プラグインタグ: order posts
Intuitive Custom Post Order
(138個の評価)ドラッグ & ドロップで並べ替え可能な JavaScript を使って、直感的に項目 (投稿、ページ、カスタム投稿タイプ、カスタムタクソノミー、サイト) の順序を変えることができます。
Ascending Posts by Fly Plugins
(15個の評価)This plugin adds a feature to a post category to allow the posts in that particular category to be displayed in ascending or descending order by date.
PostMash Custom – custom post order
(0個の評価)Customize display order of posts by a simple drag-and-drop Ajax interface, now with support for custom post types and custom taxonomies.
WP Order By
(7個の評価)Simple and easy way to order your posts, pages or any other custom post-type in a various options.