プラグインタグ: javascript
Enable jQuery Migrate Helper
(109個の評価)Get information about calls to deprecated jQuery features in plugins or themes.
Shortcoder — Create Shortcodes for Anything
(218個の評価)HTML、JavaScript、CSS コードのスニペットのカスタムショートコードを簡単に作成し、投稿、固定ページ、ウィジェット内に呼び出すことができます
Async JavaScript
(102個の評価)Async Javascript lets you add 'async' or 'defer' attribute to scripts to exclude to help increase the performance of your WordPres …
BJ Lazy Load
(90個の評価)画像と iframe の遅延読み込みはウェブサイトの読み込みを早くして、通信帯域を節約します。外部の JavaScript ライブラリに頼らないため、JavaScript が機能しない環境でも正常に動作します。 …
SOGO Add Script to Individual Pages Header Footer
(31個の評価)Simple plugin to add script to header and footer for individual pages & posts
Speculative Loading
(16個の評価)Enables browsers to speculatively prerender or prefetch pages when hovering over links.
Scripts n Styles
(28個の評価)This plugin allows Admin users to individually add HTML, custom CSS, Classes and JavaScript directly to Post, Pages or any other custom post types.
Read More Without Refresh
(51個の評価)Auto-boost your SEO with 100% crawlable by Search Engines, hidden content! Readers will be able to expand more content without refreshing the page, si …
Code Embed
(45個の評価)Code Embed provides a very easy and efficient way to embed code (JavaScript, CSS and HTML) in your posts and pages.
(33個の評価)Lets you use raw HTML or any other code in your posts. You can also disable smart quotes and other automatic formatting on a per-post basis.
Use Google Libraries
(46個の評価)Allows your site to use common javascript libraries from Google's AJAX Libraries CDN, rather than from WordPress's own copies.
WP Coder – Powerful HTML, CSS, JS and PHP Injection
(28個の評価)WP Coder: A profound WordPress plugin for directly incorporating custom HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP codes into your WordPress pages.
Custom CSS and JavaScript
(58個の評価)Easily add custom CSS and JavaScript code to your WordPress site, with draft previewing, revisions, and minification!
CSS & JavaScript Toolbox
(85個の評価)Add code snippets (CSS, JavaScript, HTML, PHP) to your site and choose where it goes. Feel confident with 10 years of security & reliability.
Scripts To Footer
(37個の評価)Move your scripts to the footer to help speed up perceived page load times and improve user experience.
Wise Chat
(103個の評価)WordPress 用の高度なチャットプラグイン。サーバーを必要とせず、複数のチャネル、不適切な言葉のフィルタリング、外観設定、モデレーション、ユーザーの利用停止などをサポートします。
Advance Custom HTML – Code editor block for WordPress
(1個の評価)An advanced HTML code editor which enable you to code professionally. It provides different skins, denting, correction and more.