Track returning customers and registered users, monitor Javascript events, detect intrusions, analyze email campaigns. Thousands of WordPress sites are already using it.
Main Features
- リアルタイムアクセスログ: サーバーのレイテンシーの測定、ページ イベントの追跡、直帰率の監視などを行います。
- ショートコード: レポートをウィジェット内、または投稿やページ内に直接表示します。
- GDPR: GDPR ヨーロッパ法に完全準拠しています。cookiebot.com であなたのウェブサイトをテストすることができます。
- フィルター: ユーザーの役割、一般的なボット、IP サブネット、管理ページ、国など、さまざまな基準に基づいて、統計収集からユーザーを除外します。
- Export to Excel: download your reports as CSV files, generate user heatmaps or get daily emails right in your mailbox (via Pro).
- キャッシュ: W3 Total Cache、WP SuperCache、CloudFlare、およびほとんどのキャッシュプラグインと互換性があります。
- プライバシー: ユーザーのプライバシーを保護するためのハッシュ IP アドレス。
- ジオロケーション: 都市や国、ブラウザの種類、オペレーティングシステム (MaxMind と Browscap の提供) によって訪問者を識別します。
- 世界地図: 訪問者がどこから来ているのか、モバイル端末上でも見ることができます (amMap 提供) 。
Pro Pack Features
- Network Analytics: Enable a network-wide view of your reports and settings.
- Email Reports: Receive your reports directly in your mailbox.
- Export to Excel: Download your reports as CSV files.
- Heatmap: Display a heatmap layer of the most clicked areas on your website.
- User Overview: Monitor your registered users by tracking their activities and time on site.
- MaxMind Integration: Connect to MaxMind’s Geolocation API to retrieve detailed information about your visitors.
- Custom DB: Use an external database to store all the information about your visitors.
- Extended Overview: Add custom columns to the User Overview widget and export file.
- WordPress 5.0以降
- PHP 7.4以降
- MySQL 5.0.3以降
- At least 5 MB of free web space (240 MB if you plan on using the external libraries for geolocation and browser detection)
- 10MB 以上の DB 空き容量
- トラッカーのため、最低 32 Mb の PHP メモリ空き容量 (ピーク時メモリ使用量)
- Slimstat Analytics をアンインストールすると、データベースからすべての統計情報が永久に 削除されます。データを失わないように、データベースのバックアップ (wp_slim_*) を設定してください。
- WordPressの管理画面で、プラグイン->新規追加に移動します。
- Slimstat Analytics を検索
- Slimstat Analyticsの横にあるInstall Nowをクリックし、プラグインを有効化します。
- テンプレートが
または同等のフックをどこかで呼び出していることを確認してください (おそらく</body>
An extensive knowledge base is available on our website.
1 reply
I installed this as an alternative to NewStatPress, which is no longer being maintained.Thank you for providing such a great plugin.SlimStat Analytics is an excellent plugin that is easy to use and has many functions, but I would like it to be even better if the widget could display page views (yesterday, today), etc.
1 reply
Nice data and super lightweight on site. Good for seeing clickthru data. I also use Postview. The only downside to the plugin is I run my servers at WP Engine and they still call out the CVE related to 5.0.9 which was shortcode. That was fixed two iterations ago but WPE still considers it unfixed. Getting their engineering team to review it has been a month with no progress. That also says something about the security database at WPE for that matter (ie out of date?).
2 replies
What was the point to remove colors in the first place?
Thank you.
1 reply
Awesome plugin with all analytics you want to have inside your wordpress.
2 replies
Thanks for this plugin! I really enjoy using the real-time user data. It also helps to find out about 404 errors/links on the site. You are doing great 🙂
2 replies
I want a real time stats of active users on various pages of my site. But the real time page simply lists the current users and there is a map showing their location. Also, there are setting for date range??? This page could be configured better. Include setting as to what qualifies a active user (such as entered page within the last 15 minutes). Some information presented is useful. Also, stats regarding performance taxing on server would be good. But as it is, I don’t think I will keep this over GA4.
SlimStat Analytics はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。
5.2.6 – 10.09.2024
- Enhancement: Optimized sorting of originating IP methods for better performance.
- Enhancement: Improved backward compatibility and minor improvements.
- Fix: Resolved issue with the Top Cities shortcode in widget display.
- Dev: Introduced new filter
for enhanced customization.