訪問者が喜ぶ機能豊富なテーブルでサイトを強化しましょう !
- 小さくても大きくても、美しくモダンなデータ テーブルを簡単に作成、編集、管理できます !
- Add live sorting, pagination, searching, and more interactivity for your site’s visitors!
- Use any type of data, insert images, links, and even math formulas!
- Import and export tables from/to Excel, CSV, HTML, and JSON files or URLs.
- Embed tables into posts, pages, or other site areas using the block editor or Shortcodes.
- All with no coding knowledge needed!
Even more great features for you and your site’s visitors and priority email support are available with a Premium license plan of TablePress. Go check them out!
Visit tablepress.org for more information, take a look at example tables, or try TablePress on a free test site. For latest news, follow @TablePress on Twitter/X or subscribe to the TablePress Newsletter.
How to use TablePress
After installing the plugin, you can create and manage tables on the “TablePress” screen in the WordPress Dashboard.
投稿またはページにテーブルを挿入するには、ブロック エディターで「TablePress テーブル」ブロックを追加し、目的のテーブルを選択するか、一般的なページビルダーでショートコードを使用します。
初心者向けのステップバイステップの チュートリアル、ガイド、ハウツー では、TablePress で一般的なタスクを実行する方法を説明します。↵
「カスタム CSS」コードによる一般的なスタイル変更の例は、TablePress FAQ ページ にあります。↵
また、テーブルの「編集」画面で対応するチェックボックスを有効化することで、特定の機能 (並べ替え、ページ区切り、フィルタリング、行の色の切り替え、行の強調表示、名前や説明の印刷など) を追加することもできます。
Even more great features for you and your site’s visitors and priority email support are available with a Premium license plan of TablePress. Go check them out!
「テーブル一覧」画面 「編集」画面 「新規テーブルを追加」画面 「インポート」画面 「エクスポート」画面 「プラグイン設定」画面 「TablePress について」画面 The “TablePress table” block in the block editor An example table (as it can be seen on the TablePress website)
- TablePress table Embed a TablePress table.
The easiest way to install TablePress is via your WordPress Dashboard:
- Go to the “Plugins” screen, click “Add New”, and search for “TablePress” in the WordPress Plugin Directory.
- Click “Install Now” and after that’s complete, click “Activate”.
- Create and manage tables by going to the “TablePress” screen in the admin menu.
- 投稿またはページにテーブルを挿入するには、ブロック エディターで「TablePress テーブル」ブロックを追加し、目的のテーブルを選択するか、一般的なページビルダーでショートコードを使用します。
手動インストールは他の WordPress プラグインと同じように動作します:
- Download the TablePress ZIP file.
- サイトの「プラグイン」画面に移動し、「新規追加」 「プラグインのアップロード」をクリックしてアップロードします。
- または、ZIP ファイルを解凍し、FTP などを使用して “tablepress“ フォルダーを WordPress インストールの “wp-content/plugins/“ ディレクトリに移動します。
- Activate “TablePress” on the “Plugins” screen of your WordPress Dashboard.
- Create and manage tables by going to the “TablePress” screen in the admin menu.
- 投稿またはページにテーブルを挿入するには、ブロック エディターで「TablePress テーブル」ブロックを追加し、目的のテーブルを選択するか、一般的なページビルダーでショートコードを使用します。
さまざまな機能やスタイルに関する多くの質問は、TablePress サイトの FAQ ページ と広範な TablePress プラグインドキュメント で回答されています。
Premium Support
有効な TablePress プレミアムライセンスプランを持つユーザーは、プラグイン開発者から直接、優先メールサポートを受けることができます ! 詳細を見る !
Community Support for users of the Free version
サポートに関する質問、バグレポート、機能リクエストについては、WordPress サポートフォーラム をご利用ください。まずはフォーラムを検索し、既存の回答が見つからない場合にのみ 新しいトピックを作成してください。ありがとうございます !
要するに: WordPress 6.2 以降ですが、WordPress の最新バージョンを常に推奨します。また、サーバーはPHP 7.4以降である必要があります。
TablePress uses the “Translate WordPress” platform. Please see the sidebar on the TablePress page in the WordPress Plugin Directory for available translations.
To make TablePress available in your language, go to the TablePress translations page, log in with a free wordpress.org account and start translating.
You can follow the development of TablePress more closely in its official GitHub repository.
セキュリティ上の問題はどこに報告すればよいですか ?
TablePress のソース コードで見つかったセキュリティ上の問題やバグは、Patchstack 脆弱性開示プログラム を通じて報告してください。↵
Patchstack チームが検証、CVE の割り当てをお手伝いし、TablePress 開発者に通知します。 -
どこでより多くの情報を得ることができますか ?
