Fixed: Event ID 6064 reported instead of ID 6065 when switching the favicon.
- Fixed: Event ID 9156 was reported twice in the activity log when a WooCommerce order was placed by a non-logged in user.
- Fixed a number of PHP Notices, warnings and deprecated code messages by improving the code for better support of more recent PHP versions.
- Fixed: Plugin was not reporting the change when when the price of a WooCommerce product is changed to NULL via the REST API.
- Fixed a warning about an undefined array key “zapier_integration_active” when saving changes in the Yoast SEO plugin.
Refer to the complete plugin changelog for more detailed information about what was new, improved and fixed in previous version updates of WP Activity Log.