このプラグインは WordPress の最新3回のメジャーリリースに対してテストされていません。もうメンテナンスやサポートがされていないかもしれず、最新バージョンの WordPress で使用した場合は互換性の問題が発生する可能性があります。

Enable jQuery Migrate Helper


WordPress 5.5 へのアップデートでは、jquery-migrateとして知られている移行ツールがデフォルトで有効にならなくなりました。これにより、古いコードを実行している一部のテーマやプラグインで予期せぬ動作をする可能性があります。


With the update to WordPress 5.6, the included version of jQuery is also upgraded. This means that old code that previously caused warnings now may instead may cause errors or stop working entirely.

Some of the features no longer working will just stop working behind the scenes without any apparent problem.

The plugin will let you downgrade to a previous version of jQuery for a period, but as a site administrator you are encouraged to get the underlying issue fixed.


  1. プラグインフォルダーにアップロードします。通常はwp-content/plugins/です。
  2. プラグイン画面でプラグインを有効化します
  3. それだけです!プラグインは残りを自動的に処理します。




What happens after WordPress 5.6

With the release of WordPress 5.6, the jQuery version also gets updated. This means that plugins or themes that previously caused deprecation warnings now instead will cause errors.
This plugin will allow you to, temporarily, return to the previous version of jQuery if this happens (it will also try to do so automatically for website visitors the first time an error happens) allowing you to fix the code, or replace it.


WordPress.orgに、ブラウザのコンソールログを使用して JavaScript のエラーを診断するに関する記事があります。

The plugin isn’t logging deprecations or changing jQuery versions

If your site has any plugins for combining JavaScript files, or loading them asynchronously, this plugin may be negatively affected and not be able to operate as intended.

If your site requires this plugin to operate, please disable any plugins which interact with the loading of JavaScript files such as the types mentioned above. Once the underlying issue has been resolved, you may remove this plugin and re-enable those other tools.

How do I know if I need this plugin, or not

If something isn’t working correctly on your site after you upgraded WordPress, then you can simply try installing and activating this plugin. If this helps, then you leave this plugin activated and follow the instructions in the plugin. The plugin will tell you when you don’t need it any more.

There are a lot of deprecation warnings when using jQuery version 3

As jQuery version 3 is very new to WordPress, this is expected.

Deprecated notices means that the Migration tool is in place making sure these features still continue working while the related code is updated.


The WooCommerce checkout error was solved and customers can now purchase successfully again. jQuery.Deferred exception: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘defaults’) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘defaults’)
2023年11月18日 1 reply
I really do think that you should still include or incorporate jquery migrate files in new versions or updates of wordpress. It’s crazy that you know this is gonna crash a bunch of sites (like thousands) yet you do it anyway. Oh, and while I’m here, please get rid of the block editor (or whatever the hell it is) in these comments! It’s not intuitive enough. Poor UX/UI. 😟☹️
2023年4月28日 2 replies
Congratulations to whoever made this plugin. There were some editor display issues on wordpress and the plugin fixed them. Now clearly I have to go back to the problem to restore the correct functioning of wordpress. but wow! it was amazing!
This is an excellent plugin! Works perfectly! I just wish there was an option to turn off the message that says this is not a permanent fix.
Boy did this come in handy. Thanks for doing this. It got the menus working. This will give us time to replace the existing theme with our own. Thanks again! JL nwcic.com
I was tired of seeing the jQuery red error, so I made a site backup and installed the plugin thinking I would need to do some sort of tweaking. However, I looked immediately after the install and no error whatsoever. I was pleasantly surprised. 5 Stars for sure. Thanks.


Enable jQuery Migrate Helper はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。


“Enable jQuery Migrate Helper” は16ロケールに翻訳されています。 翻訳者のみなさん、翻訳へのご協力ありがとうございます。

“Enable jQuery Migrate Helper” をあなたの言語に翻訳しましょう。

開発に興味がありますか ?

コードを閲覧するか、SVN リポジトリをチェックするか、開発ログRSS で購読してみてください。


v 1.4.0 (2023-07-31)

  • Fixed a bug where an empty error text would cause the plugin scripts from working properly.
  • Improved how inline scripts are detected and logged when applicable.
  • Improved logging to also capture deprecations within WordPress core.
  • Changed variable declarations for front-end scripts to use var instead of const and let, to improve compatibility for sites servicing older clients.
  • Updated the (modern) bundled jQuery Migrate script to match what is shipped with WordPress core.

v 1.3.0

  • Added legacy jQuery UI to be loaded if legacy jQuery is in use.
  • Added mention of site URLs in automatic emails.
  • Added option to enable/disable automatic downgrades.
  • Added logic to ensure only one downgrade request is sent per page load.
  • Updated logic around automatic downgrades for improved performance.
  • Fixed core deprecation notices being incorrectly labeled as undetermined inline ones.

v 1.2.0

  • Added settings page
  • Added option for downgrading to legacy jQuery
  • Added automatic downgrades
  • Added option to log deprecations in modern jQuery
  • Added e-mail notifications
  • Added weekly email digest of deprecations
  • Added option to allow logging deprecations from anonymous site visitors
  • Changed the handling of inline JavaScript code causing deprecation notices
  • Changed the admin bar to be two fixed links to avoid ever changing contexts
  • Changed the admin notices to be persistent when using legacy jQuery after upgrading to WordPress 5.6
  • Changed how concatenation is disabled, to address public-facing performance concerns
  • Fixed recommendation to remove plugin when not logging any deprecations having the wrong logic and not being displayed.

v 1.1.0

  • バックエンドで非推奨の通知を解除するオプションを追加
  • フロントエンドでの非推奨通知のロギングを追加
  • 非推奨が発生した場合に表示するための管理者バーのエントリを追加
  • ログに記録された非推奨のビューを追加
  • 非推奨がしばらく(1週間)記録されていない場合にプラグインを削除するようユーザーに促すダッシュボード通知を追加しました。
  • WordPress 5.6 が近づくにつれ、ダッシュボードのナグを表示する間隔を2週間から1週間に変更しました。

v 1.0.1

  • 管理者通知の1つが非表示にならないように修正しました。

v 1.0.0

  • 初回リリース。