Visit the plugin website at tablepress.org for the latest news on TablePress, follow @TablePress on Twitter/X, or subscribe to the TablePress Newsletter.
Changes in recent versions are shown below. For earlier changes, please see the changelog history.
Version 3.0.3 (January 27, 2025)
- Several external code libraries and build tools have been updated to benefit from enhancements and bug fixes.
- Bugfix: Ensure that the table exists in the DOM before trying to work with it, when using the “Individual Column Filtering” feature module. (TablePress Pro and Max only.)
- Cleaned up and simplified code, for easier future maintenance, to follow WordPress Coding Standards, and to offer helpful inline documentation.
Version 3.0.2 (January 8, 2025)
- Bugfix: The “TablePress table” block in the WordPress Block Editor will properly show the table preview again, when using a non-block theme.
- Bugfix: Prevent an error in the integration into the WordPress Export feature when using the WP-CLI command line tool.
- Several external code libraries and build tools have been updated to benefit from enhancements and bug fixes.
- Cleaned up and simplified code, for easier future maintenance, to follow WordPress Coding Standards, and to offer helpful inline documentation.
Version 3.0.1 (November 25, 2024)
- Bugfix: The loading of CSS style files when using non-block themes is now working properly again.
- Bugfix: The JavaScript file for the “Table Features for Site Visitors” is no longer loaded when it’s not needed.
- Bugfix: The table width is correct again, when using the “Responsive Tables” module’s “Scroll” mode. (TablePress Pro and Max only.)
- Improvement: Potentially corrupt table settings are detected more reliably during the update process.
- Improved support for PHP 8.4.
- Several external code libraries and build tools have been updated to benefit from enhancements and bug fixes.
Version 3.0 (November 19, 2024)
TablePress 3.0 is a major feature update. Besides a new plugin logo and modernized admin screens, here are the highlights.
Important: Note the list of changes that might require manual adjustments after updating TablePress on your site!
Heavily Improved Frontend Table Rendering
- When using a block theme on the site, CSS style files are only loaded if they are needed, to drastically improve the loading speed!
- You can how have table headers with more than one row and with connected cells!
- Tables are more accessible for visitors with disabilities or that use assistive technologies and easier to use with keyboard navigation!
- Improved search for site visitors, like support of ! for negation as well as accents and diacritics.
- The sorting allows returning to the unsorted order.
- Control elements for filtering and pagination are now responsive, for superior look on small screens.
- A new default pagination style makes it easier to navigate in long tables.
- Automatic right alignment for numbers/dates can be turned on.
- An improved automatic detection of date formats can be activated.
New Premium Feature Modules
- Table Layout
- Easily customize the layout and position of features around your tables.
- Advanced Pagination Settings
- Customize the pagination settings of your tables.
- Inverted Filtering
- Turn the filtering into a search and hide tables if no search term is entered.
Many New Features and Enhancements for Existing Premium Features
- Default Style Customizer
- You can now change colors for premium features with ease!
- Fixed Columns
- Fixed columns have a clearer separation from scrolling columns!
- Individual Column Filter
- Filters will be shown in an extra header or footer row!
- An option to configure which columns get a filter control was added!
- Automatic Periodic Table Import:
- A “Run now” button allows triggering imports outside of the configured schedule.
- E-Mail error notifications: TablePress can now notify the site admin if an import fails!
- Row Highlighting and Cell Highlighting
- The highlight term can now be provided via a URL parameter!
- Server-side Processing
- Added caching support for POST requests
- Added compatibility with the “Automatic Filtering” feature module and the “Input” field mode of the “Individual Column Filtering” feature module.
Changes that Might Require Adjustments (Backwards-compatibility Breaks)
- Some outdated and retired TablePress Extensions will no longer work! Read more!
- The new structure of the table controls might require adjustments in your “Custom CSS” code!
- The CSS code for “Alternating Row Colors” has changed!
- The CSS code for changing colors of actively sorted-on column header cells has changed.
- The sorting arrow icons look slightly different now — but are loaded faster.
- The default pagination type now shows numbers in addition to left/right arrow icons, which also don’t show the “Previous”/”Next” texts anymore!
Behind the scenes
- TablePress 3.0 requires WordPress 6.2 and PHP 7.4.
- Cleaned up and simplified code, for easier future maintenance, to follow WordPress Coding Standards, and to offer helpful inline documentation.
- Updated external libraries to benefit from enhancements and bug fixes.
- Automated code compatibility checks and build tools simplify chores for easier development.
- Support for PHP 8.4.
- Full compatibility with WordPress 6.7.
Premium versions
- Even more great features for you and your site’s visitors and priority email support are available with a Premium license plan of TablePress. Go check them out!