プラグインタグ: shortcode
MW WP Form
(22個の評価)MW WP Form はショートコードベースのフォームプラグインです。このプラグインには沢山の機能がついています。例えば、様々なバリデーションルールを使ったり、問い合わせデータを保存することができます。
Shortcoder — Create Shortcodes for Anything
(220個の評価)HTML、JavaScript、CSS コードのスニペットのカスタムショートコードを簡単に作成し、投稿、固定ページ、ウィジェット内に呼び出すことができます
Display Posts – Easy lists, grids, navigation, and more
Woody code snippets – Insert Header Footer Code, AdSense Ads
(206個の評価)Insert Headers and Footers, executes PHP code, uses conditional logic to insert ads, text, media content and external service’s code.
Advanced iFrame
(52個の評価)Include content the way YOU like in an iframe that can hide and modify elements, does auto height, forward parameters and does many, many more…
Insert Pages
(69個の評価)Insert Pages lets you embed any WordPress content (e.g., pages, posts, custom post types) into other WordPress content using the Shortcode API.
Forget About Shortcode Buttons
(69個の評価)A visual way to add CSS buttons in the rich text editor and to your themes.
Team Members
(53個の評価)あなたのチームを表示するための、レスポンシブでクリーンな方法です。メンバーを作成し、役職、経歴 (その他…) を追加し、ショートコードをコピーしてどこにでも貼り付けできます。
Donations via PayPal
(25個の評価)Easy, simple setup to add a PayPal Donation button as a Widget or with a shortcode.
Post Snippets – Custom WordPress Code Snippets Customizer
(93個の評価)Create WordPress custom snippets shortcodes and reusable content and insert them in into your posts and pages.
Content Blocks (Custom Post Widget)
(79個の評価)This plugin enables you to edit and display Content Blocks in a sidebar widget or using a shortcode.
The Events Calendar Shortcode & Block
(84個の評価)Add shortcode, block and Elementor widget functionality to The Events Calendar Plugin, so you can easily list and promote your events anywhere.
Tabby Responsive Tabs
(143個の評価)Create responsive tabs inside your posts, pages or custom post content by adding simple shortcodes inside the post editor.
Responsive Pricing Table
(92個の評価)A responsive and elegant way to present your offer to your visitors. Create a new pricing table now and copy-paste the shortcode anywhere.